Changes for version 0.01_01 - 2008-01-30

  • First dev release to CPAN.

Changes for version 0.003_01 - 2008-01-25

  • Plugin API changes; ActivePath bugfix.

Changes for version 0.002_02 - 2008-01-21

  • FileReloader bugfix

Changes for version 0.002_01 - 2008-01-17

  • First internal release.


Writing your own grinder plugins.


A tool for managing dynamic website menus - base class.
WWW::MenuGrinder plugin that finds a path to the currently active page.
WWW::MenuGrinder plugin that sets a default link target.
WWW::MenuGrinder plugin to reload the menu when a file changes.
WWW::MenuGrinder plugin that generates hotkeys from labels.
WWW::MenuGrinder Plugin that loads from the config.
WWW::MenuGrinder plugin that outputs the menu structure unchanged.
WWW::MenuGrinder plugin that does privilege checks on items.
WWW::MenuGrinder plugin that does variable substitutions and checks.
WWW::MenuGrinder plugin that allows item-by-item mogrification.
WWW::MenuGrinder plugin that loads menus with XML::Simple.
WWW::MenuGrinder plugin that loads menus with YAML::XS.
WWW::MenuGrinder role for plugins that need to initialization before mogrifying.
WWW::MenuGrinder role for plugins that need initialization before pre-mogrify.
WWW::MenuGrinder role for plugins that modify menus item-by-item per request.
WWW::MenuGrinder role for plugins that modify menus item-by-item at load time.
WWW::MenuGrinder role for plugins that load menu data.
WWW::MenuGrinder role for plugins that modify menus per request.
WWW::MenuGrinder role for plugins that output menus in some format.
WWW::MenuGrinder role for all plugins.
WWW::MenuGrinder role for plugins that modify menus at load time.