use strict;
$MooseX::SetOnce::VERSION = '0.200001';
# ABSTRACT: write-once, read-many attributes for Moose
$MooseX::SetOnce::Attribute::VERSION = '0.200001';
use Moose::Role 0.90;
before set_value => sub { $_[0]->_ensure_unset($_[1]) };
around _inline_set_value => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $self = shift;
my ($instance) = @_;
my @source = $self->$orig(@_);
return (
'Class::MOP::class_of(' . $instance . ')->find_attribute_by_name(',
'\'' . quotemeta($self->name) . '\'',
')->_ensure_unset(' . $instance . ');',
} if $Moose::VERSION >= 1.9900;
sub _ensure_unset {
my ($self, $instance) = @_;
Carp::confess("cannot change value of SetOnce attribute " . $self->name)
if $self->has_value($instance);
around accessor_metaclass => sub {
my ($orig, $self, @rest) = @_;
return Moose::Meta::Class->create_anon_class(
superclasses => [ $self->$orig(@_) ],
roles => [ 'MooseX::SetOnce::Accessor' ],
cache => 1
} if $Moose::VERSION < 1.9900;
$MooseX::SetOnce::Accessor::VERSION = '0.200001';
use Moose::Role 0.90;
around _inline_store => sub {
my ($orig, $self, $instance, $value) = @_;
my $code = $self->$orig($instance, $value);
$code = sprintf qq[%s->meta->find_attribute_by_name("%s")->_ensure_unset(%s);\n%s],
return $code;
$Moose::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::SetOnce::VERSION = '0.200001';
sub register_implementation { 'MooseX::SetOnce::Attribute' }
=head1 NAME
MooseX::SetOnce - write-once, read-many attributes for Moose
=head1 VERSION
version 0.200001
Add the "SetOnce" trait to attributes:
package Class;
use Moose;
use MooseX::SetOnce;
has some_attr => (
is => 'rw',
traits => [ qw(SetOnce) ],
...and then you can only set them once:
my $object = Class->new;
$object->some_attr(10); # works fine
$object->some_attr(20); # throws an exception: it's already set!
The 'SetOnce' attribute lets your class have attributes that are not lazy and
not set, but that cannot be altered once set.
The logic is very simple: if you try to alter the value of an attribute with
the SetOnce trait, either by accessor or writer, and the attribute has a value,
it will throw an exception.
If the attribute has a clearer, you may clear the attribute and set it again.
=head1 AUTHOR
Ricardo SIGNES <>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Ricardo SIGNES.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.