Revision history for Perl extension Text-ANSI-Tabs
1.06 2024-11-16T07:09:49Z
use new Text::ANSI::Fold@2.25 interface
1.0501 2024-03-24T00:40:44Z
fixed bug of unexpected behabior in configure()
1.05 2024-03-23T11:39:37Z
do not convert single space to tab by default
introduce "minimum" config parameter to set minimum
number of spaces to be converted
1.04 2024-03-22T01:32:12Z
make configure method can set tabstop
1.03 2023-01-10T09:26:21Z
require Text::ANSI::Fold@2.19
1.02 2022-12-20T09:08:18Z
require Text::ANSI::Fold@2.17
1.01 2022-08-05T23:11:23Z
Release 1.01.
0.08 2022-08-05T21:50:24Z
require Text::ANSI::Fold@2.1301
0.07 2021-09-04T08:00:32Z
Use local $fold object and provide configure().
Make expand() to work for tab in colored area.
0.06 2021-09-03T10:19:49Z
Spin-off from Text::ANSI::Fold::Util.