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CGI::List - Easily generate HTML Lists From a DataBase


Version 0.05


Easily create html lists whit auto order, auto pagination, grouping and conditional formats.

Perhaps a little code snippet.

    use CGI::List;

    #We need a DBH Handle
    $dbh = DBI->connect(.....);

    #Create List Object
    $list = CGI::List->new(
        dbh => $dbh,
        sql => {
            select => "foo, bar ",
            from => "table1",
            limit => "20",
            where => "some_column1=? AND some_column2=?",
            order_by => "foo DESC",

    print $list->print();


    * Auto Order
    * Auto Pagination
    * CSS based. Contact developer for CSS examples 
    * Column totals(Only SUM, COUNT and AVG are supported)
    * Conditional formats for rows
    * Conditional Formats for cells
    * Auto detect column names
    * 2 row formats for better visualization
    * Row grouping
    * Http Link and highlight on rows based in rows keys
    * Opener action for pop up windows
    * And more



This method creates a new $list object, which you then use to generate and process your list.

    my $list = CGI::List->new();

        The following is a description of each option, in alphabetical order:

        name => 'list_name'
            If you use a multi lists pages you need to specify a name for each list
        on_errors => 'print',
            If you have SQL errors you can print(default), warn or die
        debug => 0 | 1, default 0
            If is set to 1 this print the query executed on SQL errors
        caption => 'list title'
            This create a list title with the caption html tag
        auto_order => 1 | 0,   default 1
            Enable, disable auto order mechanism on the list
        pagination => 1 | 0, default 1
            Enable or disable auto pagination on the list
        nav_pages => $number, default 4
            Number of pages you can see on pagination
            On SUM otions you can format the result to price ($1,234.00), whit this parameters THOUSANDS_SEP, DECIMAL_POINT, MON_THOUSANDS_SEP, MON_DECIMAL_POINT, INT_CURR_SYMBOL.

        table => {}
            Propiedades de la tabla, default {width => "100%",class => "cg_table",align => "center",cellpadding=>"0",cellspacing=>"0"}
        labels => {
                       page_of => 'Page _PAGE_ of _OF_',
                       no_data   => 'No records found',
                       link_up   => '↑',
                       link_down => '↓',
                       next_page => '»',
                       previous_page => '«',
                       number_of_rows => "_NUMBER_ rows",
            This are the text printed on the list, you can traslate to other language


This function renders the list into HTML, and returns a string containing the list.

    print $list->print;


This method Create groups of data:

    $list->group(key=>'key_field',fields=>[qw/key_field other_field other_field/]);


This method calculate row totals on each group:

    $list->group_total(key=>'key_field',type=>"MATH",operation=>'SUM',label=>"%% some text",format=>'price');
Operation support only SUM, AVG, and COUNT, the format parameter are optional


This method calculate row totals:

    $list->total(key=>'key_field',type=>"MATH",operation=>'SUM',label=>"%% some text",format=>'price');
Operation suport only SUM, AVG, and COUNT, the format parameter are optional


This function specify a format of row depending on their value

    $list->row_format(name=>"field_name",condition=>"'%%' eq 'urgent'",params=>{class=>"cg_row_urgent"});

%% is the cell value, on this example you need to create 2 css class cg_row_urgent and cg_row_urgent_hover for the hover action


This function specify a format of cell depending on their value

    $list->cell_format(name=>"field_name",condition=>"'%%' eq 'urgent'",params=>{class=>"cg_cell_urgent"});

%% is the cell value, on this example you need to create 2 css class cg_cell_urgent and cg_cell_urgent_hover for the hover action


This function specify the width of each column


On this example you have a 3 columns query and 100, 200, 300 are the width of each column


This function specify the horizontal align of each column


On this example you have a 3 columns query and left, center, right are the alignment of each column data


This function specify the horizontal align of each column header


On this example you have a 3 columns query and left, center, right are the alignment of each column header data


This example provides an list of data with auto order, auto pagination and action on each row click

    my $list = CGI::List->new( 
                  dbh => $dbh,
                  name => "pays_list",
                  sql => {
                      select => "p.pay_id,,, " .
                          "IF(p.is_cancel,'Cancel','Active') AS 'status'",
                      from => "pays p INNER JOIN partners pr ON p.pay_id=pr.pay_id ",
                      limit => "20",
                      where => "some_column=? AND some_column=?",
                      order_by => " DESC",
                  link => {
                       key => "pay_id",
                       hidde_key_col => 1,
                       location => "",
                       transit_params => {some_param_to_be_present_everywere=>"value"},


David Romero Garcia, <romdav at>


Juan C. Sanchez-DelBarrio


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-cgi-list at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc CGI::List

You can also look for information at:



Copyright 2007 David Romero García, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 1171:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'García,'. Assuming UTF-8