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Vim::Snippet::Converter - A Template Converter for Slippery Snippet Vim Plugin


Version 0.07


    use Vim::Snippet::Converter;

    my $vsc = Vim::Snippet::Converter->new();
    open my $in , "<" , "perl.snt";
    open my $out , ">" , "perl_snippets.vim";
    $vsc->convert( $in , $out );
    close ($in , $out);


convert template file (*.snt)

    $ scc -s [filename]  [-i {path}] [-c {path}]

for example:

    # generate snippet vim script to stdout
    $ scc -s perl.snt

    $ scc -s filename.snt > perl_snippets.vim

    # to replace the previous install automatically.
    $ scc -s filename.snt -i ~/.vim/syntax/perl.vim

    -s, --src  [filename]
        specify source file path

    -i, --install-to [filename]
        specify vim script path, e.g.  ~/.vim/syntax/perl.vim

    -c, --create-completion [filepath]
        create snippet keyword completion file for vim

to save triggers into vim completion file:

    $ scc -s perl.snt -c vim_completion

Setup your vim completion dictionary

append the below setting to your .vimrc , it is located in your home directory.

    set dictionary+=/path/to/vim_completion

when you want to call the keyword completion , just press Ctrl-X Ctrl-K in Insert-Mode.

Template Format

    sub <<function>> ( <<prototype>> ) {
        my <<>> = <<>>;
        return <<returnValue>>;

'sub' is a trigger name , when you press <Tab> , the trigger will be replaced with the template.

<<function>> is called Place Holder , when you press <Tab> again , curosr will jump to the next position to let you enter some text.


Cornelius, <cornelius.howl+cpan at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-vim-snippet-compiler at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Vim::Snippet::Converter

You can also look for information at:



Copyright 2007 Cornelius, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.