use 5.006;
use strict;
use File::Slurp qw(read_file);
=head1 NAME
Shell::Var::Reader - Runs a sh or bash script and returns the variables that have been set as well as their values.
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.6.0
our $VERSION = '0.6.0';
Lets say '/usr/local/etc/someconfig.conf' which is basically a shell
config and read via include in a sh or bash script, this can be used for
getting a hash ref conttaining them.
Similarly on systems like FreeBSD, this is also useful for reading '/etc/rc.conf'.
use Shell::Var::Reader;
use Data::Dumper;
my $found_vars=Shell::Var::Reader->read_in('/usr/local/etc/someconfig.conf');
print Dumper($found_vars);
=head2 read_in
This runs a specified file as a include and then figures out what the
new variables are. fetching them.
sub read_in {
my $file = $_[1];
if ( !defined($file) ) {
die('No file specified');
if ( !-f $file ) {
die( '"' . $file . '" does not exist or is not a file' );
# figure out if we are using bash or not
my $raw_file = read_file($file) or die 'Failed to read "' . $file . '"';
my @raw_split = split( /\n/, $raw_file );
my $shell = 'sh';
if ( defined( $raw_split[0] ) && ( $raw_split[0] =~ /^\#\!.*bash/ ) ) {
$shell = 'bash';
# figure out what variables already exist...
my $cmd = $shell . " -c 'if [ -z \"\$BASH_VERSION\" ]; then set; else set -o posix; set; fi'";
my $results = `$cmd`;
my $base_vars = {'ShellVarReaderFile'=>1};
my @results_split = split( /\n/, $results );
foreach my $line (@results_split) {
if ( $line =~ /^[\_a-zA-Z]+[\_a-zA-Z0-9]*\=/ ) {
my @line_split = split( /=/, $line, 2 );
$base_vars->{ $line_split[0] } = 1;
# Figure out what has been set
$ENV{ShellVarReaderFile} = $file;
= $shell . " -c ' . \"\$ShellVarReaderFile\" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; if [ -z \"\$BASH_VERSION\" ]; then set; else set -o posix; set; fi'";
$results = `$cmd`;
my $found_vars = {};
@results_split = split( /\n/, $results );
my $multiline = 0;
my $var_key;
foreach my $line (@results_split) {
if ( $line =~ /^[\_a-zA-Z]+[\_a-zA-Z0-9]*\=/ && !$multiline ) {
my @line_split = split( /=/, $line, 2 );
$var_key = $line_split[0];
$found_vars->{$var_key} = $line_split[1];
# if the value starts with a ' and does not end with a '
# it is going to be multiline
if ( $found_vars->{$var_key} =~ /^\'/
&& $found_vars->{$var_key} !~ /\'$/ )
$found_vars->{$var_key} =~ s/^\'//;
$multiline = 1;
}else {
$found_vars->{$var_key} =~ s/^\'//;
$found_vars->{$var_key} =~ s/\'$//;
else {
$found_vars->{$var_key} = $line;
# if it ends with ', then we have reached the end of the variable
if ( $found_vars->{$var_key} =~ /\'$/ ) {
$found_vars->{$var_key} =~ s/\'$//;
$multiline = 0;
# remove base vars
my @found_keys=keys(%{ $found_vars });
foreach my $var_key (@found_keys) {
if (defined($base_vars->{$var_key})) {
delete $found_vars->{$var_key};
return $found_vars;
=head1 AUTHOR
Zane C. Bowers-Hadley, C<< <vvelox at> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-shell-var-reader at>, or through
the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Shell::Var::Reader
You can also look for information at:
=over 4
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)
=item * Search CPAN
This software is Copyright (c) 2023 by Zane C. Bowers-Hadley.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)
1; # End of Shell::Var::Reader