use strict;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::RealBin";
use testlib::Utils qw(newf filter_callbacks is_immediate);
note("------ tests to cancel next_future of then");
note("--- Case: pending invocant future");
my $f = newf;
my $nf = $f->then(sub {
fail("this should not be executed.");
}, sub {
fail("this should not be executed.");
memory_cycle_ok($f, "f is free of cyclic ref");
memory_cycle_ok($nf, "nf is free of cyclic ref");
ok($f->is_pending, "f is pending");
ok($nf->is_pending, "nf is pending");
ok($nf->is_cancelled, "nf is cancelled");
ok($f->is_cancelled, "If invocant future (f) is still pending, f is cancelled when nf is cancelled.");
memory_cycle_ok($f, "f is still free of cyclic ref");
memory_cycle_ok($nf, "nf is still free of cyclic ref");
foreach my $case (
{invo => "immediate_done", arg => "on_done"},
{invo => "immediate_done", arg => "both"},
{invo => "pending_done", arg => "on_done"},
{invo => "pending_done", arg => "both"},
{invo => "immediate_fail", arg => "on_fail"},
{invo => "immediate_fail", arg => "both"},
{invo => "pending_fail", arg => "on_fail"},
{invo => "pending_fail", arg => "both"},
my $case_str = "$case->{invo},$case->{arg}";
note("--- Case: $case_str -> pending returned future");
my %switch_f = (
immediate_done => sub { newf()->fulfill(1,2,3) },
pending_done => sub { newf() },
immediate_fail => sub { newf()->reject(1,2,3) },
pending_fail => sub { newf() },
my $f = $switch_f{$case->{invo}}->();
my $rf = newf;
my $callbacked = 0;
my $nf = $f->then(filter_callbacks $case->{arg}, sub {
return $rf;
}, sub {
return $rf;
if(not is_immediate($case->{invo})) {
ok($f->is_pending, "f is pending");
ok($nf->is_pending, "nf is pending");
memory_cycle_ok($f, "f is free of cyclic ref while pending");
memory_cycle_ok($nf, "nf is free of cyclic ref while f is pending");
if($case->{invo} eq "pending_done") {
}elsif($case->{invo} eq "pending_fail") {
}else {
die "Unexpected case->invo: $case->{invo}";
is($callbacked, 1, "callback executed once");
ok($nf->is_pending, "nf is pending");
ok($rf->is_pending, "rf is pending");
memory_cycle_ok($f, "f is free of cyclic ref");
memory_cycle_ok($nf, "nf is free of cyclic ref");
memory_cycle_ok($rf, "rf is free of cyclic ref");
ok($rf->is_cancelled, "If returned future (rf) is pending, rf is cancelled when nf is cancelled.");
memory_cycle_ok($f, "f is still free of cyclic ref");
memory_cycle_ok($nf, "nf is still free of cyclic ref");
memory_cycle_ok($rf, "rf is still free of cyclic ref");