use strict;
use Carp;
use Data::Focus qw(focus);
use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr);
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $self = bless {
map { ($_ => $args{$_}) } qw(test_whole test_part parts)
}, $class;
foreach my $key (qw(test_whole test_part)) {
croak "$key must be a code-ref" if ref($self->{$key}) ne "CODE";
croak "parts must be an array-ref" if ref($self->{parts}) ne "ARRAY";
return $self;
sub parts {
return @{$_[0]->{parts}};
sub test_lens_laws {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
my @args = _get_args(%args);
my $exp_focal_points = $args[2];
if($exp_focal_points == 0) {
}elsif($exp_focal_points == 1) {
}else {
sub _get_args {
my (%args) = @_;
my $lens = $args{lens};
croak "lens must be Data::Focus::Lens object" if !eval { $lens->isa("Data::Focus::Lens") };
my $target = $args{target};
croak "target must be a code-ref" if ref($target) ne "CODE";
my $exp_focal_points = $args{exp_focal_points};
croak "exp_focal_points must be Int" if !defined($exp_focal_points) || $exp_focal_points !~ /^\d+$/;
return ($target, $lens, $exp_focal_points);
sub _test_focal_points {
my ($self, $target, $lens, $exp_focal_points) = @_;
subtest "focal points" => sub {
my @ret = focus($target->())->list($lens);
is scalar(@ret), $exp_focal_points, "list() returns $exp_focal_points focal points";
sub _test_set_set {
my ($self, $target, $lens, $exp_focal_points) = @_;
subtest "set-set law" => sub {
foreach my $i1 (0 .. $#{$self->{parts}}) {
foreach my $i2 (0 .. $#{$self->{parts}}) {
next if $i1 == $i2;
my ($part1, $part2) = @{$self->{parts}}[$i1, $i2];
my $left_target = $target->();
my $right_target = $target->();
my $left_result = focus( focus($left_target)->set($lens, $part1) )->set($lens, $part2);
my $right_result = focus($right_target)->set($lens, $part2);
$self->{test_whole}->($left_result, $right_result);
sub _test_set_get {
my ($self, $target, $lens, $exp_focal_points) = @_;
subtest "set-get law" => sub {
foreach my $part (@{$self->{parts}}) {
my $left_target = $target->();
my $left_set = focus($left_target)->set($lens, $part);
my @left_parts = focus($left_set)->list($lens);
$self->{test_part}->($_, $part) foreach @left_parts;
sub _test_get_set {
my ($self, $target, $lens, $exp_focal_points) = @_;
subtest "get-set law" => sub {
foreach my $part (@{$self->{parts}}) {
my $left_target = $target->();
my $left_result = focus($left_target)->set($lens, focus($left_target)->get($lens));
$self->{test_whole}->($left_result, $target->());
foreach my $method_base (qw(set_set set_get get_set)) {
no strict "refs";
my $method_impl = "_test_$method_base";
*{"test_$method_base"} = sub {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
my @args = _get_args(%args);
=head1 NAME
Data::Focus::LensTester - tester for Lens implementations
use Test::More;
use Data::Focus::LensTester;
use Data::Focus::Lens::HashArray::Index;
my $tester = Data::Focus::LensTester->new(
test_whole => sub { is_deeply($_[0], $_[1]) },
test_part => sub { is($_[0], $_[1]) },
parts => [undef, 1, "str"]
my $create_target = sub {
+{ foo => "bar" }
my $lens = Data::Focus::Lens::HashArray::Index->new(
index => "foo"
lens => $lens, target => $create_target,
exp_focal_points => 1
L<Data::Focus::LensTester> tests some common properties for lenses. They are called the "lens laws".
Concepturally, the lens laws are described as follows.
=item set-get law
focus( focus($target)->set($lens, $part) )->get($lens) == $part
You get the exact C<$part> you just set.
=item get-set law
focus($target)->set( $lens, focus($target)->get($lens) ) == $target
If you put back the part you just got out of the C<$target>, it changes nothing.
=item set-set law
focus( focus($target)->set($lens, $part1) )->set($lens, $part2) == focus($target)->set($lens, $part2)
The C<$lens>'s focal point is consistent, so C<$part1> is overwritten by C<$part2>.
L<Data::Focus::LensTester> tests these laws with given set of C<$part>s.
=head2 Tests and Focal Points
Depending on how many focal points the lens creates on the target, C<test_lens_laws()> method tests the following laws.
=item 0 focal point
It tests "get-set" and "set-set" laws. "set-get" law cannot be met.
=item 1 focal point
It tests all three laws.
=item more than one focal points
It tests "set-get" and "set-set" laws.
In "set-get" law, the C<set()> method should set all focal points to the same value.
=head2 Exception
Not all lenses meet all the lens laws.
Consider the following code for example.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $undef;
$undef->[0] = $undef->[0]; ## get and set
print Dumper $undef;
## => $VAR1 = [
## => undef
## => ];
If we think of C<< ->[0] >> as a lens, the above example clearly breaks the "get-set" law because of autovivification.
If you expect that kind of behavior, do not use C<test_lens_laws()> method.
Use C<test_set_get()> etc instead.
=head2 $tester = Data::Focus::LensTester->new(%args)
The constructor. Fields in C<%args> are:
=item C<test_whole> => CODE (mandatory)
A code-ref that tests if two "whole" data are the same.
A whole data is a data whose level of complexity is the same as the target data.
This code-ref is called like:
$test_whole->($whole1, $whole2)
C<$test_whole> must test equality between C<$whole1> and C<$whole2> in a L<Test::More> way.
=item C<test_part> => CODE (mandatory)
A code-ref that tests if two "part" data are the same.
A part data is a data that can be included in a whole data.
This code-ref is called like:
$test_part->($part1, $part2)
C<$test_part> must test equality between C<$part1> and C<$part2> in a L<Test::More> way.
=item C<parts> => ARRAYREF_OF_PARTS (mandatory)
List of "part" data used for testing. At least two parts are necessary.
=head2 $tester->test_lens_laws(%args)
Test a L<Data::Focus::Lens> object to see if it follows the lens law. See L</Tests and Focal Points>.
Fields in C<%args> are:
=item C<lens> => L<Data::Focus::Lens> object (mandatory)
The lens to be tested.
=item C<target> => CODE (mandatory)
A code-ref that returns the target object. It is called without argument.
$target_data = $target->()
The C<$target> code-ref must return a brand-new C<$target_data> object for every call.
=item C<exp_focal_points> => INT (mandatory)
Expected number of focal points the lens creates for the target.
=head2 $tester->test_set_get(%args)
=head2 $tester->test_get_set(%args)
=head2 $tester->test_set_set(%args)
Test individual lens laws. C<%args> are the same as C<test_lens_laws()> method.
=head2 @parts = $tester->parts
Get the parts passed in C<new()> method.
=head1 AUTHOR
Toshio Ito, C<< <toshioito at> >>