use strict;
use utf8;
use parent qw( Taxon::Parse );
#use HTML::Entities;
our $VERSION = 0.007;
# decode_entities($a);
# encode_entities($a, "\200-\377");
#use Unicode::Normalize;
# NFC($string);
sub init {
my $self = shift;
my $p = $self->{pattern_parts};
$p->{comma_before_year} = qr/
|[^0-9\(\[\"])\s*\d{3} #????
$p->{quotes} = qr/[\"'`´]+/xms;
$p->{UPPERCASE_WORD} = qr/ \b ( \p{Lu}{2,} ) \b /xms;
$p->{WHITESPACE} = qr/\s+/xms;
$p->{SQUARE_BRACKETS} = qr/ \[ (.*?) \] /xms;
$p->{BRACKETS_OPEN} = qr/( [{(\[] ) \s* /xms;
$p->{BRACKETS_CLOSE} = qr/ \s* ( [})\]] ) /xms;
$p->{BRACKETS_OPEN_STRONG} = qr/(\s?[{(\[]\s?)+/xms;
$p->{BRACKETS_CLOSE_STRONG} = qr/(\s?[})\\]]\s?)+/xms;
$p->{NORM_AND} = qr/ \s (and|et|und|&) \s /xms;
$p->{NORM_ET_AL} = qr/ & \s al\.?/xms;
$p->{NORM_AMPERSAND_WS} = qr/&/xms;
$p->{NORM_HYPHENS} = qr/\s*-\s*/xms;
$p->{NORM_COMMAS} = qr/\s*,+/xms;
$p->{NORM_HYBRIDS_FORM} = qr/\s[×xX]\s/xms;
my $patterns = $self->{patterns};
my @patterns = qw< full abbreviated_name>;
map { $patterns->{$_} = $p->{$_} } @patterns;
sub normalise {
my $self = shift;
my $string = shift;
if ($string eq '') {
return $string;
$string =~ s/—//g;
$string =~ s/://g;
# use commas before years
$string =~ s/$this->COMMA_BEFORE_YEAR/$1, $2'/;
# no whitespace around hyphens
$string =~ s/$this->NORM_HYPHENS/-/;
# use whitespace with &
$string =~ s/$p->{NORM_AMPERSAND_WS}/ & /;
# whitespace before and after brackets, keeping the bracket style
$string =~ s/$p->{NORM_BRACKETS_OPEN}/ $1/;
$string =~ s/$p->{NORM_BRACKETS_CLOSE}/$1 /;
# remove whitespace before commas and replace double commas with one
$string =~ s/$p->{NORM_COMMAS}/, /;
# normalize hybrid markers
$string =~ s/$p->{NORM_HYBRIDS_GENUS}/×$1/;
$string =~ s/$p->{NORM_HYBRIDS_EPITH}/$1 ×$2/;
$string =~ s/$p->{NORM_HYBRIDS_FORM}/ × /;
# capitalize all entire upper case words
$string =~ s/$p->{NORM_UPPERCASE_WORDS}/ucfirst(lc($1)/eg;
$string =~ s/\s\s+/ /g;
$string =~ s/^\s//;
$string =~ s/\s$//;
return $string;