# DESCRIPTION: Perl ExtUtils: Common routines required by package tests
# Copyright 2000-2024 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software;
# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
# Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0.
use strict;
use vars qw($PERL);
$PERL = "$^X -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib -IPreproc/blib/arch -IPreproc/blib/lib";
mkdir 'test_dir',0777;
unlink "test_dir/verilog"; # Symlink made in vpassert test will mess up others
use lib '.';
use lib '..';
use lib "blib/lib";
use lib "blib/arch";
use lib "Preproc/blib/lib";
use lib "Preproc/blib/arch";
sub run_system {
# Run a system command, check errors
my $command = shift;
print "\t$command\n";
system "$command";
my $status = $?;
($status == 0) or die "%Error: Command Failed $command, $status, stopped";
sub run_system_no_die {
# Run a system command, check errors
my $command = shift;
print "\t$command\n";
system "$command";
return $?;
sub wholefile {
my $file = shift;
my $fh = IO::File->new ($file) or die "%Error: $! $file";
my $wholefile = join('',$fh->getlines());
return $wholefile;
sub files_identical {
my $fn1 = shift; # got
my $fn2 = shift; # expected
my $f1 = IO::File->new ($fn1) or die "%Error: $! $fn1,";
my $f2 = IO::File->new ($fn2) or die "%Error: $! $fn2,";
my @l1 = $f1->getlines();
my @l2 = $f2->getlines();
my $nl = $#l1; $nl = $#l2 if ($#l2 > $nl);
for (my $l=0; $l<=$nl; $l++) {
$l1[$l] =~ s/\r\n/\n/g if defined $l1[$l]; # Cleanup if on Windows
$l2[$l] =~ s/\r\n/\n/g if defined $l2[$l];
if (($l1[$l]||"") ne ($l2[$l]||"")) {
next if ($l1[$l]||"") =~ /Generated by vrename on/;
warn ("%Warning: Line ".($l+1)." mismatches; $fn1 $fn2\n"
."GOT: ".($l1[$l]||"*EOF*\n")
."EXP: ".($l2[$l]||"*EOF*\n"));
if ($ENV{HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN}) { # Update golden files with current
warn "%Warning: HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN set: cp $fn1 $fn2\n";
} else {
warn "To update reference: HARNESS_UPDATE_GOLDEN=1 ".join(" ",$0,@ARGV)."\n";
return 0;
return 1;
sub get_memory_usage {
# Return memory usage. Return 0 if the system doesn't look quite right.
my $fh = IO::File->new("</proc/self/statm");
return 0 if !$fh;
my $stat = $fh->getline || "";
my @stats = split /\s+/, $stat;
return ($stats[0]||0)*4096; # vmsize