get_words - given collapsed treebank, print words only


get_words [options] [file[s] or STDIN]

   -help    brief help message
   -man     full documentation

   -sgml    put <s> and </s> tokens around words

   -parens  put ( and ) tokens around words



Print a brief help message and exits.


Prints the manual page and exits.


Writes <s> at the beginning of each line and </s> at the end of each line, or (in the case of -nosgml) don't.

Default is -sgml.


Writes ( at the beginning of each line and ) at the end of each line, or (in the case of -noparens) don't.

Default is -noparens.


Reads input files (or STDIN) for Penn-style trees, one per line, and prints out only the words, one tree per line.

Providing the -sgml tag makes the output pseudo-SGML by including angle-bracketed <s> and </s> tokens at the beginning and end of each line.