use v5.26;
use Data::Transform qw(concat_position);
use experimental qw(signatures);
my $book_1 = bless({id => 3, title => "War and Peace"}, 'MyApp::Model::Result::Book');
my $book_2 = bless({id => 4, title => "A Tale of Two Cities"}, 'MyApp::Model::Result::Book');
my $d = Data::Transform::Position->new(
position => '/shelf/book',
transformer => Data::Transform::Default->new(
handler => sub ($entity) {
return {title => $entity->{title}};
my $o = {
shelf => {
book => $book_1
current => $book_2
my $base = concat_position(undef, undef);
is($d->applies_to(value => undef, position => $base), $NO_MATCH, 'check position applies_to (hash-outer)');
is($d->applies_to(value => undef, position => concat_position($base, 'shelf')),
$NO_MATCH, 'check position applies_to (hash-inner)');
$d->applies_to(value => undef, position => concat_position(concat_position($base, 'shelf'), 'book')),
'check position applies_to (object)'
is($d->applies_to(value => undef, position => concat_position($base, 'current')),
$NO_MATCH, 'check position applies-to (wrong object)');
is($d->transform($o->{shelf}->{book}), {title => 'War and Peace'}, 'check transform at position');
$d = Data::Transform::Position->new(
position => ['/attachment', '/elements/*/attachment', '/find/**/attachment'],
transformer => Data::Transform::Default->new(
handler => sub ($entity) {undef}
is($d->applies_to(value => undef, position => concat_position($base, 'current')), $NO_MATCH, 'check complex transform at position');
is($d->applies_to(value => undef, position => "/attachment"), $MATCH_EXACT_POSITION | $MATCH_DEFAULT, "check attachment match");
is($d->applies_to(value => undef, position => "/my_attachment"), $NO_MATCH, "check attachment non-match");
$d->applies_to(value => undef, position => "/elements/4/attachment"),
"check inner attachment match"
$d->applies_to(value => undef, position => "/find/this/anywhere/attachment"),
"check double-wildcard attachment match"
is($d->applies_to(value => undef, position => "/not/this/anywhere/attachment"),
$NO_MATCH, "check double-wildcard attachment no-match");