use strict;
note("--- execution order of parallel then() callbacks (both on_fulfilled and on_rejected). They should be called in the order of then() calls.");
foreach my $case (qw(immediate pending)) {
note("--- $case fulfill");
my $f = Future::Q->new;
if($case eq "immediate") {
my @result = ();
foreach my $i (0 .. 3) {
$f->then(sub { push @result, $_[0] + $i });
if($case ne "immediate") {
is_deeply \@result, [10, 11, 12 ,13], "$case: order of on_fulfilled callbacks OK";
foreach my $case (qw(immediate pending)) {
note("--- $case reject");
my $f = Future::Q->new;
if($case eq "immediate") {
my @result = ();
my @result_futures = ();
foreach my $i (0 .. 3) {
push @result_futures, $f->catch(sub { push @result, $_[0] + $i });
if($case ne "immediate") {
is_deeply \@result, [10, 11, 12, 13], "$case: order of on_rejected callbacks OK";
$_->catch(sub {}) foreach @result_futures; ## mark error handled.