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SPVM::Sys - System Calls for File IO, Sockets, Time, Process, Signals, Users


The Sys class in SPVM has methods to call system calls for file IO, sockets, user manipulation, process manipulation, and time.


  use Sys;
  my $fd_ref = [(Sys::IO::FileStream)undef];
  Sys->open($fd_ref, "<", $path);
  my $path = Sys->env("PATH");
  my $process_id = Sys->process_id;

Class Methods


static method STDIN : Sys::IO::FileStream ();

Returns the stdin opened by the SPVM language.


static method STDOUT : Sys::IO::FileStream ();

Returns the stdout opened by the SPVM language.


static method STDERR : Sys::IO::FileStream ();

Returns the stderr opened by the SPVM language.


static method open : void ($stream_ref : Sys::IO::FileStream[], $open_mode : string, $file_name : string);

Opens a file given the open mode $open_mode and the file name $file_name.

The opened file stream is set to $stream_ref at index 0.

The open mode $open_mode is replaced to a representation of the fopen function before calling the fopen function.

  [$open_mode]   [The mode of the fopen function]
  <              rb
  >              wb
  >>             wa
  +<             r+b
  +>             w+b
  +>>            a+b

If the system supports FD_CLOEXEC, this flag is set to the opened file's file descriptor using "fcntl".


$stream_ref must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

The length of $stream_ref must be equal to 1. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

Exceptions thrown by the fopen method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method fdopen : void ($stream_ref : Sys::IO::FileStream[], $open_mode : string, $fd : int);

Same as "open" method except that this method takes the file descriptor $fd instead of the file name .


static method fileno : int ($stream : Sys::IO::FileStream);

Return the file descriptor of the file stream $stream.


Exceptions thrown by the fileno method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method read : int ($stream : Sys::IO::FileStream, $buf : mutable string, $length : int, $buf_offset : int = 0);

Reads data from the file stream $stream by the $length, and saves it to the buffer $buf at offset $buf_offset.


Exceptions thrown by the fread method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method eof : int ($stream : Sys::IO::FileStream);

Checks if the file stream $stream reasches the end of the file.

If it does, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.


Exceptions thrown by the feof method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method readline : mutable string ($stream : Sys::IO::FileStream);

Reads a line from th file stream $stream and returns it.


$stream must be defined.

Exceptions thrown by the "getc" method could be thrown.


static method getc : int ($stream : Sys::IO::FileStream);

Gets a charactor from the file stream $stream and returns it.


Exceptions thrown by the getc method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method print : void ($stream : Sys::IO::FileStream, $string : string);

Prints the string $string to the file stream $stream.


Exceptions thrown by the fwrite method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method printf : void ($stream, $format : string, $args : object[])

Prints the format string $string given the arguments $args to the file stream $stream.

Exceptions thrown by the "print" method class could be thrown.


static method say : void ($stream : Sys::IO::FileStream, $string : string);

Prints the string $string and "\n" to the file stream $stream.


Exceptions thrown by the "print" method class could be thrown.


static method close : void ($stream : Sys::IO::FileStream);

Closes the file stream $stream.


Exceptions thrown by the fclose method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method seek : void ($stream : Sys::IO::FileStream, $offset : long, $whence : int);

Moves the read/write position pointed to by the file stream $stream to the offset $offset given $whence.

See Sys::IO::Constant about constant values given to $whence.


Exceptions thrown by the fseek method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method tell : long ($stream : Sys::IO::FileStream);

Returns the read/write position pointed to by the file stream $stream.


Exceptions thrown by the ftell method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method sysopen : void ($fd_ref : int*, $path : string, $flags : int, $mode : int = 0);

Opens a file given, the file path $path, the mode $flags and the mode $mode.

The file descriptor of the opened file is set to the value reffered by $fd_ref.

See Sys::IO::Constant about constant values given to the flags $flags and the mode $mode.


Exceptions thrown by the open method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method sysread : int ($fd : int, $buf : mutable string, $length : int, $buf_offset : int = 0);

Reads data from the file stream $stream by the $length, and saves it to the buffer $buf from the offset $buf_offset.


Exceptions thrown by the read method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method syswrite : int ($fd : int, $buf : string, $length : int = -1, $buf_offset : int = 0);

Writes data to the file stream $stream by the $length from the buffer $buf at offset $buf_offset.


Exceptions thrown by the write method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method sysseek : long ($fd : int, $offset : long, $whence : int);

Moves the read/write position pointed to by the file descriptor $fd to the offset $offset given $whence.

See Sys::IO::Constant about constant values given to $whence.


Exceptions thrown by the lseek method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method fcntl : int ($fd : int, $command : int, $command_arg : object of Int|SPVM::Sys::IO::Flock|object = undef);

Calls the fcntl method in the Sys::IO class and its return value.


Exceptions thrown by the fcntl method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method flock : void ($fd : int, $operation : int);

Locks the file specified by the file descriptor $fd given the operation $operation.

See Sys::IO::Constant about constant values given to the operation $operation.


Exceptions thrown by the flock method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method mkdir : void ($path : string, $mode : int);

Creates the directory given the path $path and the mode $mode.

The permissions of the created directory are ($mode & ~umask & 0777).

In Windows, the mode $mode is ignored.


Exceptions thrown by the mkdir method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method umask : int ($mode : int);

Sets the umask for the process to the mode $mode and returns the previous value.


Exceptions thrown by the umask method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.

static method unlink : void ($pathname : string);

Deletes a file.

In Windows, this method calls the unlink method in the Sys::IO::Windows, otherwise calls the unlink method in the Sys::IO class.


Exceptions thrown by the unlink method or the unlink method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method rename : void ($oldpath : string, $newpath : string);

Raname the file name from the old name $oldpath to the new name $newpath.

In Windows, this method calls the rename method in the Sys::IO::Windows, otherwise calls the rename method in the Sys::IO class.


Exceptions thrown by the rename method or the rename method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method rmdir : void ($path : string);

Deletes the directory given the path $path.


Exceptions thrown by the rmdir method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method chdir : void ($path : string);

Changes the working directory to the path $path.


Exceptions thrown by the chdir method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method chmod : void ($mode :int, $path : string);

Changes the permissions of the file $path to the permission $mode.


Exceptions thrown by the chmod method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method chown : void ($owner : int, $group : int, $path : string);

Changes the owner and the group of the file $path to $owner and $group.


Exceptions thrown by the chown method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.

static method readlink : int ($file : string);

Returns the content of the symbolic link file $file.

In Windows thie method calls the readlink method in the Sys::IO::Windows, otherwise calls the readlink method in the Sys::IO.


Exceptions thrown by the readlink method in the Sys::IO or the readlink method in the Sys::IO::Windows class could be thrown.

static method symlink : int ($oldpath : string, $newpath : string);

Creates a path $newpath symbolically linked to the path $oldpath.

In Windows thie method calls the symlink method in the Sys::IO::Windows, otherwise calls the symlink method in the Sys::IO.


Exceptions thrown by the symlink method in the Sys::IO or the symlink method in the Sys::IO::Windows class could be thrown.


static method truncate : void ($fd : int, $legnth : long);

Truncates the file referenced by the file descriptor $fd to a size of precisely length bytes $legnth.


Exceptions thrown by the ftruncate method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method opendir : void ($dh_ref : Sys::IO::DirStream[], $dir : string);

Opens the directory stream given the directory $dir.

The opened directory stream is set to $dh_ref at index 0.


Exceptions thrown by the opendir method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method closedir : void ($dstream : Sys::IO::DirStream);

Closes the directory stream given the directory $dstream.


Exceptions thrown by the closedir method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method readdir : Sys::IO::Dirent ($dstream : Sys::IO::DirStream);

Reads a directory entry from the dirctory stream $dstream.


Exceptions thrown by the readdir method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method rewinddir : void ($dstream : Sys::IO::DirStream);

Resets the position of the directory stream $dstream to the beginning of the directory.


Exceptions thrown by the rewinddir method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method telldir : long ($dstream : Sys::IO::DirStream);

Returns the current location associated with the directory stream $dstream.


Exceptions thrown by the telldir method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method popen : void ($stream_ref : Sys::IO::FileStream[], $open_mode : string, $command : string);

Opens a file stream that joins a process by creating a pipe given the command $command and the open mode $open_mode.

The opened file stream is set to $stream_ref at index 0.

The open mode $open_mode is replaced to a representation of the fopen function before calling the fopen function.

  [$open_mode]   [The mode of the fopen function]
  |-             wb
  -|             rb

If the system supports FD_CLOEXEC, this flag is set to the opened file's file descriptor using "fcntl".


Exceptions thrown by the popen method in the Sys::IO or the _popen method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method pclose : void ($stream : Sys::IO::FileStream);

Closes the file stream $stream created by the "popen" method.


Exceptions thrown by the pclose method in the Sys::IO or the _pclose method in the Sys::IO class could be thrown.


static method select : int ($readfds : Sys::Select::Fd_set, $writefds : Sys::Select::Fd_set, $exceptfds : Sys::Select::Fd_set, $timeout : double = 0);

Calls the select method in the Sys::Select class and returns its return value.

If $timeout is greter than or equal to 0, it is converted to a Sys::Time::Timeval object. Otherwise is converted to undef.

$nfds is set to 1024.


Exceptions thrown by the select method in the Sys::Select class method could be thrown.


static method ioctl : int ($fd : int, $request : int, $request_arg_ref : object of byte[]|short[]|int[]|long[]|float[]|double[]|object = undef);


Calls the ioctlsocket method in the Sys::Ioctl class and returns its return value.

OSs other than Windows:

Calls the ioctl method in the Sys::Ioctl class and returns its return value.


Exceptions thrown by the ioctl method or the ioctlsocket method in the Sys::Ioctl class could be thrown.


static method A : double ($file : string);

Returns script start time minus file access time of the file $file, in days.

This method corresponds to Perl's -A.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

The exceptions thrown by he "stat" method could be thrown.


static method C : double ($file : string);

Returns script start time minus file inode change time of the file $file, in days.

This method corresponds to Perl's -C.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

The exceptions thrown by he "stat" method could be thrown.


static method M : double ($file : string);

Returns script start time minus file modification time of the file $file, in days.

This method corresponds to Perl's -M.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

The exceptions thrown by he "stat" method could be thrown.


static method O : int ($file : string);

If If the file doesn't exist or can't be examined(These checks are done by the "stat" method), returns 0 and errno is set to a positive value.

Othersize if the file $file is owned by real uid, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

This method corresponds to Perl's -O.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


static method R : int ($file : string);

If If the file doesn't exist or can't be examined(These checks are done by the "stat" method), returns 0 and errno is set to a positive value.

Otherwise if the file $file is readable by real uid/gid, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

This method corresponds to Perl's -R.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


static method S : int ($file : string);

If If the file doesn't exist or can't be examined(These checks are done by the "stat" method), returns 0 and errno is set to a positive value.

Otherwise if the file $file is a socket, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

This method corresponds to Perl's -S.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


static method W : int ($file : string);

If If the file doesn't exist or can't be examined(These checks are done by the "stat" method), returns 0 and errno is set to a positive value.

Otherwise if the file $file is writable by real uid/gid, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

This method corresponds to Perl's -W.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


static method X : int ($file : string);

If If the file doesn't exist or can't be examined(These checks are done by the "stat" method), returns 0 and errno is set to a positive value.

Otherwise if the file $file is executable by real uid/gid, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

This method corresponds to Perl's -X.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


static method b : int ($file : string);

If If the file doesn't exist or can't be examined(These checks are done by the "stat" method), returns 0 and errno is set to a positive value.

Otherwise if the file $file is a block special file, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

This method corresponds to Perl's -b.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


static method c : int ($file : string);

If If the file doesn't exist or can't be examined(These checks are done by the "stat" method), returns 0 and errno is set to a positive value.

Otherwise if the file $file is a character special file, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

This method corresponds to Perl's -c.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


static method d : int ($file : string);

If If the file doesn't exist or can't be examined(These checks are done by the "stat" method), returns 0 and errno is set to a positive value.

Otherwise if the file $file is a directory, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

This method corresponds to Perl's -d.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


static method e : int ($file : string);

If If the file doesn't exist or can't be examined(These checks are done by the "stat" method), returns 0 and errno is set to a positive value.

This method corresponds to Perl's -e.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


static method f : int ($file : string);

If If the file doesn't exist or can't be examined(These checks are done by the "stat" method), returns 0 and errno is set to a positive value.

Otherwise if the file $file is a plain file, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

This method corresponds to Perl's -f.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


static method g : int ($file : string);

If If the file doesn't exist or can't be examined(These checks are done by the "stat" method), returns 0 and errno is set to a positive value.

Otherwise if the file $file has setgid bit set, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

This method corresponds to Perl's -g.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


static method k : int ($file : string);

If If the file doesn't exist or can't be examined(These checks are done by the "stat" method), returns 0 and errno is set to a positive value.

Otherwise if the file $file has sticky bit set, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

This method corresponds to Perl's -k.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


static method l : int ($file : string);

If If the file doesn't exist or can't be examined(These checks are done by the "lstat" method), returns 0 and errno is set to a positive value.

Otherwise if the file $file is a symbolic link (false if symlinks aren't supported by the file system), returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

This method corresponds to Perl's -l.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


static method o : int ($file : string);

If If the file doesn't exist or can't be examined(These checks are done by the "stat" method), returns 0 and errno is set to a positive value.

Otherwise if the file $file is owned by effective uid, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

This method corresponds to Perl's -l.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


static method p : int ($file : string);

If If the file doesn't exist or can't be examined(These checks are done by the "stat" method), returns 0 and errno is set to a positive value.

Otherwise if the file $file is a named pipe (FIFO), or Filehandle is a pipe, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

This method corresponds to Perl's -p.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


static method r : int ($file : string);

If If the file doesn't exist or can't be examined(These checks are done by the "stat" method), returns 0 and errno is set to a positive value.

Otherwise if the file $file is readable by effective uid/gid, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

This method corresponds to Perl's -r.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


static method s : long ($file : string);

If the file $file has nonzero size, returns its size in bytes, otherwise returns 0.

This method corresponds to Perl's -s.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

The exceptions thrown by he "stat" method could be thrown.


static method u : int ($file : string);

If If the file doesn't exist or can't be examined(These checks are done by the "stat" method), returns 0 and errno is set to a positive value.

Otherwise if the file $file has setuid bit set, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

This method corresponds to Perl's -u.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


static method w : int ($file : string);

If If the file doesn't exist or can't be examined(These checks are done by the "stat" method), returns 0 and errno is set to a positive value.

Otherwise if the file $file is writable by effective uid/gid, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

This method corresponds to Perl's -u.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


static method x : int ($file : string);

If If the file doesn't exist or can't be examined(These checks are done by the "stat" method), returns 0 and errno is set to a positive value.

Otherwise if the file $file is executable by effective uid/gid, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

This method corresponds to Perl's -x.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


static method z : int ($file : string);

If the file $file has zero size (is empty), returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

This method corresponds to Perl's -z.


$file must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

The exceptions thrown by he "stat" method could be thrown.


static method time : long ();

Returns the current epoch time.


static method localtime : Sys::Time::Tm ($epoch : long = -1, $allow_minus = 0);

Converts the epoch time $epoch to a Sys::Time::Tm object, and returns it.

The return value is localized for the local time zone.

If $allow_minus is 0 and $epoch is less than 0, $epoch is set to the current epoch time.


static method gmtime : Sys::Time::Tm ($epoch : long = -1, $allow_minus = 0);

Works just like "localtime", but the returned values are for the UTC time zone.


static method utime : void ($atime : long, $mtime : long, $filename : string);

Changes the access time and the modification time of the inode specified by the file $filename given the access time $atime and the modification time $mtime.

If $atime < 0 and $mtime < 0, changes the access time and the modification time to the current time..


Exceptions thrown by the utime method in the Sys::Time class could be thrown.


static method stat : Sys::IO::Stat ($path : string);

Returns information about a file $path.


Exceptions thrown by the stat method in the Sys::IO::Stat class could be thrown.


static method lstat : Sys::IO::Stat ($path : string);

Identical to "stat", except that if path $path is a symbolic link(or directory junction only in Windows), then the link itself is stat-ed, not the file that it refers to.

In Windows, this method calls the lstat method, otherwise calls the lstat method.


Exceptions thrown by the lstat method in the Sys::IO::Stat class or the lstat method in the Sys::IO::Windows class could be thrown.


static method fstat : Sys::IO::Stat ($fd : int);

Identical to "stat", except that the file to be stat-ed is specified by the file descriptor $fd.


Exceptions thrown by the fstat method in the Sys::IO::Stat class could be thrown.


static method env : string ($name : string);

Gets an environment variable with the name $name.


static method set_env : void ($name : string, $value : string);

Sets an environment variable with the name $name and the value $value.

If $value is undef or "", the environment variable is removed.


This method calls the following methods, so exceptions thrown by these methods could be thrown.


static method osname : string ()

Gets the OS name. This method corresponds to Perl's $^O.

  • linux

  • darwin

  • MSWin32

  • freebsd

  • openbsd

  • solaris


If the OS name could not be determined, an exception is thrown.


static method socket : void ($sockfd_ref : int*, $domain : int, $type : int, $protocol : int);

Opens a socket given the domain $domain, the type $type, and the protocal $protocol.

The created socket file descriptor is set to the value referenced by $sockfd_ref.

This method calls the socket method in the Sys::Socket class.

If the system supports FD_CLOEXEC, this flag is set to the value referenced by $sockfd_ref using "fcntl".


Exceptions thrown by the socket method in the Sys::Socket class could be thrown.


static method connect : void ($sockfd : int, $addr : Sys::Socket::Sockaddr);

Attempts to connect to a remote socket, just like the connect system call.

This method calls the connect method in the Sys::Socket class.


Exceptions thrown by the connect method in the Sys::Socket class could be thrown.


static method bind : void ($sockfd : int, $addr : Sys::Socket::Sockaddr);

Binds a network address $addr to the socket $sockfd.

This method calls the bind method in the Sys::Socket class.


Exceptions thrown by the bind method in the Sys::Socket could be thrown.


static method listen : void ($sockfd : int, $backlog : int);

Does the same thing that the listen system call does.

This method calls the listen method in the Sys::Socket class.


Exceptions thrown by the listen method in the Sys::Socket could be thrown.


static method accept : Sys::Socket::Sockaddr ($new_sockfd_ref : int*, $sockfd : int);

Accepts an incoming socket connect, just as the accept system call does. Returns the packed address.

A new connected socket file descriptor is set to the value referenced by $new_sockfd_ref.

Thie methods calls the accept method in the Sys::Socket class.

The returned packed address is upgraded to a child class of the Sys::Socket::Sockaddr using upgrade method.

If the system supports FD_CLOEXEC, this flag is set to the value referenced by $new_sockfd_ref using "fcntl".


Exceptions thrown by the accept method in the Sys::Socket could be thrown.


static method recv : int ($sockfd : int, $buf : mutable string, $len : int, $flags : int, $buf_offset : int = 0);

Receives a message on a socket.

This method calls the recv method in the Sys::Socket class.


Exceptions thrown by the recv method in the Sys::Socket could be thrown.


static method send : int ($sockfd : int, $buf : string, $flags : int, $addr : Sys::Socket::Sockaddr = undef, $len : int = -1, $buf_offset : int = 0)

Sends a message on a socket.

If $len is less than 0, The length of $buffer is set to $len.

If $addr is undef, This method calls the send method in the Sys::Socket class, otherwise calls the sendto method in the Sys::Socket class.


Exceptions thrown by the send method or the sendto method in the Sys::Socket could be thrown.


static method shutdown : void ($sockfd : int, $how : int);

Shuts down a socket connection $sockfd in the manner indicated by $how.

This method calls the shutdown method in the Sys::Socket class.


Exceptions thrown by the shutdown method in the Sys::Socket could be thrown.


static method getpeername : Sys::Socket::Sockaddr ($sockfd : int);

Returns the packed sockaddr address of the other end of the socket connection $sockfd.

This method calls the getpeername method in the Sys::Socket class.

The returned packed sockaddr address is upgraded to a child class of the Sys::Socket::Sockaddr using upgrade method.


Exceptions thrown by the getpeername method in the Sys::Socket could be thrown.


static method getsockname : Sys::Socket::Sockaddr ($sockfd : int)

Returns the packed sockaddr address of this end of the socket connection $sockfd.

Thie method calls the getsockname method in the Sys::Socket class.

The returned packed sockaddr address is upgraded to a child class of the Sys::Socket::Sockaddr using upgrade method.


Exceptions thrown by the getsockname method in the Sys::Socket could be thrown.


static method socketpair : void ($sock_fd1_ref : int*, $sock_fd2_ref : int*, $domain : int, $type : int, $protocol : int);

Creates an unnamed pair of sockets in the specified domain, of the specified type. The domain $domain, the type $type, the protocal $protocol are specified the same as for the syscall of the same name.

The opened reading file descripor is set to the value referenced by $sock_fd1_ref.

The opened writing file descripor is set to the value referenced by $sock_fd2_ref.

This method calls the socketpair method in the Sys::Socket.

If available, FD_CLOEXEC is set to the file descriptor of the value referenced by $sock_fd1_ref and the value referenced by $sock_fd2_ref.


Exceptions thrown by the socketpair method in the Sys::Socket could be thrown.


static method setsockopt : void ($sockfd : int, $level : int, $optname : int, $optval : object of string|Int);

Sets the socket option requested.

This method calls the getsockopt method in the Sys::Socket class.


$optval must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

The type of \$optval must be the Int or string type.

Exceptions thrown by the getsockopt method in the Sys::Socket could be thrown.


static method getsockopt : string ($sockfd : int, $level : int, $optname : int, $optlen : int = -1);

If $optlen is less than 0, it is set to 4.

This method calls the getsockopt method in the Sys::Socket class.


Getting an int value:

  my $reuseaddr_packed = Sys->getsockopt($socket, SOCKET->SOL_SOCKET, SOCKET->SO_REUSEADDR);
  my $reuseaddr_ref = [0];
  Fn->memcpy($reuseaddr_ref, 0, $reuseaddr_packed, 0, 4);
  my $reuseaddr = $reuseaddr_ref->[0];


Exceptions thrown by the getsockopt method in the Sys::Socket could be thrown.


static method signal : void ($signum : int, $handler_name : string);

Sets a signal handler with its name $handler_name for the given signal number $signum.

If $handler_name is "DEFAULT", the signal handler is "SIG_DFL".

If $handler_name is "IGNORE", the signal handler is "SIG_IGN".

See the signal method in the Sys::Signal class in detail.


If $handler_name is not available, an exception is thrown.

The exceptions thrown by the signal method in the Sys::Signal class could be thrown.


static method kill : void ($sig : int, $pid : int);

Send a signal $sig to the process whose process ID is $pid.

See the kill method in the Sys::Signal class in detail.

In Windows, see the raise method in the Sys::Signal class in detail.


The exceptions thrown by the alarm method in the Sys::Signal class could be thrown.

The exceptions thrown by the raise method in the Sys::Signal class could be thrown.

$pid must be equal to Sys->process_id in Windows. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


static method alarm : int ($seconds : int);

Sets a alarm signal sent after seconds $seconds.

See alarm method in the Sys::Signal class in detail.


The exceptions thrown by the alarm method in the Sys::Signal class could be thrown.


static method fork : int ();

Forks the process by calling the fork method in the Sys::Process method.

It returns the child process ID to the parent process, or returns 0 to the child process.


Exceptions thrown by the fork method in the Sys::Process method could be thrown.


static method getpriority : int ($which : int, $who : int);

Return the scheduling priority of the process, process group, or user, as indicated by $which and $who is obtained.


Exceptions thrown by the getpriority method in the Sys::Process method could be thrown.


static method setpriority : void ($which : int, $who : int, $prio : int)

Sets the scheduling priority of the process, process group, or user, as indicated by $which and $who is obtained.


Exceptions thrown by the setpriority method in the Sys::Process method could be thrown.


static method sleep : int ($seconds : int);

Sleeps for the seconds $seconds.


static method wait : int ($wstatus_ref : int*);

Waits for state changes in a child of the calling process, and returns a process ID whose state is changed.

The status about the child whose state has changed is set to $wstatus_ref.

The following method in the Sys::Process class checks the value of $wstatus_ref.


Exceptions thrown by the wait method in the Sys::Process method could be thrown.


static method waitpid : int ($pid : in, $options : int, $wstatus_ref : int*);

Same as the "wait" method, but can give the process ID $pid and the options $options.

See Sys::Process::Constant about constant values given to $options.


Exceptions thrown by the waitpid method in the Sys::Process method could be thrown.


static method system : int ($command : string);

Executes a command specified in command using shell and return the "wait" status.


static method exit : void ($status : int);

Terminates the calling process immediately with the status $status.


static method pipe : void ($read_fd_ref : int*, $write_fd_ref : int*);

Opens a pair of pipes.

If the system supports FD_CLOEXEC, this flag is set to the value referenced by $read_fd_ref and the value referenced by $write_fd_ref using "fcntl".


static method getpgrp : int ($pid : int);

Gets the process group number given the process ID $pid of the running this program.


static method setpgrp : void ($pid : int, $pgid : int);

Sets the process group number $pgid given the process ID $pid of the running this program.


static method process_id : int ();

Gets the process number of the running this program.


static method getppid : int ();

Returns the process ID of the parent of the calling process.


static method exec : void ($program : string, $args : string[] = undef);

Executes the program $program with the arguments $args without using shell and never returns.


  Sys->exec("/bin/echo", ["-n", "Hello"]);


static method real_user_id : int ();

Gets the real user ID of this process.


static method effective_user_id : int ();

Gets the effective user ID of this process.


static method real_group_id : int ();

Gets the real group ID of this process.


static method effective_group_id : int ();

Gets the effective group ID of this process.


static method set_real_user_id : int ($uid : int);

Sets the real user ID of this process.


static method set_effective_user_id : int ($euid : int);

Sets the effective user ID of this process.


static method set_real_group_id : int ($gid : int);

Sets the real group ID of this process.


static method set_effective_group_id : int ($egid : int);

Sets the effective group ID of this process.


static method setpwent : void ();

Rewinds to the beginning of the password database.


static method endpwent : void ();

Closes the password database after all processing has been performed.


static method getpwent : Sys::User::Passwd ();

Gets a next password entry.


static method setgrent : void ();

Rewinds to the beginning of the group database.


static method endgrent : void ();

Closes the group database after all processing has been performed.


static method getgrent : Sys::User::Group ();

Gets a next group entry.


static method getgroups : int[] ();

Returns the supplementary group IDs of the calling process.


static method setgroups : void ($groups : int[]);

Sets the supplementary group IDs for the calling process.


static method getpwuid : Sys::User::Passwd ($id : int);

Searches a password entry given The user ID $id. If found, returns the password entry, otherwise return undef.


static method getpwnam : Sys::User::Passwd ($name : string);

Searches a password entry given The user name $name. If found, returns the password entry, otherwise return undef.


static method getgrgid : Sys::User::Group ($id : int);

Searches a group entry given The group ID $id. If found, returns the group entry, otherwise return undef.


static method getgrnam : Sys::User::Group ($name : string);

Searches a group entry given The group name $name. If found, returns the group entry, otherwise return undef.


See Also


SPVM::Sys - Github


Yuki Kimoto(


Gabor Szabo(

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2023 Yuki Kimoto

MIT License