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Cheat::Sheet::Test - Cheat sheet for testing modules


This document describes Cheat::Sheet::Test version 0.0.5


    $ vim Cheat/Sheet::Test.perl
    :syn on


The test itself is a cheat, isn't it? I mean you program it to be unwinnable. --James Tiberius Kirk

This is a collection of "cheat sheets": highly compressed, abbreviated documentation for various modules. Each module within the bundle covers a top-level namespace or a set of otherwise closely-related modules.

For each module, a paragraph is given, generally:

    Some::Module            # Short description
        qw( various exportable symbols if any );
        routine( $placeholder, @arguments );
        $context    = function( @arguments);

You should be able to copy and paste this into your own code, delete what you don't need, and be on your way.



    use Test::Simple tests => 6;    # Basic utilities for writing tests
        ok( $bool, $name );                     # ok if $bool is true
        ok( $foo eq $bar, $name );              # ok if $foo eq $bar
    ## Test::Simple


    use Test::More tests => 6;      # Standard framework for writing test scripts
        ok  ( $bool, $name );                   # ok if $bool is true
        is  ( $got, $want, $name );             # ok if $got eq $want
        isnt( $got, $want, $name );             # ok if $got ne $want
        like( $got, qr/./, $name );             # ok if $got =~ /regex/
      unlike( $got, qr/./, $name );             # ok if $got !~ /regex/
      cmp_ok( $got, '==', $want, $name );       # ok if $got == $want
      my $object = new_ok( $class => \@args );  # calls $class->new(@args)
      can_ok( $object, @methods );              # ...or: can_ok($module...
      isa_ok( $object, $class, $object_name);   # safe if $object is undef
        subtest $name => \&code;                # version 0.94 required here
        pass( $name);                           # unconditional ok
        fail( $name);                           # unconditional not ok
        BEGIN { use_ok($module, @imports); }    # ok if find, load, import
        require_ok($file);                      # ok if find and load
        is_deeply( $got, $want, $name );    # walks deeply but doesn't check bless
    use Test::More;                     # declare number of tests later
        plan tests => $calculated;      # calculate plan at run time
        done_testing($counter);         #   or after testing
        diag(@message);             # will print but won't mess up test harness
        note(@message);             # will only print if verbose output is asked
        ok($bool) or diag(@message);            # passage or failure propagates
        my @dump = explain( @refs );            # uses Data::Dumper
        my @dump = explain( \@array, \%hash );  #   to dump list of references
        BAIL_OUT( $reason );        # abort this and all following test scripts
    ## Test::More


    use Test::Deep;                 # Extremely flexible deep comparison
        cmp_deeply( $got, $want, $name );   # ok if $got eq $want deeply
        # Special comparision functions for each value; may be nested
        my $cmp = {                     # check each $got->{key}        # $gv...
            key     => ignore(),            # ok regardless of $gv
            key     => 'literal',           # ok if $gv eq 'literal'
            key     => re('regex'),         # ok if $gv =~ /regex/
            key     => bag(@want),          # ignore ordering of elements
            key     => set(@want),          # ignore ord.of and duplicate elements
            key     => superbagof(@want),   # $gv contains at least this bag
            key     => subbagof  (@want),   # $gv contains at most  this bag
            key     => supersetof(@want),   # $gv contains at least this in order
            key     => subsetof  (@want),   # $gv contains at most  this in order
            key     => all(@want),          # ok if $gv eq all @want (and)
            key     => any(@want),          # ok if $gv eq any @want (or)
            key     => array_each($cmp2),   # check each @{$gv} against $cmp2
            key     => str ($want),         # stringify $gv eq $want
            key     => num ($want, $tolc),  # numify    $gv == $want +/- $tolc
            key     => bool($want),         # ok if ( !!$gv == !!$want )
            key     => code($cref),         # $c = sub( $gv = shift; return $ok );
            key     => isa($class),         # ok if $gv->UNIVERSAL::isa($class)
            key     => methods(             # invoke methods of $gv
                method => $want,            # ok if $gv->method()      eq $want
              [ method, @args ] => $want,   # ok if $gv->method(@args) eq $want
        cmp_deeply( $got, $cmp,  $name ); # ok if $got special $cmp deeply
    ## Test::Deep


    use Test::Trap;                 # Trap exit codes, exceptions, output, etc.
    # $trap object is exported into your namespace and contains everything.
    # Methods can be combined in a large variety of ways; see Test::Trap POD.
    use Test::Trap  qw( :raw :die :exit
                        :stdout             :stderr
                        :stdout(perlio)     :stderr(perlio)
                        :stdout(tempfile)   :stderr(tempfile)
                        :stdout(method)     :stderr(method)
                        :stdout( m1, m2, m3 )
                        :void       :scalar     :list
                        :output(systemsafe)     :output(method)
    use Test::Trap(     # order of layers in the use-array is significant
            ':raw',                 # traps normal return and stops trapping
            ':die',                 # traps fatal exceptions
            ':exit',                # traps attempts to exit() perl
        ':flow',                # shortcut for :raw:die:exit
            ':stdout',              # trap STDOUT
            ':stderr',              # trap STDERR
                ':stdout(perlio)',      # trap using PerlIO::scalar
                ':stdout(tempfile)',    # trap using File::Temp to a tempfile
                ':stdout(method)',      # trap using some user method
                ':stdout(m1,m2,m3)',    # provide a list of fallback methods
            ':warn',                # trap warnings and tee them to STDERR
        ':default',             # shortcut for :raw:die:exit:stdout:stderr:warn
            ':on_fail(method)',     # user method to callback on fatals
        ':void',                # return in scalar context
        ':scalar',              # return in list   context
        ':list',                # return in void   context
            ':output(systemsafe)',  # traps children including system calls
            ':output(method)',      # fallback processing with user method
        # If you want the normal return value from code under test,
        #       use Test::Trap qw( :scalar );
        #       use Test::Trap qw( :list );
        #   or  provide a context yourself with:
        my $rv  = trap{  };     # return in scalar context
        my @rvs = trap{  };     # return in list   context
        trap{                   # return in void   context
            # Your code under test here
        $trap->diag_all;                    # Dumps the $trap object, TAP safe
        # Accessor methods  # ACC
        my $got = $trap->leaveby;           # 'return', 'die', or 'exit'.
        my $got = $trap->die;               # exception thrown if any
        my $got = $trap->exit;              # exit code caught if attempted
        my $got = $trap->stdout;            # STDOUT in one string
        my $got = $trap->stderr;            # STDERR in one string
        my $got = $trap->return;            # arrayref of normal return values
        my $got = $trap->return($index);    # pass $index as method argument
        my $got = $trap->return(@indices);  # it slices, it dices
        my $got = $trap->warn  ($index);    # warnings as an array
        # Test methods  (for any ACC)
        #   e.g.:       $trap->return_ok();   $trap->stdout_like();
        #   $ix or @ixs required if ACC is array, otherwise omit
        use Test::More tests => 9;                      # ~~ Test::More::*
        $trap->ACC_ok       ( $ix, $name );             #              ok()
        $trap->ACC_nok      ( $ix, $name );             #       !      ok()
        $trap->ACC_is       ( $ix, $want,  $name );     #              is()
        $trap->ACC_isnt     ( $ix, $want,  $name );     #       !      is()
        $trap->ACC_like     ( $ix, qr/./,  $name );     #            like()
        $trap->ACC_unlike   ( $ix, qr/./,  $name );     #       !    like()
        $trap->ACC_isa_ok   ( $ix, $class, $name );     #             isa()
        $trap->ACC_is_deeply( $ix, $want,  $name );     #       is_deeply()
        # Examples of above:
        $trap->return_ok( 0, 'got something' ); # even if :scalar, return => []
        $trap->return_is( 1, 9,  'returns an array and the second element is 9' );
        $trap->stdout_like( qr/hell|damn/, 'tried to print a word to screen');
        $trap->die_unlike ( qr/hell|damn/, 'died like a lady');  # fail if !die
        $trap->return_isa_ok ( 0, 'Acme::Teddy' 'returned object');
        # Convenience methods with better diagnostics than their equivalents...
        $trap->did_die;         # $trap->leaveby_is('die');
        $trap->did_exit;        # $trap->leaveby_is('exit');
        $trap->did_return;      # $trap->leaveby_is('return');
        $trap->quiet;           # ok( !$trap->stdout && !$trap-stderr);
    ## Test::Trap



None. This module contains only POD. Don't try to load it.


Open the cheat (the *.perl file) in your editor. Copy out whatever you like.

If you look at the *.pod file, you'll see POD verbatim paragraphs. Your choice.

You can also get the same content in your pager with:

    perldoc Cheat::Sheet::Test


No cheat sheet will teach you anything. It's only a reminder. You must consult each module's own full documentation at least before using it. I hope.

This module does not contain magic to squirt code into your module. Copy and paste.

No boilerplate code will work right away. Edit it to your needs.


  • To about 8500 authors who have uploaded about 85,000 modules to the CPAN.


Xiong Changnian <>


Copyright (C) 2010 Xiong Changnian <>

This library and its contents are released under Artistic License 2.0: