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URI::VersionRange - Perl extension for Version Range Specification


  use URI::VersionRange;

  # OO-interface

  $vers = URI::VersionRange->new(
    scheme      => 'cpan',
    constraints => ['>2.00']
  say $vers; # vers:cpan/>2.00

  if ($vers->contains('2.10')) {
    say "The version is in range";

  # Parse "vers" string
  $vers = URI::VersionRange->from_string('vers:cpan/>2.00|<2.20');

  # exported functions

  $vers = decode_vers('vers:cpan/>2.00|<2.20');
  say $vers->scheme;  # cpan

  $vers_string = encode_vers(scheme => cpan, constraints => ['>2.00']);
  say $vers_string; # vers:cpan/>2.00


A version range specifier (aka. "vers") is a URI string using the vers URI-scheme with this syntax:


vers is the URI-scheme and is an acronym for "VErsion Range Specifier".

The pipe "|" is used as a simple separator between version-constraint. Each version-constraint in this pipe-separated list contains a comparator and a version:


This list of version-constraint are signposts in the version timeline of a package that specify version intervals.

A version satisfies a version range specifier if it is contained within any of the intervals defined by these version-constraint.


They are exported by default:

$vers_string = encode_vers(%params);

Converts the given vers components to "vers" string. Croaks on error.

This function call is functionally identical to:

    $vers_string = URI::VersionRange->new(%params)->to_string;
$vers = decode_vers($vers_string);

Converts the given "vers" string to URI::VersionRange object. Croaks on error.

This function call is functionally identical to:

    $vers = URI::VersionRange->from_string($vers_string);


$vers = URI::VersionRange->new( scheme => STRING, constraints -> ARRAY )

Create new URI::Version instance using provided vers components (scheme, constraints).


By convention the versioning scheme should be the same as the URI::PackageURL package type for a given package ecosystem.


constraints is ARRAY of URI::VersionRange::Constraint object.


Check if a version is contained within a range

    my $vers = URI::VersionRange::from_string('vers:cpan/>2.00|<2.20');

    if ($vers->contains('2.10')) {
        say "The version is in range";

See URI::VersionRange::Version.


Check if a version is contained within a specific constraint.

See URI::VersionRange::Version.


Stringify vers components.


Helper method for JSON modules (JSON, JSON::PP, JSON::XS, Mojo::JSON, etc).

    use Mojo::JSON qw(encode_json);

    say encode_json($vers);  # {"constraints":[{"comparator":">","version":"2.00"},{"comparator":"<","version":"2.20"}],"scheme":"cpan"}
$vers = URI::VersionRange->from_string($vers_string);

Converts the given "vers" string to URI::VersionRange object. Croaks on error.


Bugs / Feature Requests

Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker at You will be notified automatically of any progress on your issue.

Source Code

This is open source software. The code repository is available for public review and contribution under the terms of the license.

    git clone


  • Giuseppe Di Terlizzi <>


This software is copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Giuseppe Di Terlizzi.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.