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Win32::HostExplorer - Automate telnet using Hummingbird HostExplorer and interact with the presentation space.


Version 0.01


    use Win32::HostExplorer;

    # Create new instance of HostExplorer
    my $obj = Win32::HostExplorer->new( debug => 3, logfile => $log_file );

    # Print the first line, last line
    print $obj->title_row(),  "\n";
    print $obj->status_row(), "\n";

    # Retrieve lines 2 and 7 through 12
    my @array = $obj->show_lines( 2, 7..12 );

    # Search lines 7 through 9 for the pattern
    $obj->match_pattern( '.*money\s+(\S+)', 7..9 );

    # Position cursor on row 7, column 11
    my ( $row, $col ) = $obj->cursor_pos( 7, 11 );

    # Send text to row/column 7,1
    $obj->field_input( 7, 1, 'Thelonius Monk' );

    # Execute function key 'F1' within terminal


The Win32::HostExplorer module provides an object-oriented interface and methods to interact with the HostExplorer presentation space.



  • Win32::HostExplorer->new();

    The constructor returning the object for a new HostExplorer instance using Win32::OLE. Two options are supported with this method in hash format. All are optional.


    Setting the debug level to 1 will cause each to method to announce itself and its caller. Setting debug to 2 will add the arguments passed to the method. Setting debug to 3 will add the return value of the method.


    This designates a log file to be used in conjunction with the write_log() method.

  • show_lines( 3, 8..14 )

    Reads lines from the presentation space using line numbers as arguments. They are returned in list or scalar context. The default action, with no arguments, returns lines 1-24. Ranges are expressed as (start)..(end).

  • title_row()

    Reads the first row of the presentation space, which can often contain the page title.

  • status_row()

    Reads the last row of the presentation space, which can often contain the results of a command sequence.

  • cursor_pos( 7, 11 )

    With row/col arguments, positions the cursor in the presentation space, else returns the cursor position only.

    Row and column indexes begin with 1;

  • field_input( 7, 1, 'bang a gong' )

    Combines three methods to position the cursor on a given row/column, clear the field, and insert keys.

  • match_pattern( '.*free money\s+(\S+)', 7..9 )

    Applies a regex pattern against the specified lines in the presentation space.

    This returns, either the entire pattern matched or the parenthesized group. Only one group is allowed.


System Commands

  • activate()

    Brings the window to the foreground.

  • close()

    This will close the session immediately.

  • connect()

    Connect the client to a host system.

  • connect_status()

    Tests the connection to your host. 0 = not connected, 1 = connected

  • clear()

    Clears all data from the terminal.

  • disconnect()

    Disconnects the client from a host system.

  • hide() show()

    Hide or display the screen whether it is minimized, normal, or maximized. A hidden screen no longer shows in the taskbar.

  • maximize() minimize() restore()

    Methods to size the window.

  • hide_toolbar() show_toolbar()

    Use these methods to hide or show the session toolbar.

  • start_capture() stop_capture()

    Starts/stops capture mode.

  • set_font()

    A method to change the font.

    $obj->set_font( 'Courier New', 0, 12 ); # ( $fontname, $width, $height )

  • font_larger() font_smaller()

    Resize the font.

  • print_screen()

    Print the current host session to the Windows printer specified in the profile for the session

  • save_screen()

    Save the current screen to a file.

    $obj->save_screen( 'C:\saved.txt' );

  • search()

    Search the presentation space for a string. Returns (row,col) — found or 0 — not found. Parameters - 'string', case( def. 0 = no case or 1 = case sensitive ), start_row( def. 1 ), start_col( def. 1 ).

    $obj->search( "elvis", 0 ,1 ,1 );

  • set_font()

    Set the session font.

    $obj->set_font( 'Courier New',$w, $h );

  • text()

    Use to retrieve the entire screen as a string.

    my $text = $obj->text();

  • text_rc()

    Used to retrieve part of the screen as a string. Values for length include: 0 = Copy to EOF, -1 = Copy to EOL, -2 = Copy to EOW, -3 = Copy to EOScr, >0 = Exact length.

    my $text = $obj->text_rc($row,$column,$length);

  • update() This method forces a repaint of the session window.


Action Keys

  • enter()

    Sends the 'enter' key sequence.

  • f1() .. f12() pa1() .. pa3()

    Function keys within the session.


  • back_space()

    Sends the 'backspace' key.

  • send_keys( 'Thelonius Monk' )

    Used to insert a key sequence into the presentation space at the current cursor position.

  • erase_eof()

    Clears text from the cursor position to the end of the field.

  • erase_eol()

    Clears text from the cursor position to the end of the line.

  • erase_input()

    Clears all editable text from the presentation space.

  • selectall() copy() selectall_copy() paste() paste_wordwrap()

    Copy/paste commands.

  • set_insert() unset_insert()

    These toggle the insert mode and return the state of the mode. 0 = reset, 1 = set

  • newline()

    Sends the 'newline' key sequence moving the cursor to the first editable position on the next line.

  • tab() back_tab()

    These methods are used to send the 'tab' or 'back-tab' key sequences, moving the cursor tab-wise through the input fields.

  • left() right() up() down() home() end()

    Cursor movement.

  • put_text()

    Like the send_keys() method but it allows you to specify the location to write the text. $obj->put_text( "Donna Lee", 2, 10 )


George Kevin Hathorn, <gekeha at gmail dot com>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-win32-hostexplorer at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Win32::HostExplorer

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2007 George Kevin Hathorn, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 821:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '—'. Assuming CP1252