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Search::Mousse - A simple and fast inverted index


  my $mousse = Search::Mousse->new(
    directory => $directory,
    name      => 'recipes',
  my $recipe = $mousse->fetch("Hearty Russian Beet Soup");
  my @recipes = $mousse->search("crumb");
  my @recipe_keys = $mousse->search_keys("italian soup");


Search::Mousse provides a simple and fast inverted index.

It is intended for constant databases (this is why it can be fast). Documents have a key, keywords (which the document can later be search for with) and a value (which can be a Perl data structure or object).

Use Search::Mousse::Writer to construct a database.

The default stemmer is:

  sub {
    my $words = lc shift;
    return uniq(split / /, $words);

Why is it called Search::Mousse? Well, in culinary terms, mousses are simple to make, can include quite complicated ingredients, and are inverted before presentation.



The constructor takes a few arguments: the directory to store files in, and a name for the database. If you have a custom stemmer, also pass it in:

  my $mousse = Search::Mousse->new(
    directory => $directory,
    name      => 'recipes',
  my $mousse2 = Search::Mousse->new(
    directory => $directory,
    name      => 'photos',
    stemmer   => \&stemmer,



If this is set to true, query terms are ANDed by default. Thus "white bread" would be parsed the same as "+white +bread":



Returns a value from the database, given a key:

  my $recipe = $mousse->fetch("Hearty Russian Beet Soup");

If you have used Search::Mousse::Writer::Related to analyse the database, the fetch_related() method returns a list of values that are similar to the given key:

  my @recipes = $mousse->fetch_related("Hearty Russian Beet Soup");

If you have used Search::Mousse::Writer::Related to analyse the database, the fetch_related_keys() method returns a list of keys that are similar to the given key:

  my @keys = $mousse->fetch_related_keys("Hearty Russian Beet Soup");

Returns a list of values that match the search terms (but see and()):

  my @white_or_bread = $mousse->search("white bread");
  my @white_bread    = $mousse->search("+white +bread");
  my @nonwhite_bread = $mousse->search("-white +bread");


Returns a list of keys that have all the keywords passed:

  my @recipe_keys = $mousse->search_keys("italian soup");


Search::Mousse::Writer, Search::Mousse::Writer::Related


Leon Brocard, <>


Copyright (C) 2005, Leon Brocard

This module is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.