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version 0.0230


Mixins programming

A new promising inject-code programming concepts based on mixins. Documentation will be available if someone will be willing to help write it.

Why not OO and Moose like?

The main difference is Evo stores attributes outside the object, so any ref could be an object, while Moose allow you to use only hashes. This makes possible, for example, to avoid delegating $stream->fh and makes a code faster. Also avoiding hashes improves performance (Evo::Class with XS backend should be 50-100% faster than similar hash-based modules). (see

The syntax differs from Moose too, I fixed most frustating parts of it. It's not Moose-compatible at all. Evo::Class is more strict by default and prevents many errors.

Every class is a role (Evo::Class::Role) and we don't use perl's @ISA OO inheritance. Code reuse is based on so called "mixins". This concept doesn't suffer a fragile base class problem from traditional OO

Every class is also an interface and can be used to check the shape of other classes.

A tiny amount of code means less bugs. You can make a code review in 5 minutes and understand everything.

These advantages make Evo::Class perfect for both "corporate level" and "small" projects


  package main;
  use Evo;


    package My::Human;
    use Evo -Class, -Loaded;

    has 'name' => 'unnamed';
    has 'gender', is => 'ro', required => 1;
    has age => check => sub($v) { $v >= 18 };
    sub greet($self) { say "I'm " . $self->name }

  my $alex = My::Human->new(gender => 'male');

  # default value "unnamed"
  say $alex->name;

  # fluent design
  say $alex->name, ': ', $alex->age;

  # method

  ## ------------ protecting you from errors, uncomment to test
  ## will die, gender is required

  ## will die, age must be >= 18
  #My::Human->new(age => 17, gender => 'male');
  #My::Human->new()->age(17, gender => 'male');

  # --------- code reuse

    package My::Developer;
    use Evo -Class;
    with 'My::Human'; # extends 'My::Human'; implements 'My::Human';

    has lang => 'Perl';

    sub show($self) {
      say "I like ", $self->lang;


  my $dev = My::Developer->new(gender => 'male');


creating an object

  package My::Class;
  use Evo -Class;
  has 'simple';

You don't need to call something like __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable unlike in Moose, Evo objects are fast enough by design.


  my $foo = My::Class->new(simple => 1);
  my $foo2 = My::Class->new();

We're protected from common mistakes, because constructor won't accept unknown attributes. You may think why not My::Class::new? You're right. The first option isn't really necessary and even constructor doesn't use it at all. But I decided to leave it that way because many developers are familiar with My::Class->new form. There is also an "init" function for perfectionists


Return current Evo::Class::Meta object for the class


The big advantage of Evo object that it's not tied with hashes. You can use init to bless and init any reference.

  package My::Obj;
  use Evo 'Evo::Class *, -new';    # load all except "new"

  sub new ($me, %opts) {
    $me->init([], %opts);

  package main;
  use Evo;
  say My::Obj->new();

Declaring attribute

  package My::Foo;
  use Evo '-Class *';

  has 'simple';
  has 'short' => 'value';
  has 'foo' => default => 'value', is => 'rw', check => sub {1};


Simple rw attribute

  has 'simple';
  # has 'simple', is => 'rw';

Attribute with default value: short form

  has 'short' => 'value';
  # has 'short', default => 'value';

Full form

  has 'foo' => default => 'value', is => 'rw', check => sub {1};



Can be 'rw' or 'ro'; Unlike Perl6 is 'rw' by default


Attribute will be filled with this value if isn't provided to the new constructor You can't use references, but you can provide a coderef instead of value, in this case return value of an invocation of this function will be used.

  has ref => sub($class) { {} };
  has foo => default => sub($class) { [] };

This is a good way to init some attribute that should always exists. Arguments, passed to new or init will be passed to the function without object itself (because there are no object yet). If you're expecting another behaviour, check "lazy"


Like default, but will be filled at the first invocation, not in constructor, and an instance will be passed as the argument

  # pay attention, an instance is passed
  has foo => lazy => sub($self) { [] };

You should now that using this feature is an antipattern in the mose of the cases. "default" is preferable if you're not sure


  has 'foo', required => 1;

Attributes with this options are required


You can provide function that will check passed value (via constuctor and changing), and if that function doesn't return true, an exception will be thrown.

  has big => check => sub { shift > 10 };

You can also return (0, "CustomError") to provide more expressive explanation

  package main;
  use Evo;


    package My::Foo;
    use Evo '-Class *';

    has big => check => sub($val) { $val > 10 ? 1 : (0, "not > 10"); };

  my $foo = My::Foo->new(big => 11);

  $foo->big(9);    # will die
  my $bar = My::Foo->new(big => 9);    # will die


All methods, defined in a class (not imported) are public. Functions, imported from other modules, don't become public and don't make a mess.

All attributes are public.

Methods, generated somehow else, for example by *foo = sub {}, can be marked as public by "reg_method" in Evo::Class::Meta

Private methods

If you want to mark a method as private, use new lexical_subs feature

  my sub private {'private'}

You can also use "mark_as_private" in Evo::Class::Meta


Evo protects you from method clashing. But if you want to override method or fix clashing, use "has_over" function or :Override attribute

    package My::Peter;
    use Evo -Class;
    with 'My::Human';

    has_over name => 'peter';
    sub greet : Over { }

This differs from traditional OO style. With compoment programming, you should reuse code via Evo::Class::Role or just organize classes with independed pieces of code like "mixing". So, try to override less


Extends classes or roles


Check if all required methods are implemented. Like interfaces


This does "extend + check implementation". Consider this example:

  package main;
  use Evo;


    package My::Role::Happy;
    use Evo -Class, -Loaded;

    requires 'name';

    sub greet($self) {
      say "My name is ", $self->name, " and I'm happy!";

    package My::Class;
    use Evo -Class;

    has name => 'alex';

    #extends 'My::Role::Happy';
    #implements 'My::Role::Happy';
    with 'My::Role::Happy';



My::Role::Happy requires name in derivered class. We could install shared code with extends and then check implemantation with implements. Or just use with wich does both.

You may want to use extends and implements separately to resolve circular requirements, for example



  my $alex = My::Human->new(gender => 'male', age => 31);
  say $alex->attr_exists('age') ? 'exists' : 'not';
  say $alex->attr_delete('age');
  say $alex->attr_exists('age') ? 'exists' : 'not';

Like exists and delete but for attributes and check if attribute was registered (croak otherwise).


  sub foo : Over { 'OVERRIDEN'; }

Mark name as overridden. See "Overriding methods" in Evo::Role



This software is copyright (c) 2016 by alexbyk.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.