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App::Greple::type - file type filter module for greple


    greple -Mdig -Mtype --type-xxxx ... --dig .


Version 1.0301


This module filters search target files by given rule. It is convenient to use with other greple module which support recursive or multi-file search such as -Mfind, -Mdig or -Mgit.

For example, option for Perl is defined as this:

    option --type-perl \
           --suffix=pl,PL,pm,pod,t,psgi \

Using this option, only files those name end with --suffix option or files which contains string perl in the first #! (shebang) line will be searched.

Option --suffix and --shebang are defined in App::Greple::select module.


Negative options are automatically generated from positive options with --no- prefix. For example, --no-type-perl option is defined as this:

    option --no-type-perl \
           --x-suffix=pl,PL,pm,pod,t,psgi \


Short name mode is activated by default on this version. When activated, all --type-xxxx and --no-type-xxxx options can be used as --xxxx and --no-xxxx as well.

As for Perl, --perl and --no-perl can be used.

If you want to disable this mode, call module with config function call, like -Mtype::config(short=0) or -Mtype::config=short=0.


  option --type-actionscript  --suffix=as,mxml
  option --type-ada           --suffix=ada,adb,ads
  option --type-asm           --suffix=asm,s
  option --type-asp           --suffix=asp
  option --type-aspx          --suffix=master,ascx,asmx,aspx,svc
  option --type-batch         --suffix=bat,cmd
  option --type-cc            --suffix=c,h,xs
  option --type-cfmx          --suffix=cfc,cfm,cfml
  option --type-clojure       --suffix=clj
  option --type-cmake         --suffix=cmake --select-name=^CMakeLists.txt$
  option --type-coffeescript  --suffix=coffee
  option --type-cpp           --suffix=cpp,cc,cxx,m,hpp,hh,h,hxx,c++,h++
  option --type-csharp        --suffix=cs
  option --type-css           --suffix=css
  option --type-dart          --suffix=dart
  option --type-delphi        --suffix=pas,int,dfm,nfm,dof,dpk,dproj,groupproj,bdsgroup,bdsproj
  option --type-elisp         --suffix=el
  option --type-elixir        --suffix=ex,exs
  option --type-erlang        --suffix=erl,hrl
  option --type-fortran       --suffix=f,f77,f90,f95,f03,for,ftn,fpp
  option --type-go            --suffix=go
  option --type-groovy        --suffix=groovy,gtmpl,gpp,grunit,gradle
  option --type-haskell       --suffix=hs,lhs
  option --type-hh            --suffix=h
  option --type-html          --suffix=htm,html
  option --type-java          --suffix=java,properties
  option --type-js            --suffix=js
  option --type-json          --suffix=json
  option --type-jsp           --suffix=jsp,jspx,jhtm,jhtml
  option --type-less          --suffix=less
  option --type-lisp          --suffix=lisp,lsp
  option --type-lua           --suffix=lua --shebng=lua
  option --type-markdown      --suffix=md
  option --type-md            --type-markdown
  option --type-make          --suffix=mak,mk --select-name=^(GNUmakefile|Makefile|makefile)$
  option --type-matlab        --suffix=m
  option --type-objc          --suffix=m,h
  option --type-objcpp        --suffix=mm,h
  option --type-ocaml         --suffix=ml,mli
  option --type-parrot        --suffix=pir,pasm,pmc,ops,pod,pg,tg
  option --type-perl          --suffix=pl,PL,pm,pod,t,psgi --shebang=perl
  option --type-perltest      --suffix=t
  option --type-php           --suffix=php,phpt,php3,php4,php5,phtml --shebang=php
  option --type-plone         --suffix=pt,cpt,metadata,cpy,py
  option --type-python        --suffix=py --shebang=python
  option --type-rake          --select-name=^Rakefile$
  option --type-rr            --suffix=R
  option --type-ruby          --suffix=rb,rhtml,rjs,rxml,erb,rake,spec \
                              --select-name=^Rakefile$ --shebang=ruby
  option --type-rust          --suffix=rs
  option --type-sass          --suffix=sass,scss
  option --type-scala         --suffix=scala
  option --type-scheme        --suffix=scm,ss
  option --type-shell         --suffix=sh,bash,csh,tcsh,ksh,zsh,fish \
  option --type-smalltalk     --suffix=st
  option --type-sql           --suffix=sql,ctl
  option --type-tcl           --suffix=tcl,itcl,itk
  option --type-tex           --suffix=tex,cls,sty
  option --type-tt            --suffix=tt,tt2,ttml
  option --type-vb            --suffix=bas,cls,frm,ctl,vb,resx
  option --type-verilog       --suffix=v,vh,sv
  option --type-vim           --suffix=vim
  option --type-xml           --suffix=xml,dtd,xsl,xslt,ent --select-data='\A.*<[?]xml'
  option --type-yaml          --suffix=yaml,yml


This module is inspired by App::Gre command, and original matching rule is taken from it.

Filename matching can be done with -Mfind module, but to know file type from its content, different mechanism was required. So I made the --begin function can die to stop the file processing, and introduced new -Mselect module.


App::Greple, App::Greple::select



Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright 2021-2023 Kazumasa Utashiro.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.