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IPCamera::Reolink - Reolink API provides access to the System, Security, Network, Video input, Enc, Record, PTZ, and Alarm functions of a Reolink IP Camera or NVR via HTTP(S)/REST




 use IPCamera::Reolink;

 my $camera_url = "";
 my $camera_user_name =  "vlc"; # non-admin user recommended
 my $camera_password = 'this-is-a-bad-password';

 my $camera = IPCamera::Reolink->new($camera_url, $camera_user_name, $camera_password);

 # Optionally Login to the camera immmediately to validate the camera URL and credentials, otherwise a Login will be implicitly performed by the API on the first camera command.

 die "IPCamera::Reolink::Login failed" if(!$camera->Login());

 # Some camera info

 my $devinfo_r = $camera->GetDevInfo();
 print "Camera model : " . $devinfo_r->{model} . "\n";
 print "Camera name : " . $devinfo_r->{name} . "\n";

 # Start a camera pan to the left.

 $camera->PtzCtrl(IPCamera::Reolink::ChannelDefault, IPCamera::Reolink::PTZ_Left, IPCamera::Reolink::PTZ_SpeedMax);

 # Times passes, stop the last camera PTZ function.

 $camera->PtzCtrl(IPCamera::Reolink::ChannelDefault, IPCamera::Reolink::PTZ_Stop, IPCamera::Reolink::PTZ_SpeedMin);



IPCamera::Reolink provides a simple way to interact with Reolink IP cameras and NVRs via the device HTTP(S)/REST interface.

Based on the "Reolink Camera API User Guide_V8 (Updated in April 2023)" document, available here:

As the author is primarily interested in accessing the Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) functions of his Reolink RLC-823A-16x IP camera, only the subset of functions described in the above document needed to access these features have been implemented.

Other functions may be added in the future based on the need/whims of the author and requests from other (if any) users of this module.



Set $IPCamera::Reolink::DEBUG to a value > 0 for increasingly detailed debug output to STDERR.

default is 0 for no debug output.


$IPCamera::Reolink::VERSION is the version of this module.


new($camera_url, $camera_user_name, $camera_password)

Construct a new IPCamera::Reolink object.

Takes the following manditory parameters:


The camera URL for access via HTTP(S), i.e. "".


The camera account name for access via HTTP(S), i.e. "vlc".

You should set up a non admin acccount for access via this API, the admin account will work as well but is not recommended.

But just to complicate things, certain methods (described below) require admin access to use with the current version of the camera firmware.

Reolink may fix this in the future.


The camera account password for access via HTTP(S), i.e. "this-is-a-bad-password".


Login to the camera using the credentials provided to new() (above).

Upon successful Login the camera passes back a Login token and lease time that is used internally by other IPCamera::Reolink camera API methods.

The token is valid for the specified lease time.

IPCamera::Reolink will manage the Login token and will call Login() internally as needed when the Login token expires.

This should all be invisible to the caller.


Returns (undef, udef) if the Login was rejected by the camera.

Returns ($camera_login_token, $camera_login_lease_time) if the Login is successful, where $camera_login_token is the token passed to other API methods and $camera_login_lease_time is the time in seconds for which the token is valid, after which a new token must be aquired.

Usually the caller is not interested in these values as they are used internally by IPCamera::Reolink.


Release Login() credentials.


Returns 1 if Logout() succeeded else 0 (zero) on failure, typically if Login() not called.


Return camera/NVR per channel status.


Returns ($count, $status_r) if GetChannelstatus() succeeded.


The number of channels in the camera/NVR, typically 1 for a camera.

The number of elements in the @status array.


reference to Per channel status array with $count elements.

$statu_r->[$i]->{channel} (0)

Channel index, 0 < $i < $count.

$status_r->[$i]->{name} ("CAM1")

Channel name.

$status_r->[$i]->{online} (1)

0 if channel offline, 1 if channel online.

$status_r->[$i]->{typeInfo} ("CAM1")

Channel description.

Returns (undef, undef) if GetChannelstatus() failed.


Return useful information about the camera.


Returns undef if the GetDevInfo function failed.

Returns $devinfo_r hash reference to device information if successful, fields most likely subject to change (typical values in parenthesis):

$devinfo_r->{audioNum} (1)

The number of audio channels.

$devinfo_r->{B485} (0)

0: no 485, 1: have 485

$devinfo_r->{buildDay} ("build 23061923")

The establish date.

$devinfo_r->{cfgVer} ("v3.1.0.0")

The version number of configuration information.

$devinfo_r->{channelNum} (1)

The number of channels.

$devinfo_r->{detail} ("IPC_523SD10S16E1W01100000001")

The details of device information.

$devinfo_r->{diskNum} (1)

The number of USB disk or SD card.

$devinfo_r->{exactType} ("IPC")

Product type.

$devinfo_r->{firmVer} ("v3.1.0.2347_23061923_v1.0.0.93")

The version number of the firmware.

$devinfo_r->{frameworkVer} (1)

Architecture version.

$devinfo_r->{hardVer} ("IPC_523SD10")

The version number of the hardware.

$devinfo_r->{IOInputNum} (0)

The number of IO input port.

$devinfo_r->{IOOutputNum} (0)

The number of IO output port.

$devinfo_r->{model} ("RLC-823A 16X")

Camera/NVR model.

$devinfo_r->{name} ("rlc-823a-16x")

Device name.

$devinfo_r->{pakSuffix} ("pak,paks")


$devinfo_r->{serial} ("00000000000000")


$devinfo_r->{type} ("IPC")

Device type.

$devinfo_r->{wifi} (0)

0: no WIFI, 1: have WIFI.

PtzCtrl($camera_channel, $camera_operation, $camera_operation_speed)

Control camera PTZ functions.

Upon successful return the camera asynchronously executes the requested operation until another operation is specified by PtzCtrl() or until the camera limit is reached for the specified operation, for example the camera has tilted as far Down as physically possible.

Some operations like IPCamera::Reolink::PTZ_Left will execute forever until another PtzCtrl command is executed.


Perform camera operation on specified camera channel:


If you are connected to a camera then there is (usually) only 1 channel.

integer >= 0

If you are connected to an NVR then there is usually one channel per attached camera starting at integer value 0.


Camera operation to perform:


PTZ stop turning.


PTZ turn left at the specified speed.


PTZ turn right at the specified speed.


PTZ turn up in the specified speed.


PTZ turn down at the specified speed.


PTZ turn left-up at the specified speed.


PTZ turn left-down at the specified speed.


PTZ turn right-up at the specified speed.


PTZ turn right-down at the specified speed.


Iris shrink at the specified speed.


Iris enlarge at the specified speed.


Zoom in at the specified speed.


Zoom out at the specified speed.


Focus backwards at the specified speed.


Focus forwards at the specified speed.


PTZ turn auto at the specified speed.


PTZ patrol at the specified speed.


PTZ stop patrol.


PTZ turn to at specified preset at the specified speed.


Perform camera operation at the specified speed:


Minimum camera operation speed.


Maximum camera operation speed.


1/2 Maximum camera operation speed.


Return camera current Zoom and Focus values.


Perform camera operation on specified camera channel:


If you are connected to a camera then there is (usually) only 1 channel.

integer >= 0

If you are connected to an NVR then there is usually one channel per attached camera starting at integer value 0.


Returns undef if the GetZoomFocus function failed.

Returns $zoom_focus_r hash reference to Zoom/Focus information if successful, fields most likely subject to change (typical values in parenthesis):

$zoom_focus_r->{channel} (0)

Camera channel.

$zoom_focus_r->{focus}->{pos} (23)

Current camera focus value in the range IPCamera::Reolink::ZF_FocusPosMin, IPCamera::Reolink::ZF_FocusPosMax.

$zoom_focus_r->{zoom}->{pos} (0)

Current camera zoom value in the range IPCamera::Reolink::ZF_ZoomPosMin, IPCamera::Reolink::ZF_ZoomPosMax.

StartZoomFocus($camera_channel, $camera_operation, $camera_zoom_pos|$camera_focus_pos)

Set camera current Zoom or Focus value.

Note that the current version of the firmware on the authors camera (Firmware Version v3.1.0.2347_23061923_v1.0.0.93) requires a Login() using admin credentials to use this function. According to Reolink this may be fixed in a future firmware version.

If in doubt, set $DEBUG to 1 and if you see a log message of the form:

Tue Dec 19 18:17:07 2023: debug: IPCamera::Reolink::_sendCameraCommand(): command 'StartZoomFocus' token '5b34aab0bb481ba' request '[{ action => 0, cmd => "StartZoomFocus", param => { ZoomFocus => { channel => 0, op => "ZoomPos", pos => 1 } } }]' response '[{ cmd => "StartZoomFocus", code => 1, error => { detail => "ability error", rspCode => -26 } }]' time 0.0480499267578125 seconds

then you need to use admin credentials to use this function.


Perform camera operation on specified camera channel.


If you are connected to a camera then there is (usually) only 1 channel.

integer >= 0

If you are connected to an NVR then there is usually one channel per attached camera starting at integer value 0.


Camera operation to perform.


Set Zoom to specified pos value.


Set the camera Zoom to the specified pos value in the range:


Minimum camera zoom value.


Maximum camera zoom value.


Set Focus to specified pos value.


Set the camera Focus to the specified pos value in the range:


Minimum camera focus value.


Maximum camera focus value.


Return camera current, range and inital On Screen Display (OSD) values.


Perform camera operation on specified camera channel.


If you are connected to a camera then there is (usually) only 1 channel.

integer >= 0

If you are connected to an NVR then there is usually one channel per attached camera starting at integer value 0.


Returns (undef, undef, undef) if the GetOsd function failed or ($osd_value_r, $osd_range_r, $osd_initial_r) on success, hash references to OSD current value, range and initial values information if successful, fields most likely subject to change (typical values in parenthesis):


Hash reference to current camera OSD values.


Current camera OSD values.

$osd_value_r->{Osd}->{bgcolor} (0/1)

Current camera OSD background color disabled (0) or enabled (1).

$osd_value_r->{Osd}->{channel} (0)

If you are connected to a camera then there is (usually) only 1 channel.

integer >= 0

If you are connected to an NVR then there is usually one channel per attached camera starting at integer value 0.


Current OSD values for specified camera channel.

$osd_value_r->{Osd}->{osdChannel}->{enable} (0/1)

OSD enabled if 1 else disabled if 0.

$osd_value_r->{Osd}->{osdChannel}->{name} ("rlc-823a-16x")

OSD display value.

$osd_value_r->{Osd}->{osdChannel}->{pos} ("Lower Right")

OSD display position.


Current OSD time display values for specified camera channel.

$osd_value_r->{Osd}->{osdTime}->{enable} (0/1)

OSD time display enabled if 1 else disabled if 0.

$osd_value_r->{Osd}->{osdTime}->{pos} ("Lower Right")

OSD time display position.


Hash reference to camera OSD value ranges.


Hash reference to camera OSD initial values.


SetOsd($camera_channel, $enableChannel, $channelName, $channelPos, $enableTime, $timePos)

Set camera On Screen Display (OSD) values.

Note that the current version of the firmware on the authors camera (Firmware Version v3.1.0.2347_23061923_v1.0.0.93) requires a Login() using admin credentials to use this function.


Perform camera operation on specified camera channel.


If you are connected to a camera then there is (usually) only 1 channel.

integer >= 0

If you are connected to an NVR then there is usually one channel per attached camera starting at integer value 0.

$enableChannel (0/1)

1 to enable display of channelName else 0.

$channelName ("rlc-823a-16x")

Channel OSD text to display

$channelPos ("Lower Right")

Channel OSD text position:


OSD position "Upper Left"


OSD position "Top Center"


OSD position "Upper Right"


OSD position "Lower Left"


OSD position "Bottom Center"


OSD position "Lower Right"


1 to enable display of date/time else 0.

$timePos ("Upper Left")

Date/Time OSD text position:


OSD position "Upper Left"


OSD position "Top Center"


OSD position "Upper Right"


OSD position "Lower Left"


OSD position "Bottom Center"


OSD position "Lower Right"


  • Implement REST via HTTPS.

  • Camera seems to "forget" existing REST/HTTP(S) session after period of inactivity.


Stephen Oberski, <cpan at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-ipcamera-reolink at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc IPCamera::Reolink

You can also look for information at:


This software is Copyright (c) 2024 by Stephen Oberski.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)