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Mars::Meta - Class Metadata


Class Metadata for Perl 5


  package Person;

  use Mars::Class;

  attr 'fname';
  attr 'lname';

  package Identity;

  use Mars::Role;

  attr 'id';
  attr 'login';
  attr 'password';

  sub EXPORT {
    return ['id', 'login', 'password'];

  package Authenticable;

  use Mars::Role;

  sub authenticate {
    return true;

  sub EXPORT {
    return ['authenticate'];

  package User;

  use Mars::Class;

  base 'Person';
  with 'Identity';

  attr 'email';

  test 'Authenticable';

  sub valid {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->login && $self->password ? true : false;

  package main;

  my $user = User->new(
    fname => 'Elliot',
    lname => 'Alderson',

  my $meta = $user->meta;

  # bless({name => 'User'}, 'Mars::Meta')


This package provides configuration information for Mars derived classes, roles, and interfaces.


This package provides the following methods:


  attr(Str $name) (Bool)

The attr method returns true or false if the package referenced has the attribute accessor named.

Since 0.01

attr example 1
  # given: synopsis

  package main;

  my $attr = $meta->attr('email');

  # 1
attr example 2
  # given: synopsis

  package main;

  my $attr = $meta->attr('username');

  # 0


  attrs() (ArrayRef)

The attrs method returns all of the attributes composed into the package referenced.

Since 0.01

attrs example 1
  # given: synopsis

  package main;

  my $attrs = $meta->attrs;

  # [
  #   'email',
  #   'fname',
  #   'id',
  #   'lname',
  #   'login',
  #   'password',
  # ]


  base(Str $name) (Bool)

The base method returns true or false if the package referenced has inherited the package named.

Since 0.01

base example 1
  # given: synopsis

  package main;

  my $base = $meta->base('Person');

  # 1
base example 2
  # given: synopsis

  package main;

  my $base = $meta->base('Student');

  # 0


  bases() (ArrayRef)

The bases method returns returns all of the packages inherited by the package referenced.

Since 0.01

bases example 1
  # given: synopsis

  package main;

  my $bases = $meta->bases;

  # [
  #   'Person',
  #   'Mars::Kind::Class',
  #   'Mars::Kind',
  # ]


  data() (HashRef)

The data method returns a data structure representing the shallow configuration for the package referenced.

Since 0.01

data example 1
  # given: synopsis

  package main;

  my $data = $meta->data;

  # {
  #   'ATTR' => {
  #     'email' => [
  #       'email'
  #     ]
  #   },
  #   'BASE' => {
  #     'Person' => [
  #       'Person'
  #     ]
  #   },
  #   'ROLE' => {
  #     'Authenticable' => [
  #       'Authenticable'
  #     ],
  #     'Identity' => [
  #       'Identity'
  #     ]
  #   }
  # }


  new(Any %args | HashRef $args) (Object)

The new method returns a new instance of this package.

Since 0.01

new example 1
  # given: synopsis

  package main;

  my $meta = Mars::Meta->new(name => 'User');

  # bless({name => 'User'}, 'Mars::Meta')
new example 2
  # given: synopsis

  package main;

  my $meta = Mars::Meta->new({name => 'User'});

  # bless({name => 'User'}, 'Mars::Meta')


  role(Str $name) (Bool)

The role method returns true or false if the package referenced has consumed the role named.

Since 0.01

role example 1
  # given: synopsis

  package main;

  my $role = $meta->role('Identity');

  # 1
role example 2
  # given: synopsis

  package main;

  my $role = $meta->role('Builder');

  # 0


  roles() (ArrayRef)

The roles method returns all of the roles composed into the package referenced.

Since 0.01

roles example 1
  # given: synopsis

  package main;

  my $roles = $meta->roles;

  # [
  #   'Identity',
  #   'Authenticable'
  # ]


  sub(Str $name) (Bool)

The sub method returns true or false if the package referenced has the subroutine named on the package directly, or any of its superclasses.

Since 0.01

sub example 1
  # given: synopsis

  package main;

  my $sub = $meta->sub('authenticate');

  # 1
sub example 2
  # given: synopsis

  package main;

  my $sub = $meta->sub('authorize');

  # 0


  subs() (ArrayRef)

The subs method returns all of the subroutines composed into the package referenced.

Since 0.01

subs example 1
  # given: synopsis

  package main;

  my $subs = $meta->subs;

  # [
  #   'attr', ...,
  #   'base',
  #   'email',
  #   'false',
  #   'fname', ...,
  #   'id',
  #   'lname',
  #   'login',
  #   'new', ...,
  #   'role',
  #   'test',
  #   'true',
  #   'with', ...,
  # ]

