use strict;
use warnings FATAL => "all";
my $val = Gnuplot::Builder::JoinDict->new(
separator => ",", content => [width => 400, height => 300]
foreach my $case (
{label => "single", method => "set_option",
val => $val, exp => qq{set term 400,300\n}},
{label => "in array", method => "set_option",
val => [$val, "foo"], exp => qq{set term 400,300\nset term foo\n}},
{label => "from code", method => "set_option",
val => sub { ($val, "foo") }, exp => qq{set term 400,300\nset term foo\n}},
{label => "single", method => "setq_option",
val => $val, exp => qq{set term '400,300'\n}},
{label => "in array", method => "setq_option",
val => [$val, "foo"], exp => qq{set term '400,300'\nset term 'foo'\n}},
{label => "from code", method => "setq_option",
val => sub { ($val, "foo") }, exp => qq{set term '400,300'\nset term 'foo'\n}},
) {
my $script = Gnuplot::Builder::Script->new;
my $method = $case->{method};
$script->$method(term => $case->{val});
is $script->to_string, $case->{exp}, "$case->{label}: $case->{method}: to_string() OK";
my @got_list = $script->get_option("term");
my $got_scalar = $script->get_option("term");
if($case->{method} eq "set_option") {
identical $got_list[0], $val, "$case->{label}: $case->{method}: get_option() in list returns the object";
identical $got_scalar, $val, "$case->{label}: $case->{method}: get_option() in scalar returns the object";
}else {
ok !ref($got_list[0]), "$case->{label}: $case->{method}: get_option() in list returns a stringified and quoted object";
ok !ref($got_scalar), "$case->{label}: $case->{method}: get_option() in scalar returns a stringified and quoted object";