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List::BinarySearch - Binary Search a sorted list or array.


Version 0.01_001 Developer's Release


This module performs a binary search on an array passed by reference, or on an array or list passed as a flat list.

The binary search algorithm implemented in this module provides stable searches (deferred detection). Stable binary search algorithms have the following characteristics, contrasted with their unstable binary search cousins:

  • In the case of non-unique keys, a stable binary search will always return the lowest-indexed matching element. An unstable binary search would return the first one found, which may not be the chronological first.

  • Best and worst case time complexity is always O(log n). Unstable searches may find the target in fewer iterations in the best case, but in the worst case would still be O(log n).

  • Stable binary searches only require one relational comparison per iteration, where unstable binary searches require two conditionals per iteration.

  • The net result is that although an unstable binary search might have a better "best case" time complexity, the fact that a stable binary search gets away with fewer comparisons per iteration gives it better performance in the worst case, and approximately equal performance in the average case. By trading away slightly better "best case" performance, the stable search gains the guarantee that the element found will always be the lowest-indexed element in a range of non-unique keys.


    use List::BinarySearch qw( bsearch_array bsearch_list );

    my @array = ( 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 );
    my $index;

    # Search an array passed by reference.
    $index = bsearch_array( \@array, $target );

    # Search an array passed by reference, using a custom comparator.
    $index = bsearch_array( \@array, $target, sub { $_[0] cmp $_[1] } );

    # Search an array passed as a flat list.
    $index = bsearch_list( $target, @array );

    # Search an array passed as a flat list, using a custom comparator.
    $index = bsearch_list( $sub{ $_[0] cmp $_[1] }, $target, @array );

    # Returns undef:
    $index = bsearch_array( \@array, 250 );  # 250 isn't found in @array.


Nothing is exported by default. Upon request will export bsearch_array, bsearch_list, or both functions by specifying :all.


Before using this module the user should weigh the other options: linear searches ( grep or List::Util::first ), or hash based searches. A binary search only makes sense if the data set is already sorted in ascending order, and if it is determined that the cost of a linear search, or the linear-time conversion to a hash-based container is too inefficient. So often, it just doesn't make sense to try to optimize beyond what Perl's tools natively provide.

However, in some cases, a binary search can be an excellent choice. Finding the first matching element in a list of 1,000,000 items with a linear search would have a worst-case of 1,000,000 iterations, whereas the worst case for a binary search of 1,000,000 elements is about 20 iterations.



    $first_found_ix = bsearch_array( $array_ref, $target );
    $first_found_ix = bsearch_array( $array_ref, $target, \&comparator );

Pass a reference to an array to be searched, a target item to find, and optionally a reference to a comparator subroutine.

If no comparator is passed, the search algorithm will try to determine if $target looks like a number or like a string. If $target looks like a number, the default search will use numeric comparison. If $target doesn't look like a number, the default search will use string comparison.

Internally Scalar::Util::looks_like_number is used to decide whether to use numeric or stringwise comparisons in the absence of an explicit comparator subroutine.

Return value is the index of the first element equalling $target. If no element is found, undef is returned.


    $first_found_ix = bsearch_list( $target, @list );
    $first_found_ix = bsearch_list( \&comparator, $target, @list );

Pass an optional reference to a comparator subroutine, a target, and a flat list to be searched.

If no comparator is passed, the search algorithm will try to determine if $target looks like a number or like a string. If $target looks like a number, the default search will use numeric comparison. If $target doesn't look like a number, the default search will use string comparison.

Internally Scalar::Util::looks_like_number is used to decide whether to default to numeric or stringwise comparisons in the absence of an explicit comparator subroutine.

Return value is the index of the first element equalling $target. If no element is found, undef is returned.

\&comparator (callback)

Comparators are references to functions that accept as parameters a target, and a list element, returning the result of the relational comparison of the two values. A good example would be the code block in a sort function, except that our comparators get their input from @_, where sort's comparator functions get their input from $a and $b.

The default comparators are defined like this:

    # Numeric comparisons:
    $comp = sub {
        my( $target, $list_item ) = @_;
        return $target <=> $list_item;

    # Non-numeric (stringwise) comparisons:
    $comp = sub {
        my( $target, $list_item ) = @_;
        return $target cmp $list_item;

Optionally the user may supply a custom comparator to override default comparison logic. A custom comparator function should return:

    -1 if $target <  $list_item
     0 if $target == $list_item
     1 if $target >  $list_item


A well written general algorithm should place as few demands on its data as practical. The two requirements that these Binary Search algorithms impose are:

  • The lists must be in ascending sorted order.

    This is a big one. Keep in mind that the best sort routines run in O(n log n) time. It makes no sense to sort a list in O(n log n), and then perform a single O(log n) binary search when List::Util first could accomplish the same thing in O(n) time. A Binary Search only makes sense if there are other good reasons for keeping the data set sorted in the first place.

  • Passing an unsorted list to these Binary Search algorithms will result in undefined behavior.

    A Binary Search consumes O(log n) time. It would, therefore, be foolish for these algorithms to pre-check the list for sortedness, as that would require linear, or O(n) time. Since no sortedness testing is done, there can be no guarantees as to what will happen if an unsorted list is passed to a binary search.

  • Data that is more complex than simple numeric or string lists will require a custom comparator.


David Oswald, <davido at>

If the documentation fails to answer your question, or if you have a comment or suggestion, send me an email.


This is an early developer's release. The API can (and probably will) change. Version numbers in this format: x.xx_xxx are dev releases. Version numbers in this format: x.xx are stable.

Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-list-binarysearch at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc List::BinarySearch

You can also look for information at:



Copyright 2012 David Oswald.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.