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Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::Template - template for resource records


This file is a template from which to create new resource record manipulation methods. While these modules may be loaded directly for testing, they are intended to be loaded by the class loader Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR. The SYNOPSIS section of specific RR documentation should begin with the caveat:

edit this text to conform to your RR method

  DO NOT use Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::XYZ
  DO NOT require Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::XYZ

  Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::XYZ is autoloaded by 
  class Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR and its methods
  are instantiated in a 'special' manner.

  use Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR;
  ($get,$put,$parse) = new Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR;

        $rdata,...) = $get->XYZ(\$buffer,$offset);

  Note: the $get->XYZ method is normally called
  via:  @stuff = $get->next(\$buffer,$offset);


    = $parse->XYZ($name,$type,$class,$ttl,$rdlength,


Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR:XYZ appends an XYZ resource record to a DNS packet under construction, recovers an XYZ resource record from a packet being decoded, and converts the numeric/binary portions of the resource record to human readable form.

Description from RFC1035.txt or other specification document.

edit this text to conform to your RR method

See: Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::A and Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::SOA for examples.

Each RR module contains three methods which provide the RR specific content manipulation. The data common to all resource modules is handled from within the class loader prior to handing the request over the the specific resource record method. Because of this, the DESCRIPTION of the method action is somewhat misleading. As an example, lets dissect the 'parse' method:

    = $parse->XYZ($name,$type,$class,$ttl,$rdlength,

The common elements for all resource records are:


These are handled by the class loader and the local method actually only receives a request to provide the '$rdata' portion. While the description of the method as called from the user program is as above, the implementation looks like this for and 'A' resource record. The $rdata is handled as follows:

  $IPaddr = $classloader->A($netaddr);

  sub parse {
    shift;      # $self

As you can see, all that is passed to the 'parse' method is the $rdata portion of the request. 'parse' returns the ascii 'dotquad' IP address.

The actual DESCRIPTION from Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::A follows with annotation about the CODE and what is passed to all resource methods from the class loader.

The rest of this Template example is taken DIRECTLY from Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::A, with comments added for clarity and to show the CODE.

  • @stuff = $get->A(\$buffer,$offset);

      Get the contents of the resource record.
      USE: @stuff = $get->next(\$buffer,$offset);
      where: @stuff = (
      $newoff $name,$type,$class,$ttl,$rdlength,
      $netaddr );

    All except the last item, $netaddr, is provided by the class loader, Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR. The code in this method knows how to retrieve $netaddr.

      input:        pointer to buffer,
                    offset into buffer
      returns:      offset to next resource,
                    @common RR elements,
                    packed IPv4 address 
                      in network order
      NOTE: convert IPv4 address to dot quad text
            using Net::DNS::ToolKit::inet_ntoa
      The get function is passed a pointer to the buffer
      and an offset within the buffer to RDATA. It is
      expected to return the RDATA in the appropriate
      format as provided in the relevant RFC.

    The call to 'get' from the class loader looks like this:

      $netaddr = $classloader->get(\$buffer,$offset);

    Implementation for A RR's:

      sub get {
        my($self,$bp,$offset) = @_;
        $offset += INT16SZ; # don't need rdlength
        my($netaddr,$newoff) = getIPv4($bp,$offset);
        return ($newoff,$netaddr);
  • ($newoff,@dnptrs)=$put->A(\$buffer,$offset,\@dnptrs, $name,$type,$class,$ttl,$netaddr);

    Append an A record to $buffer.

      where @common = (

    The method will insert the $rdlength and $netaddr, then pass through the updated pointer to the array of compressed names

    The class loader, Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR, inserts the @common elements and returns updated @dnptrs. This module knows how to insert its RDATA and calculate the $rdlength.

      input:        pointer to buffer,
                    offset (normally end of buffer), 
                    pointer to compressed name array,
                    @common RR elements,
                    packed IPv4 address
                      in network order
      output:       offset to next RR,
                    new compressed name pointer array,
               or   empty list () on error.

    The put function is passed a pointer to the buffer an offset into the buffer (normally the end of buffer) and a pointer to an array of previously compressed names. It is expected to append the correct RDLENGTH and RDATA to the buffer and return an offset to the next RR (usually the end of buffer) as well as a new array of compressed names or the one to which it has a pointer if there are no names added to the buffer by this RR record method.

    The call passed to 'put' by the class loader looks like this:

      $newoff = $classloader->put(\$buffer,$offset,\@dnptrs,@rdata);

    Implementation for A RR's:

      sub put {
        return () unless @_;        # always return on error
        my($self,$bp,$off,$dnp,$netaddr) = @_;
        return () unless  
            ($off = put16($bp,$off,NS_INADDRSZ));
        return(putIPv4($bp,$off,$netaddr), @$dnp);

    Implementation for NS RR's: This method calculates $rdlength

      sub put {
        return () unless @_;    # always return on error
        my($self,$bp,$off,$dnp,$nsdname) = @_;
        my $rdlp = $off;        # save pointer to rdlength
        return () unless        # check for valid offset and get
          ($off = put16($bp,$off,0)) &&   # offset to name space
          (@_ = dn_comp($bp,$off,\$nsdname,$dnp));
        # new offset is first item in @_
        # rdlength = new offset - previous offset
        put16($bp,$rdlp, $_[0] - $off); 
        return @_;
  • (@COMMON,$IPaddr) = $parse->A(@common,$netaddr);

    Converts binary/numeric field data into human readable form. The common RR elements are supplied by the class loader, Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR. This module knows how to parse its RDATA.

    Common is: name,$type,$class,$ttl,$rdlength
      name       '.' is appended
      type       numeric to text 
      class      numeric to text 
      ttl        numeric to text
      rdlength   is a number
      rdata      RR specific conversion

    Resource Record A returns $rdata containing a packed IPv4 network address. The parse operation would be:


      type       1  
      class      1  
      ttl        123
      rdlength   4  
      rdata      a packed IPv4 address


      type       T_A 
      class      C_IN
      ttl        2m 3s
      rdlength   4   
      The parse function is passed the RDATA for its type.
      It expected to convert the RDATA into human readable
      form and return it.
      $IPaddress = $classloader->parse($netaddr);

    Implementation for A RR's:

      sub parse {
        shift;      # $self

    NOTE: while the A record does not return domain records, it is important that developers remember to append a '.' to domain names which are text formatted. i.e. becomes when text formatted to conform the record format for DNS files.


The code in this module (for an 'A' resource record) without the comments is pretty compact and looks like this:

  package Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::A;

  use strict;
  use Carp;
  # The functions needed for 'A' records
  # are 'put16', 'getIPv4', putIPv4, inet_aton,
  # and inet_ntoa.  Other RR types will need 
  # different and/or additional functions. 

  use Net::DNS::ToolKit qw(
  use Net::DNS::Codes qw(:constants);
  use vars qw($VERSION);
  require Socket;

  $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 0.01 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r };

  =head1 NAME

  =head1 SYNOPSIS
        (removed for brevity)

        (removed for brevity)

  =over 4

  =item * @stuff = $get->A(\$buffer,$offset);
        (removed for brevity)


  sub get {
    my($self,$bp,$offset) = @_;
    $offset += INT16SZ; # don't need rdlength
    my($netaddr,$newoff) = getIPv4($bp,$offset);
    return ($newoff,$netaddr);

  =item * ($newoff,@dnptrs)=$put->A(\$buffer,$offset,\@dnptrs,
        @common, $rdlength,$netaddr);  
        (removed for brevity)

  sub put {
    return () unless @_;        # always return on error
    my($self,$bp,$off,$dnp,$netaddr) = @_;
    return () unless  
        ($off = put16($bp,$off,NS_INADDRSZ));
    return(putIPv4($bp,$off,$netaddr), @$dnp);


  =item * (@COMMON,$IPaddr)=$parse->A(@common,$netaddr);
        (removed for brevity)


  sub parse {
    shift;      # $self


See: t/Template.t in this distribution.

See: t/NS.t in the Net::DNS::Toolkit distribution for an example of a test routine that is more complex as well as embedded debugging routines which are commented out.

And.... what follows...


        any others you require
        for your new RR extension




Your Name <>


Portions copyright 2003, Michael Robinton <>

Copyright 20xx, Your Name <>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

See also:

Net::DNS::Codes(3), Net::DNS::ToolKit(3), Net::DNS::ToolKit::RR::A(3)