our $VERSION = "1.43";
use v5.14;
use utf8;
use Encode;
use open IO => 'utf8', ':std';
use Getopt::EX::Long qw(:DEFAULT Configure ExConfigure);
ExConfigure BASECLASS => [ __PACKAGE__, "Getopt::EX" ];
Configure qw(bundling);
use List::Util qw(max sum min);
use Text::ANSI::Fold qw(ansi_fold);
use Text::ANSI::Fold::Util qw(ansi_width);
use Text::ANSI::Printf qw(ansi_printf ansi_sprintf);
use Getopt::EX::RPN qw(rpn_calc);
BORDER => '',
TEXT => '',
use Getopt::EX::Hashed 1.05; {
Getopt::EX::Hashed->configure( DEFAULT => [ is => 'rw' ] );
has debug => ' ' ;
has help => ' h ' ;
has version => ' v ' ;
has width => ' =s w c ' ;
has fillrows => ' x ' ;
has table => ' t ' ;
has table_columns_limit => ' =i l ' , default => 0 ;
has table_align => ' ! A ' ;
has table_tabs => ' + T ' ;
has table_right => ' =s R ' , default => '' ;
has separator => ' =s s ' , default => ' ' ;
has regex_sep => ' r ' ;
has output_separator => ' =s o ' , default => ' ' ;
has document => ' D ' ;
has parallel => ' ! V ' ;
has filename => ' ! H ' ;
has filename_format => ' =s ' , default => ': %s';
has ignore_empty => ' ! I ' , default => 0 ;
has pages => ' ! ' ;
has up => ' :s U ' ;
has page => ' :i P ' , min => 0;
has pane => ' =s C ' , default => 0 ;
has cell => ' =s X ' ;
has pane_width => ' =s S pw ' ;
has widen => ' ! W ' ;
has paragraph => ' ! p ' ;
has height => ' =s ' , default => 0 ;
has column_unit => ' =i cu ' , min => 1, default => 8 ;
has margin => ' =i ' , min => 0, default => 1 ;
has tabstop => ' =i ' , min => 1, default => 8 ;
has tabhead => ' =s ' ;
has tabspace => ' =s ' ;
has tabstyle => ' :s ts ' ;
has ignore_space => ' ! is ' , default => 1 ;
has linestyle => ' =s ls ' , default => '' ;
has boundary => ' =s ' , default => '' ;
has linebreak => ' =s lb ' , default => '' ;
has runin => ' =i ' , min => 0, default => 2 ;
has runout => ' =i ' , min => 0, default => 2 ;
has runlen => ' =i ' ;
has pagebreak => ' ! ' , default => 1 ;
has border => ' :s ' ; has B => '' , action => sub { $_->border = '' } ;
has no_border => ' ' , action => sub { $_->border = 'none' } ;
has border_style => ' =s bs ' , default => 'box' ;
has white_space => ' ! ' , default => 2 ;
has isolation => ' ! ' , default => 2 ;
has fillup => ' :s ' ; has F => '' , action => sub { $_->fillup = '' } ;
has fillup_str => ' :s ' , default => '' ;
has ambiguous => ' =s ' , default => 'narrow' ;
has discard_el => ' ! ' , default => 1 ;
has padchar => ' =s ' , default => ' ' ;
has colormap => ' =s@ cm ' , default => [] ;
has '+boundary' => any => [ qw(none word space) ] ;
has '+linestyle' => any => [ qw(none wordwrap wrap truncate) ] ;
has '+fillup' => any => [ qw(pane page none), '' ] ;
has '+ambiguous' => any => [ qw(wide narrow) ] ;
# --2up .. --9up
my $nup = sub { $_[0] =~ /^(\d+)/ and $_->up = $1 } ;
for my $n (2..9) {
has "${n}up" => '', action => $nup;
# for run-time use
has span => ;
has panes => ;
has border_height => ;
has current_page => ;
Getopt::EX::Hashed->configure( DEFAULT => [] );
has '+help' => sub {
-verbose => 99,
-sections => [ qw(SYNOPSIS VERSION) ];
has '+version' => sub {
say "Version: $VERSION";
### RPN calc for --height, --width, --pane, --up, --pane-width
has [ qw(+height +width +pane +up +pane_width) ] => sub {
my $obj = $_;
my($name, $val) = @_;
$obj->$name = $val !~ /\D/ ? $val : do {
my $init = $name =~ /height/ ? $obj->term_height : $obj->term_width;
rpn_calc($init, $val) // die "$val: invalid $name.\n";
### --ambiguous=wide
has '+ambiguous' => sub {
if ($_[1] eq 'wide') {
$Text::VisualWidth::PP::EastAsian = 1;
Text::ANSI::Fold->configure(ambiguous => 'wide');
### --runlen
has '+runlen' => sub {
$_->runin = $_->runout = $_[1];
# for backward compatibility, would be deplicated
has run => '=i';
has '+run' => sub {
$_->runin = $_->runout = $_[1];
### --tabstop, --tabstyle
has [ qw(+tabstop +tabstyle) ] => sub {
my($name, $val) = map "$_", @_;
if ($val eq '') {
Text::ANSI::Fold->configure($name => $val);
### --tabhead, --tabspace
use charnames ':loose';
has [ qw(+tabhead +tabspace) ] => sub {
my($name, $c) = map "$_", @_;
$c = charnames::string_vianame($c) || die "$c: invalid name\n"
if length($c) > 1;
Text::ANSI::Fold->configure($name => $c);
### -A
has '+table_align' => sub {
if ($_->table_align = $_[1]) {
$_->table = $_[1];
### -T, -TT
has '+table_tabs' => sub {
# incremental behavior
$_->table_tabs += $_[1];
if ($_->table_tabs == 1) {
# enable -t and -A
$_->table = $_->table_align = $_[1];
} elsif ($_->table_tabs == 2) {
# set -rs '\t+'
$_->regex_sep = 1;
$_->separator = '\\t+';
has TERM_SIZE => ;
has COLORHASH => default => { %DEFAULT_COLORMAP };
has COLORLIST => default => [];
has COLOR => ;
has BORDER => ;
} no Getopt::EX::Hashed;
sub list_tabstyle {
my %style = %Text::ANSI::Fold::TABSTYLE;
my $max = max map length, keys %style;
for my $name (sort keys %style) {
my($head, $space) = @{$style{$name}};
printf "%*s %s%s\n", $max, $name, $head, $space x 7;
sub perform {
my $obj = shift;
local @ARGV = decode_argv(@_);
$obj->getopt || pod2usage(2);
warn Dumper $obj if $obj->debug;
my @files = $obj->read_files(@ARGV ? @ARGV : '-') or return 1;
if ($obj->ignore_empty) {
@files = grep { @{$_->{data}} > 0 } @files;
if ($obj->table) {
my @lines = map { @{$_->{data}} } @files;
elsif ($obj->parallel) {
else {
return 0
sub setup_options {
my $obj = shift;
## --parallel or @ARGV > 1
if ($obj->parallel //= @ARGV > 1) {
$obj->linestyle ||= 'wrap';
$obj->widen //= 1;
$obj->border //= '';
## --border takes optional border-style value
if (defined(my $border = $obj->border)) {
if ($border ne '') {
$obj->border_style = $border;
$obj->border = 1;
$obj->fillup //= 'pane';
## --linestyle
if ($obj->linestyle eq 'wordwrap') {
$obj->linestyle = 'wrap';
$obj->boundary = 'word';
## -P
if (defined $obj->page) {
$obj->widen = 1 if $obj->pane and not $obj->pane_width;
$obj->height ||= $obj->page || $obj->term_height - 1;
$obj->linestyle ||= 'wrap';
$obj->border //= 1;
$obj->fillup //= 'pane';
## -U
if ($obj->up) {
$obj->pane = $obj->up;
$obj->widen = 1;
$obj->linestyle ||= 'wrap';
$obj->border //= 1;
$obj->fillup //= 'pane';
## -D
if ($obj->document) {
$obj->widen = 1;
$obj->linebreak ||= 'all';
$obj->linestyle ||= 'wrap';
$obj->boundary ||= 'word';
$obj->white_space = 0 if $obj->white_space > 1;
$obj->isolation = 0 if $obj->isolation > 1;
## --colormap
my $cm = Getopt::EX::Colormap
->new(HASH => $obj->{COLORHASH}, LIST => $obj->{COLORLIST})
$obj->{COLOR} = sub { $cm->color(@_) };
## --border
if ($obj->border) {
my $style = $obj->border_style;
($obj->{BORDER} = App::ansicolumn::Border->new)
->style($style) // die "$style: Unknown style.\n";
sub color {
my $obj = shift;
sub parallel_out {
my $obj = shift;
my @files = @_;
my $max_line_length = max map { $_->{length} } @files;
$obj->pane ||= @files;
# calculate span and set for each file
if (my $cell = $obj->cell) {
my @spans = split /,+/, $cell;
for my $i (keys @files) {
my $span = $spans[$i] // $spans[-1];
if ($span =~ /^[-+]/) {
$span += $obj->{span};
$span < 0 and die "Invalid number: $cell\n";
elsif ($span =~ s/^(<=|[<=])//) {
my $length = $files[$i]->{length};
$span = $span ? min($length, $span) : $length;
elsif ($span !~ /^\d+$/) {
die "Invalid number: $cell\n";
$files[$i]->{span} = $span;
$obj->set_contents($_) for @files;
while (@files) {
my @rows = splice @files, 0, $obj->pane;
my $max_length = max map { int @{$_->{data}} } @rows;
my @span = map { $_->{span} // $obj->span } @rows;
if ($obj->filename) {
my $w = $obj->span + $obj->border_width('center');
my $format = join '', (
(map {
my $w = $_ + $obj->border_width('center');
} @span[0..$#span-1]),
ansi_printf $format, map {
ansi_sprintf $obj->filename_format, $_->{name};
} @rows;
{ span => \@span },
map {
my $data = $_->{data};
my $length = @$data;
push @$data, (($obj->fillup_str) x ($max_length - $length));
} @rows);
return $obj;
sub nup_out {
my $obj = shift;
my @files = @_;
my $max_length = max map { $_->{length} } @files;
my $reset = do { my @o = %$obj; sub { %$obj = @o } };
for my $file (@files) {
my $data = $file->{data};
next if @$data == 0;
return $obj;
sub read_files {
my $obj = shift;
my @files;
for my $file (@_) {
open my $fh, $file or die "$file: $!";
my $content = do { local $/; <$fh> } // do {
warn "$file: $!\n" if $!;
my @data = $obj->pages ? split(/\f/, $content) : $content;
for my $data (@data) {
my @line = split /\n/, $data;
@line = insert_space @line if $obj->paragraph;
my $length = do {
if ($obj->table) {
max map length, @line;
} else {
$obj->expand_tab(\@line, \my @length);
max @length;
push @files, {
name => $file,
length => $length // 0,
data => \@line,
sub expand_tab {
my $obj = shift;
my($dp, $lp) = @_;
for (@$dp) {
($_, my($dmy, $length)) = ansi_fold $_, -1, expand => 1;
push @$lp, $length;
sub set_horizontal {
my $obj = shift;
my $max_data_length = shift;
use integer;
my $width = $obj->get_width - $obj->border_width(qw(left right));
my $unit = $obj->column_unit // 1;
my $span;
my $panes;
my $claim = sum($max_data_length,
$obj->border_width('center') || $obj->margin);
if ($obj->widen and not $obj->pane_width) {
$panes = $obj->pane || $width / $claim || 1;
$span = ($width + $obj->border_width('center')) / $panes;
} else {
$span = $obj->pane_width || roundup($claim, $unit);
$panes = $obj->pane || $width / $span || 1;
$span -= $obj->border_width('center');
$span < 1 and die "Not enough space.\n";
($obj->span, $obj->panes) = ($span, $panes);
return $obj;
sub set_contents {
my $obj = shift;
my $fp = shift;
my $dp = $fp->{data};
(my $cell_width = $obj->span - $obj->runin_margin) < 1
and die "Not enough space.\n";
# Fold long lines
if ($obj->linestyle and $obj->linestyle ne 'none') {
my $w = $fp->{span} // $cell_width;
my $fold = $obj->foldsub($w) or die;
@$dp = map { $fold->($_) } @$dp;
return $obj;
sub set_vertical {
my $obj = shift;
my $dp = shift;
$obj->border_height = do {
sum map { length > 0 }
map { $obj->get_border($_) }
qw(top bottom);
$obj->height ||= div(int @$dp, $obj->panes) + $obj->border_height;
die "Not enough height.\n" if $obj->effective_height <= 0;
return $obj;
sub page_out {
my $obj = shift;
for ($obj->current_page = 0; @_; $obj->current_page++) {
my @columns = grep { @$_ } do {
if ($obj->fillrows) {
xpose map { [ splice @_, 0, $obj->panes ] } 1 .. $obj->effective_height;
} else {
map { [ splice @_, 0, $obj->effective_height ] } 1 .. $obj->panes;
return $obj;
sub color_border {
my $obj = shift;
$obj->color('BORDER', $obj->get_border(@_));
sub column_out {
my $obj = shift;
my $opt = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift : {};
# span list is given in parallel view mode
my @span = $opt->{span} ? @{$opt->{span}} : (($obj->{span}) x @_);
@span == @_ or die;
# insert top/bottom border
my %bd = map { $_ => $obj->get_border($_) } qw(top bottom);
if ($bd{top} or $bd{bottom}) {
while (my($i, $e) = each @_) {
unshift @$e, $obj->color('BORDER', $bd{top} x $span[$i]) if $bd{top};
push @$e, $obj->color('BORDER', $bd{bottom} x $span[$i]) if $bd{bottom};
my $max = max map $#{$_}, @_;
for my $i (0 .. $max) {
my $pos = $i == 0 ? 0 : $i == $max ? 2 : 1;
my @span = @span;
my @panes = map {
@$_ ? ansi_sprintf("%-*s", shift @span, shift @$_) : ();
} @_;
print $obj->color_border('left', $pos, $obj->current_page);
print join $obj->color_border('center', $pos, $obj->current_page),
map { $obj->color('TEXT', $_) } @panes;
print $obj->color_border('right', $pos, $obj->current_page);
print "\n";
return $obj;
sub _numbers {
Getopt::EX::Numbers->new(min => 1, @_);
sub table_out {
my $obj = shift;
return unless @_;
my $split = do {
if ($obj->separator eq ' ') {
$obj->ignore_space ? ' ' : qr/\s+/;
} elsif ($obj->regex_sep) {
} else {
my @lines = map { [ split $split, $_, $obj->table_columns_limit ] } @_;
my @length = map { [ map { ansi_width $_ } @$_ ] } @lines;
my @max = map { max @$_ } xpose @length;
if ($obj->table_align) {
my @tabs = map { roundup $_, $obj->column_unit, $obj->margin } @max;
# --table-tabs
if ($obj->table_tabs) {
my $cu = $obj->column_unit;
while (my($lx, $l) = each @lines) {
while (my($fx, $f) = each @$l) {
print $f;
if ($fx == $#{$l}) {
print "\n";
} else {
print "\t" x div($tabs[$fx] - $length[$lx][$fx], $cu);
return $obj;
@max = map { $_ - $obj->margin } @tabs;
$obj->output_separator = ' ' x $obj->margin;
my @align = newlist(count => int @max, default => '-',
[ map --$_, map {
_numbers(max => int @max)->parse($_)->sequence
} split /,/, $obj->table_right ] => '');
my @format = map "%$align[$_]$max[$_]s", keys @max;
for my $line (@lines) {
next unless @$line;
my @fmt = @format[keys @$line];
$fmt[$#fmt] = '%s' if $align[$#fmt] eq '-';
my $format = join($obj->output_separator, @fmt) . "\n";
ansi_printf $format, @$line;
return $obj;
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
ansicolumn - ANSI sequence aware column command
Document is included in executable script.
Use `perldoc ansicolumn`.
=head1 AUTHOR
Kazumasa Utashiro
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright 2020- Kazumasa Utashiro.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.