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Valiant::Validator::Each - A Role to create custom validators


    package Valiant::Validator::Presence;

    use Moo;
    use Valiant::I18N;

    with 'Valiant::Validator::Each';

    has required => (is=>'ro', init_arg=>undef, required=>1, default=>1 );
    has is_blank => (is=>'ro', required=>1, default=>sub {_t 'is_blank'});

    sub normalize_shortcut {
      my ($class, $arg) = @_;
      return +{} if $arg eq '1' ;

    sub validate_each {
      my ($self, $record, $attribute, $value, $opts) = @_;
          not(defined $value) ||
          $value eq '' || 
          $value =~m/^\s+$/
      ) {
        $record->errors->add($attribute, $self->is_blank, $opts)
    package Local::User;

    use Moo;
    use Valiant::Validations;

    has name => (is=>'ro');
    has age => (is=>'ro);

    validates ['name', 'age'],
      Presence => 1;


Use this role when you with to create a custom validator that will be run on your class attributes. Please note that you can also use the 'with' validator (Valiant::Validator::With) for simple custom validation needs. Its best to use this role when you want custom validation that is going to be shared across several classes so the effort pays off in reuse.

Your class must provide the method validate_each, which will be called once for each attribute in the validation.

In addition to providing validation control this role also provides a few utility method to make creating new validators easier.


This validator role provides the following attributes


If the attribute value is undef, skip validation and allow it


If the attribute is blank (that is its one of undef, '', or a scalar composing only whitespace) skip validation and allow it.

if / unless

Accepts a coderef or the name of a method which executes and is expected to return true or false. If false we skip the validation (or true for unless). Recieves the object, the attribute name and the value to be checked as arguments.

You can set more than one value to these with an arrayref:

    if => ['is_admin', sub { ... }, 'active_account'],


Provide a global error message override for the constraint. Will accept a string, a translation tag, a reference to a string or a reference to a function. Using this will override the custom error message provided by the validator.

Please not that many validators also provide error type specific messages for providing custom errors (as well as the ability to setup your own errors in a localization file. Using this attribute is the easiest but probably not always your best option.


When true instead of adding a message to the errors list, will throw exception with the error instead. If the true value is the name of a class that provides a throw message, will use that instead.


A scalar or list of contexts that can be used to control the situation ('context') under which the validation is executed. If you specify an on context that validation will only run if you pass that context via validate. However if you don't set a context for the validate (in other words you don't set an on value) then that validation ALWAYS runs (whether or not you set a context via validates. Basically not setting a context means validation runs in all contexts and none.


This role provides the following methods. You may wish to review the source code of the prebuild validators for examples of usage.


Used to properly construct a options hashref that you should pass to any calls to add an error. You need this for passing special values to the translation method or for setting overrides such as strict or message.


Quite often you wish to give your users the flexibility in providing values to your validation fields from a callback or as a method on the underlying object. That way you can avoid always hardcoding your requirements or make them subject to certain conditions. For example you may allow users added before a certain date to continue to use a username with few characters than newer ones, etc.

In order to do this you can run _cb_value on the actual attribute value and if that value is a coderef it will get invoked with the object you are validating and the instance of the validator (in case the validator instance has some useful helper methods). In any case you should use this method to get attribute values that are used for doing validations:

    sub validate_each {
      my ($self, $record, $attribute, $value, $options) = @_;
      my $state = $self->_cb_value($record, $self->state);
      my %opts = (%{$self->options}, %{$options||+{}});

      if($state) {
        # value must be true
        unless($value) {
          $record->errors->add($attribute, $self->is_not_true, \%opts);
      } else {
        # value must be false
        if ($value) {
          $record->errors->add($attribute, $self->is_not_false, \%opts);


Given a list of arguments will return true if at least once of them appears. Useful for when you are writing a validator with several optional approachs to validation and you want to make sure the user chose at least one of them.


Valiant, Valiant::Validator, Valiant::Validator::Each.


See Valiant


See Valiant