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MCE::Core - Documentation describing the core API for Many-core Engine


This document describes MCE::Core version 1.515


This is a simplistic use case of MCE running with 4 workers.

   use MCE;

   my $mce = MCE->new(
      max_workers => 4,
      user_func => sub {
         my ($mce) = @_;
         print "Hello from ", $mce->wid, "\n";


      ## All public methods beginning with MCE 1.5 may be called
      ## directly via the package method e.g. MCE->wid, MCE->run.

   -- Output

   Hello from 3
   Hello from 1
   Hello from 2
   Hello from 4


The anonymous user_func above can be written using one less line. There are 3 constants defined in MCE which are exportable. Using the constants in lieu of 0,1,2 makes it more legible when accessing the array elements.


   ## The following exports SELF => 0, CHUNK => 1, CID => 2

   use MCE EXPORT_CONST => 1;
   use MCE CONST => 1;              ## Same thing in 1.415 and later

   user_func => sub {
    # my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
      print "Hello from ", $_[SELF]->wid, "\n";

   ## MCE 1.5 allows any public method to be be called directly.

   use MCE;

   user_func => sub {
    # my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
      print "Hello from ", MCE->wid, "\n";

->new ( [ options ] )

Below, a new instance is configured with all available options.

   use MCE;

   my $mce = MCE->new(

      max_workers  => 8,                 ## Default $MCE::MAX_WORKERS

          ## Number of workers to spawn. This can be set automatically
          ## with MCE 1.412 and later releases.

          ## max_workers => 'auto',      ## = MCE::Util::get_ncpu()
          ## max_workers => 'Auto-1',    ## = MCE::Util::get_ncpu() - 1
          ## max_workers => 'AUTO + 3',  ## = MCE::Util::get_ncpu() + 3
          ## max_workers => 'AUTO * 1.5',
          ## max_workers => 'auto / 1.333 + 2',

      chunk_size   => 2000,              ## Default $MCE::CHUNK_SIZE

          ## Can also take a suffix; K (Kilobytes) or M (Megabytes).
          ## Less than or equal to 8192 is number of records.
          ## Greater than 8192 is number of bytes. MCE reads
          ## till the end of record before calling user_func.
          ## A value above 24M will be set to 24M (the maximum).

          ## chunk_size => 1,            ## Consists of 1 record
          ## chunk_size => 1000,         ## Consists of 1000 records
          ## chunk_size => '16K',        ## Approximate 16 kilobytes
          ## chunk_size => '20M',        ## Approximate 20 megabytes

      tmp_dir      => $tmp_dir,          ## Default $MCE::TMP_DIR

          ## Default is $MCE::Signal::tmp_dir which points to
          ## $ENV{TEMP} if defined. Otherwise, tmp_dir points
          ## to a location under /tmp.

      freeze       => \&encode_sereal,   ## Default $MCE::FREEZE
      thaw         => \&decode_sereal,   ## Default $MCE::THAW

          ## Release 1.412 allows freeze and thaw to be overridden.
          ## Just include a serialization module prior to loading MCE.

          ## use Sereal qw(encode_sereal decode_sereal);
          ## use JSON::XS qw(encode_json decode_json);
          ## use MCE;

      gather       => \@a,               ## Default undef

          ## Release 1.5 allows for gathering of data to an array/hash
          ## reference, a MCE::Queue/Thread::Queue object, or a code
          ## reference. One invokes gathering by calling the gather
          ## method as often as needed.

          ## gather => \@array,
          ## gather => \%hash,
          ## gather => $queue,
          ## gather => \&order,

      input_data   => $input_file,       ## Default undef
      RS           => "::\n\n",          ## Default undef

          ## input_data => '/path/to/file'  for file paths
          ## input_data => \@array          for arrays
          ## input_data => \*FILE_HNDL      for file handles
          ## input_data => \$scalar         treated like a file
          ## input_data => \&iterator       for iterators

          ## Use the sequence option if simply wanting to loop
          ## through a sequence of numbers instead.

          ## Release 1.4 and later allows one to specify the
          ## record separator (RS) applicable to input files,
          ## file handles, and scalar references.

          ## Support for iterators was added in 1.505.

      use_slurpio  => 1,                 ## Default 0
      parallel_io  => 1,                 ## Default 0

          ## Whether or not to enable slurpio when reading files
          ## Passes raw chunk (scalar ref) to user function.

          ## The parallel_io option enables parallel reads during
          ## large slurpio. Useful when reading from fast storage.
          ## Do not enable parallel_io when running MCE on many
          ## blades and reading input from a shared storage unit.

      use_threads  => 1,                 ## Default 0 or 1

          ## By default MCE does forking (spawns child processes).
          ## MCE also supports threads via 2 threading libraries.

          ## The use of threads in MCE requires that you include
          ## threads support prior to loading MCE. The use_threads
          ## option defaults to 1 when a thread library is present.
          ##    use threads;                  use forks;
          ##    use threads::shared;   (or)   use forks::shared;
          ##    use MCE                       use MCE;

      spawn_delay  => 0.035,             ## Default undef
      submit_delay => 0.002,             ## Default undef
      job_delay    => 0.150,             ## Default undef

          ## Time to wait, in fractional seconds, before spawning
          ## each worker, parameters submission to each worker,
          ## and job commencement (staggered) for each worker.
          ## For example, use job_delay when wanting to stagger
          ## many workers connecting to a database.

      on_post_exit => \&on_post_exit,    ## Default undef
      on_post_run  => \&on_post_run,     ## Default undef

          ## Execute code block immediately after a worker exits
          ## (exit, MCE->exit, or die). Execute code block after
          ## running a job (MCE->process or MCE->run).

          ## One can take action immediately after a worker exits
          ## or wait until after the job has completed.

      user_args    => { env => 'test' }, ## Default undef

          ## MCE release 1.4 adds a new parameter to allow one to
          ## specify arbitrary arguments such as a string, an ARRAY
          ## or a HASH reference. Workers can access this directly:
          ##    my $args = $mce->{user_args};

      user_begin   => \&user_begin,      ## Default undef
      user_func    => \&user_func,       ## Default undef
      user_end     => \&user_end,        ## Default undef

          ## Think of user_begin, user_func, user_end like the awk
          ## scripting language:
          ##    awk 'BEGIN { ... } { ... } END { ... }'

          ## MCE workers call user_begin once per job, then
          ## call user_func repeatedly until no chunks remain.
          ## Afterwards, user_end is called.

      user_error   => \&user_error,      ## Default undef
      user_output  => \&user_output,     ## Default undef

          ## When workers call the following functions, MCE will
          ## pass the data to user_error/user_output if defined.
          ## MCE->sendto('stderr', 'Sending to STDERR');
          ## MCE->sendto('stdout', 'Sending to STDOUT');

      stderr_file  => 'err_file',        ## Default STDERR
      stdout_file  => 'out_file',        ## Default STDOUT

          ## Or to file; user_error/output take precedence if set.

      flush_file   => 1,                 ## Default 0
      flush_stderr => 1,                 ## Default 0
      flush_stdout => 1,                 ## Default 0

          ## Flush sendto file, standard error, or standard output.

      interval     => {
          delay => 0.005 [, max_nodes => 4, node_id => 1 ]

          ## For use with the yield method introduced in MCE 1.5.
          ## Both max_nodes & node_id are optional and default to 1.
          ## Delay is the amount of time between intervals.

          ## interval => 0.005           ## Allowed in MCE 1.506

      bounds_only  => 1,                 ## Default undef
      sequence     => {                  ## Default undef
          begin => -1, end => 1 [, step => 0.1 [, format => "%4.1f" ] ]

          ## For looping through a sequence of numbers in parallel.
          ## STEP, if omitted, defaults to 1 if BEGIN is smaller than
          ## END or -1 if BEGIN is greater than END. The FORMAT string
          ## is passed to sprintf behind the scene (% may be omitted).
          ## e.g. $seq_n_formated = sprintf("%4.1f", $seq_n);

          ## Leave input_data set to undef when specifying the sequence
          ## option. One cannot specify both options together.

          ## Release 1.4 allows one to specify an array reference
          ## instead (3rd & 4th values are optional):
          ##    sequence => [ -1, 1, 0.1, "%4.1f" ]

          ## The bounds_only => 1 option will compute the begin and
          ## end items only, for the chunk, and not the items in between
          ## (hence boundaries only). This option has no effect when
          ## sequence is missing or chunk_size equals 1.
          ##    my $begin = $chunk_ref->[0]; my $end = $chunk_ref->[1];

      task_end     => \&task_end,        ## Default undef

          ## MCE 1.5 allows this to be specified at the top level.
          ## This is called by the manager process after the task
          ## has completed processing.

      task_name    => 'string',          ## Default 'MCE'

          ## Added in MCE 1.5. This is beneficial for user_tasks.
          ## Each task can be defined with a different name value.
          ## It allows for task_end to be specified at the top level.
          ## The task_name value is passed as the 3rd arg to task_end.

      user_tasks   => [                  ## Default undef
         { ... },                        ## Options for task 0
         { ... },                        ## Options for task 1
         { ... },                        ## Options for task 2

          ## Takes a list of hash references, each allowing up to 16
          ## options. All other MCE options are ignored. Input_data,
          ## RS and use_slurpio are applicable for the first task only.
          ##   max_workers, chunk_size, input_data, interval, sequence,
          ##   bounds_only, user_args, user_begin, user_end, user_func,
          ##   gather, RS, task_end, task_name, use_slurpio, use_threads

          ## Options not specified here will default to same option
          ## specified at the top level.



The following list 5 options which may be overridden when loading the module.

   use Sereal qw(encode_sereal decode_sereal);

   use MCE max_workers => 4,                    ## Default 1
           chunk_size  => 100,                  ## Default 1
           tmp_dir     => "/path/to/app/tmp",   ## $MCE::Signal::tmp_dir
           freeze      => \&encode_sereal,      ## \&Storable::freeze
           thaw        => \&decode_sereal       ## \&Storable::thaw

   my $mce = MCE->new( ... );

There is a simpler way to enable Sereal with MCE 1.5. The following will attempt to use Sereal if available, otherwise will default back to using Storable for serialization.

   use MCE Sereal => 1;

   ## Serialization is through Sereal if available.
   my $mce = MCE->new( ... );


Run calls spawn, kicks off job, workers call user_begin, user_func, and user_end. Run shuts down workers afterwards. Call the spawn method early whenever the need arises for large data structures within the main process prior to running.

   MCE->spawn();                         ## This is optional

   MCE->run();                           ## Call run or process below

   ## Acquire data arrays and/or input_files. The same pool of
   ## workers are used.

   MCE->process(\@input_data_1);         ## Process arrays

   MCE->process('input_file_1');         ## Process files

   ## Shutdown workers afterwards.



Often times, one may want to capture the exit status. The on_post_exit option, if defined, is executed immediately after a worker exits via exit (children), MCE->exit (children and threads), or die.

The format of $e->{pid} is PID_123 for children and THR_123 for threads.

   sub on_post_exit {
      my ($mce, $e) = @_;
      print "$e->{wid}: $e->{pid}: $e->{status}: $e->{msg}: $e->{id}\n";

   sub user_func {
      my $mce = $_[0];
      MCE->exit(0, 'ok', 'pebbles');

   my $mce = MCE->new(
      on_post_exit => \&on_post_exit,
      user_func    => \&user_func


   -- Output

   2: PID_7625: 0: ok: pebbles


The on_post_run option, if defined, is executed immediately after running MCE->process or MCE->run. This option receives an array reference of hashes.

The difference between on_post_exit and on_post_run is that the former is called immediately whereas the latter is called after all workers have completed processing or running.

   sub on_post_run {
      my ($mce, $status_ref) = @_;
      foreach my $e ( @{ $status_ref } ) {
         print "$e->{wid}: $e->{pid}: $e->{status}: $e->{msg}: $e->{id}\n";

   sub user_func {
      my $mce = $_[0];
      MCE->exit(0, 'ok', 'pebbles');

   my $mce = MCE->new(
      on_post_run => \&on_post_run,
      user_func   => \&user_func



MCE supports many ways to specify input_data. Support for iterators was added in MCE 1.505. The RS option allows one to specify the record separator when processing files. Specifying input_data is optional and not a requirement for spawning many workers to do different things.

MCE is a chunking engine. Therefore, chunk_size is applicable to input_data. Specifying 1 for use_slurpio causes the user_func to receive a scalar ref containing the raw data (applicable to files only) instead of an array reference.

   input_data  => '/path/to/file',  ## for file paths
   input_data  => \@array,          ## for arrays
   input_data  => \*FILE_HNDL,      ## for file handles
   input_data  => $fh,              ## open $fh, "<", "file"
   input_data  => $fh,              ## new IO::File "file", "r"
   input_data  => $fh,              ## new IO::Uncompress::Gunzip "file.gz"
   input_data  => \$scalar,         ## treated like a file
   input_data  => \&iterator,       ## for iterators

   chunk_size  => 1,                ## >1 means looping inside user_func
   use_slurpio => 1,                ## $chunk_ref is a scalar ref
   RS          => "::\n\n",         ## record separator

The chunk_size value determines the chunking mode to use when processing files. Otherwise, chunk_size is the number of elements for arrays. For files, a chunk size value of <= 8192 is how many records to read. Greater than 8192 is how many bytes to read. MCE appends (the rest) up to the next record separator.

   chunk_size  => 8192,             ## Consists of 8192 records
   chunk_size  => 8193,             ## Approximate 8193 bytes for files

   chunk_size  => 1,                ## Consists of 1 record or element
   chunk_size  => 1000,             ## Consists of 1000 records
   chunk_size  => '16K',            ## Approximate 16 kilobytes
   chunk_size  => '20M',            ## Approximate 20 megabytes

The construction for user_func is as follow when chunk_size > 1 and assuming use_slurpio equals 0.

   user_func => sub {
      my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;

      ## $_ is $chunk_ref->[0] when chunk_size equals 1
      ## $_ is $chunk_ref otherwise; $_ can be used below

      for my $record ( @{ $chunk_ref } ) {
         print "$chunk_id: $record\n";

Specifying a value for input_data is pretty much straight forward for arrays and files. What about iterators? The next several examples specify an iterator reference for input_data.

   use MCE;

   ## A factory function which creates a closure (the iterator itself)
   ## for generating a sequence of numbers. The external variables
   ## ($n, $max, $step) are used for keeping state across successive
   ## calls to the closure. The iterator returns undef when $n > max.

   sub input_iterator {
      my ($n, $max, $step) = @_;

      return sub {
         return if $n > $max;

         my $current = $n;
         $n += $step;

         return $current;

   ## Run user_func in parallel. Input data can be specified during
   ## the construction or as an argument to the process method.

   my $mce = MCE->new(

      chunk_size => 1, max_workers => 4,
    # input_data => input_iterator(10, 30, 2),

      user_func => sub {
         my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
         MCE->print("$_: ", $_ * 2, "\n");


   $mce->process( input_iterator(10, 30, 2) );

   -- Output   Note that output order is not guaranteed
               Take a look at for ordered output

   10: 20
   12: 24
   16: 32
   20: 40
   14: 28
   22: 44
   18: 36
   24: 48
   26: 52
   28: 56
   30: 60

The following example queries the DB for the next 1000 rows. Notice the use of fetchall_arrayref. The iterator function itself recieves one argument which is the chunk_size value (added in MCE 1.510).

   use DBI;
   use MCE;

   sub db_iter {

      my $dsn = "DBI:Oracle:host=db_server;port=db_port;sid=db_name";

      my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, 'db_user', 'db_passwd') ||
                die "Could not connect to database: $DBI::errstr";

      my $sth = $dbh->prepare('select color, desc from table');


      return sub {
         my $chunk_size = shift;

         if (my $aref = $sth->fetchall_arrayref(undef, $chunk_size)) {
            return @{ $aref };


   ## Let's enumerate column indexes for easy column retrieval.
   my ($i_color, $i_desc) = (0 .. 1);

      max_workers => 3, chunk_size => 1000,
      input_data => db_iter(),

      user_func => sub {
         my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
         my $ret = '';

         foreach my $row (@{ $chunk_ref }) {
            $ret .= $row->[$i_color] .": ". $row->[$i_desc] ."\n";



There are many modules on CPAN which return an iterator reference. Below showing one such example. The demonstration ensures MCE workers are spawned before obtaining the iterator. Note the worker_id value (left column) in the output.

   use Path::Iterator::Rule;
   use MCE;

   my $start_dir = shift
      or die "Please specify a starting directory";

   -d $start_dir
      or die "Cannot open '$start_dir': No such file or directory";

   my $mce = MCE->new(
      max_workers => 'auto',
      user_func => sub { MCE->print( MCE->wid, ": $_\n" ) }

   my $rule = Path::Iterator::Rule->new->file->name( qr/[.](pm)$/ );

   my $iterator = $rule->iter(
      $start_dir, { follow_symlinks => 0, depthfirst => 1 }

   $mce->process( $iterator );

   -- Output

   8: lib/MCE/Core/Input/
   5: lib/MCE/Core/Input/
   6: lib/MCE/Core/Input/
   2: lib/MCE/Core/Input/
   3: lib/MCE/Core/
   4: lib/MCE/Core/Input/
   7: lib/MCE/Core/
   1: lib/MCE/Core/
   8: lib/MCE/
   5: lib/MCE/
   6: lib/MCE/
   2: lib/MCE/
   3: lib/MCE/
   4: lib/MCE/
   7: lib/MCE/
   1: lib/MCE/
   8: lib/MCE/
   5: lib/

Although MCE supports arrays, extra measures are needed to use a "lazy" array as input data for MCE. The reason for this is that MCE wants the size of the array before processing which may be unknown for lazy arrays. Therefore, closures provides an excellent mechanism for this.

Note that undef is returned from the code block belonging to the lazy array to have the process stop, otherwise will never end.

   use Tie::Array::Lazy;
   use MCE;

   tie my @a, 'Tie::Array::Lazy', [], sub {
      my $i = $_[0]->index;

      return ($i < 10) ? $i : undef;

   sub make_iterator {
      my $i = 0; my $a_ref = shift;

      return sub {
         return $a_ref->[$i++];

      max_workers => 4, input_data => make_iterator(\@a),

      user_func => sub {
         my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
         MCE->print($_, "\n");


   -- Output


The following demonstrates how to retrieve a chunk from the lazy array per each successive call. Here, undef is sent by the iterator block when $i is greater than $max.

   use Tie::Array::Lazy;
   use MCE;

   tie my @a, 'Tie::Array::Lazy', [], sub {

   sub make_iterator {
      my $j = 0; my ($a_ref, $max) = @_;

      return sub {
         my $i = $j; $j += MCE->chunk_size;

         return if $i > $max;
         return $j <= $max ? @$a_ref[$i .. $j - 1] : @$a_ref[$i .. $max];

      chunk_size => 15, max_workers => 4,
      input_data => make_iterator(\@a, 100),

      user_func => sub {
         my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
         MCE->print("$chunk_id: ", join(' ', @{ $chunk_ref }), "\n");


   -- Output

   1: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
   2: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
   3: 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
   4: 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
   5: 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
   6: 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
   7: 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100


The 1.3 release and above allows workers to loop through a sequence of numbers computed mathematically without the overhead of an array. The sequence can be specified separately per each user_task entry unlike input_data which is applicable to the first task only.

See the example, included with this distribution, on applying sequences with the user_tasks option including chunking.

Sequence can be defined using an array or a hash reference.

   use MCE;

   my $mce = MCE->new(
      max_workers => 3,

    # sequence => [ 10, 19, 0.7, "%4.1f" ],  ## up to 4 options

      sequence => {
         begin => 10, end => 19, step => 0.7, format => "%4.1f"

      user_func => sub {
         my ($mce, $n, $chunk_id) = @_;
         print $n, " from ", MCE->wid(), " id ", $chunk_id, "\n";


   -- Output (sorted afterwards, notice wid and chunk_id in output)

   10.0 from 1 id 1
   10.7 from 2 id 2
   11.4 from 3 id 3
   12.1 from 1 id 4
   12.8 from 2 id 5
   13.5 from 3 id 6
   14.2 from 1 id 7
   14.9 from 2 id 8
   15.6 from 3 id 9
   16.3 from 1 id 10
   17.0 from 2 id 11
   17.7 from 3 id 12
   18.4 from 1 id 13

The 1.5 release includes a new option (bounds_only). This option tells the sequence engine to compute the begin and end items only for the chunk and not the items in between (hence boundaries only). This option applies to sequence only and has no effect when chunk_size equals 1.

The time to run for MCE below is 0.006s. This becomes 0.827s without the bounds_only option due to computing all items in between as well, thus creating a very large array. Basically, specify bounds_only => 1 when boundaries is all you need for looping inside the block; e.g Monte Carlo simulations. Time was measured using 1 worker to emphasize the difference.

   use MCE;

   my $mce = MCE->new(
      max_workers => 1,
      sequence    => { begin => 1, end => 10_000_000 },
      chunk_size  => 1_250_000,
      bounds_only => 1,

      ## For sequence, the input scalar $_ points to $chunk_ref
      ## when chunk_size > 1, otherwise equals $chunk_ref->[0].
      ## user_func => sub {
      ##    my $begin = $_->[0]; my $end = $_->[-1];
      ##    for ($begin .. $end) {
      ##       ... have fun with MCE ...
      ##    }
      ## },

      user_func => sub {
         my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;

         ## $chunk_ref contains just 2 items, not 1_250_000

         my $begin = $chunk_ref->[ 0];
         my $end   = $chunk_ref->[-1];   ## or $chunk_ref->[1]

         MCE->printf("%7d .. %8d\n", $begin, $end);


   -- Output

         1 ..  1250000
   1250001 ..  2500000
   2500001 ..  3750000
   3750001 ..  5000000
   5000001 ..  6250000
   6250001 ..  7500000
   7500001 ..  8750000
   8750001 .. 10000000


The user_begin and user_end options, if specified, behave similarly to awk 'BEGIN { ... } { ... } END { ... }'. These are called once per each worker during a run.

MCE 1.510 passes 2 additional parameters ($task_id and $task_name).

   sub user_begin {                   ## Called once at the beginning
      my ($mce, $task_id, $task_name) = @_;
      $mce->{wk_total_rows} = 0;

   sub user_func {                    ## Called while processing
      my $mce = shift;
      $mce->{wk_total_rows} += 1;

   sub user_end {                     ## Called once at the end
      my ($mce, $task_id, $task_name) = @_;
      printf "## %d: Processed %d rows\n",
         MCE->wid(), $mce->{wk_total_rows};

   my $mce = MCE->new(
      user_begin => \&user_begin,
      user_func  => \&user_func,
      user_end   => \&user_end



When processing input data, MCE can pass an array or rows or a slurped chunk. Below, a reference to an array containing the chunk data is processed.

e.g. $chunk_ref = [ record1, record2, record3, ... ]

   sub user_func {

      my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;

      foreach my $row ( @{ $chunk_ref } ) {
         $mce->{wk_total_rows} += 1;
         print $row;

   my $mce = MCE->new(
      chunk_size  => 100,
      input_data  => "/path/to/file",
      user_func   => \&user_func,
      use_slurpio => 0



Here, a reference to a scalar containing the raw chunk data is processed.

   sub user_func {

      my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;

      my $count = () = $$chunk_ref =~ /abc/;

   my $mce = MCE->new(
      chunk_size  => 16000,
      input_data  => "/path/to/file",
      user_func   => \&user_func,
      use_slurpio => 1



Output coming from MCE->sendto('stderr/stdout', ...) can be intercepted by specifying the user_error and user_output options. MCE on receiving output will instead direct to user_error and user_output in a serialized fashion. Handy when wanting to filter, modify, and/or direct the output elsewhere.

   sub user_error {                   ## Redirect STDERR to STDOUT
      my $error = shift;
      print STDOUT $error;

   sub user_output {                  ## Redirect STDOUT to STDERR
      my $output = shift;
      print STDERR $output;

   sub user_func {
      my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
      my $count = 0;

      foreach my $row ( @{ $chunk_ref } ) {
         MCE->sendto('stdout', $row);
         $count += 1;

      MCE->sendto('stderr', "$chunk_id: processed $count rows\n");

   my $mce = MCE->new(
      chunk_size  => 1000,
      input_data  => "/path/to/file",
      user_error  => \&user_error,
      user_output => \&user_output,
      user_func   => \&user_func



This option takes an array of tasks. Each task allows up to 16 options. Input_data, RS and use_slurpio can be defined inside the first task or at the top level, otherwise ignored under other tasks.

   max_workers, chunk_size, input_data, interval, sequence,
   bounds_only, user_args, user_begin, user_end, user_func,
   gather, RS, task_end, task_name, use_slurpio, use_threads

Sequence and chunk_size were added in 1.3. User_args was introduced in 1.4. Name and input_data are new options allowed in 1.5. In addition, one can specify task_end at the top level. Task_end also receives 2 additional arguments $task_id and $task_name (shown below).

Options not specified here will default to the same option specified at the top level. The task_end option is called by the manager process when all workers for that role have completed processing.

Forking and threading can be intermixed among tasks unless running Cygwin. The run method will continue running until all workers have completed processing.

   use MCE;

   my $mce = MCE->new(
      input_data => $list_file,

      task_end   => sub {
         my ($mce, $task_id, $task_name) = @_;
         print "Task [$task_id -- $task_name] completed processing\n";

      user_tasks => [{
         task_name   => 'a',
         max_workers => 2,
         user_func   => \&parallel_task1,
         use_threads => 0

         task_name   => 'b',
         max_workers => 4,
         user_func   => \&parallel_task2,
         use_threads => 1




Beginning with MCE 1.5, the input scalar $_ is localized prior to calling user_func for input_data and sequence of numbers. The following applies.

use_slurpio => 1
   $_ is a reference to the buffer e.g. $_ = \$_buffer;
   $_ is a ref irregardless of whether chunk_size is 1 or greater

   user_func => sub {
    # my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
      print ${ $_ };    ## $_ is same as $chunk_ref
chunk_size is greater than 1, use_slurpio => 0
   $_ is a reference to an array. $_ = \@_records; $_ = \@_seq_n;
   $_ is same as $chunk_ref or $_[CHUNK]

   user_func => sub {
    # my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
      for my $row ( @{ $_ } ) {
         print $row, "\n";

   use MCE CONST => 1;

   user_func => sub {
    # my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
      for my $row ( @{ $_[CHUNK] } ) {
         print $row, "\n";
chunk_size equals 1, use_slurpio => 0
   $_ contains the actual value. $_ = $_buffer; $_ = $seq_n;

   ## Note that $_ and $chunk_ref are not the same below.
   ## $chunk_ref is a reference to an array.

   user_func => sub {
    # my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
      print $_, "\n;    ## Same as $chunk_ref->[0];

   MCE->foreach("/path/to/file", sub {
    # my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
      print $_;         ## Same as $chunk_ref->[0];

   ## However, that's not the case for the forseq method.
   ## Both $_ and $n_seq are the same when chunk_size => 1.

   MCE->forseq([ 1, 9 ], sub {
    # my ($mce, $n_seq, $chunk_id) = @_;
      print $_, "\n";   ## Same as $n_seq

Sequence can also be specified using an array reference. The below is the same as the example afterwards.

   MCE->forseq( { begin => 10, end => 40, step => 2 }, ... );

The code block receives an array containing the next 5 sequences. Chunk 1 (chunk_id = 1) contains 10,12,14,16,18. $n_seq is a reference to an array, same as $_, due to chunk_size being greater than 1.

   MCE->forseq( [ 10, 40000, 2 ], { chunk_size => 5 }, sub {
    # my ($mce, $n_seq, $chunk_id) = @_;
      my @result;
      for my $n ( @{ $_ } ) {
         ... do work, append to result for 5
      ... do something with result afterwards


The methods listed below are callable by the main process and workers.

->abort ( void )

The abort method is applicable when processing input_data only. This causes all workers to abort after processing the current chunk.

Workers write the next offset position to the queue socket for the next available worker. In essence, the abort method writes the last offset position. Workers, on requesting the next offset position, will think the end of input_data has been reached and leave the chunking loop.

->chunk_id ( void )

Returns the chunk_id for the current chunk. The value starts at 1. Chunking applies to workers processing input_data or sequence. The value is set to 0 for the manager process.

   my $chunk_id = $mce->chunk_id();
   my $chunk_id = MCE->chunk_id();
->chunk_size ( void )

Returns the chunk_size used by MCE.

   my $chunk_size = $mce->chunk_size();
   my $chunk_size = MCE->chunk_size();
->freeze ( $object_ref )

Calls the internal freeze method to serialize an object. The default serialization routines are handled by Storable. Both freeze and thaw can be overridden when including MCE.

   my $frozen = $mce->freeze([ 0, 2, 4 ]);
   my $frozen = MCE->freeze([ 0, 2, 4 ]);
->max_workers ( void )

Returns the value for max_workers used by MCE.

   my $max_workers = $mce->max_workers();
   my $max_workers = MCE->max_workers();
->sess_dir ( void )

Returns the session directory used by the MCE instance. This is defined during spawning and removed during shutdown.

   my $sess_dir = $mce->sess_dir();
   my $sess_dir = MCE->sess_dir();
->task_id ( void )

Returns the task ID. This applies to the user_tasks option (starts at 0).

   my $task_id = $mce->task_id();
   my $task_id = MCE->task_id();
->task_name ( void )

Returns the task_name value specified via the task_name option when configuring MCE.

   my $task_name = $mce->task_name();
   my $task_name = MCE->task_name();
->task_wid ( void )

Returns the task worker ID (applies to user_tasks). The value starts at 1 per each task configured within user_tasks. The value is set to 0 for the manager process.

   my $task_wid = $mce->task_wid();
   my $task_wid = MCE->task_wid();
->thaw ( $frozen )

Calls the internal thaw method to un-serialize the frozen object.

   my $object_ref = $mce->thaw($frozen);
   my $object_ref = MCE->thaw($frozen);
->tmp_dir ( void )

Returns the temporary directory used by MCE.

   my $tmp_dir = $mce->tmp_dir();
   my $tmp_dir = MCE->tmp_dir();
->user_args ( void )

Returns the arguments specified via the user_args option.

   my ($arg1, $arg2, $arg3) = $mce->user_args();
   my ($arg1, $arg2, $arg3) = MCE->user_args();
->wid ( void )

Returns the MCE worker ID. Starts at 1 per each MCE instance. The value is set to 0 for the manager process.

   my $wid = $mce->wid();
   my $wid = MCE->wid();


Methods listed below are callable by the main process only.

->forchunk ( $input_data [, { options } ], sub { ... } )

Forchunk, foreach, and forseq are sugar methods in MCE. Workers are automatically spawned, the code block is executed in parallel, and shutdown is called. Do not call these methods if workers must persist afterwards.

Specifying options is optional. Valid options are the same as for the process method.

   ## Declare a MCE instance.

   my $mce = MCE->new(
      chunk_size  => 20,
      max_workers => $max_workers

   ## Arguments inside the code block are the same as for user_func.

   MCE->forchunk(\@input_data, sub {
      my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;

      foreach ( @{ $chunk_ref } ) {
         MCE->sendto("stdout", "$chunk_id: $_\n");

   ## Passing chunk_size as an option.

   MCE->forchunk(\@input_data, { chunk_size => 30 }, sub {
->foreach ( $input_data [, { options } ], sub { ... } )

Foreach implies chunk_size => 1 and cannot be overwritten. Arguments inside the code block are the same as for user_func. This is true even if chunk_size is set to 1. MCE is both a chunking engine plus a parallel engine all in one. Arguments within the block are the same whether calling foreach or forchunk.

   my $mce = MCE->new(
      max_workers => $max_workers

   MCE->foreach(\@input_data, sub {
      my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
      my $row = $chunk_ref->[0];
      MCE->sendto("stdout", "$chunk_id: $row\n");

Below, passing an anonymous array as input data. For example, wanting to parallelize a serial loop with MCE.

   ## Serial loops.

   for (my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
      ...  ## Runs serially

   for my $i (0 .. $max - 1) {
      ...  ## Runs serially

   ## Parallel loop via MCE.

   MCE->foreach([ (0 .. $max - 1) ], sub {
      my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
      my $i = $chunk_ref->[0];
      ...  ## Runs in parallel
->forseq ( $sequence_spec [, { options } ], sub { ... } )

Sequence can be defined using a hash or an array reference.

   my $mce = MCE->new(
      max_workers => 3

   MCE->forseq({ begin => 15, end => 10, step => -1 }, sub {
      my ($mce, $n, $chunk_id) = @_;
      print $n, " from ", MCE->wid(), "\n";

   MCE->forseq([ 20, 40 ], sub {
      my ($mce, $n, $chunk_id) = @_;
      my $result = `ping 192.168.1.${n}`;

MCE 1.415 allows chunk_size > 1. $n_seq is a reference pointing to an array of sequences below. Chunking reduces IPC overhead behind the scene. Chunk size is 1 when not specified.

   MCE->forseq([ 20, 80 ], { chunk_size => 10 }, sub {
      my ($mce, $n_seq, $chunk_id) = @_;
      for my $n ( @{ $n_seq } ) {
         my $result = `ping 192.168.1.${n}`;
->process ( $input_data [, { options } ] )

The process method will spawn workers automatically if not already spawned. It will set input_data => $input_data. It calls run(0) to not auto-shutdown workers. Specifying options is optional.

Allowable options { key => value, ... } are:

   chunk_size input_data job_delay spawn_delay submit_delay RS
   flush_file flush_stderr flush_stdout stderr_file stdout_file
   on_post_exit on_post_run sequence user_args user_begin user_end
   user_func user_error user_output use_slurpio

Options remain persistent going forward unless changed. Setting user_begin, user_end, or user_func will cause already spawned workers to shutdown and re-spawn automatically. Therefore, define these during instantiation if possible.

The below will cause workers to re-spawn after each process. It doesn't really matter for small jobs. One can create a few MCE instances. Perhaps the code block is different altogether.

   MCE->new( max_workers => 'auto' );

   MCE->process( {
      user_begin => sub { ## connect to DB },
      user_func  => sub { ## process each row },
      user_end   => sub { ## close handle to DB },
   }, \@input_data );

   MCE->process( {
      user_begin => sub { ## connect to DB },
      user_func  => sub { ## process each file },
      user_end   => sub { ## close handle to DB },
   }, "/list/of/files" );

To have persistent workers, it's better to do the following instead. Workers will stay alive until told to shutdown or during the exiting of the script. Below is shown with overriding the default for max_workers.

   use MCE MAX_WORKERS => 'auto';

      user_begin => sub { ## connect to DB },
      user_func  => sub { ## process each chunk or row or host },
      user_end   => sub { ## close handle to DB },

   MCE->spawn();     ## Not necessary, unless you want to spawn early


   MCE->process($array_ref, { stdout_file => $output_file });

   ## This was not allowed before. Fixed in 1.415.
   MCE->process({ sequence => { begin => 10, end => 90, step 2 } });
   MCE->process({ sequence => [ 10, 90, 2 ] });

->restart_worker ( void )

One can restart a worker who has died or exited. The job never ends below due to restarting each time. Recommended is to call $mce->exit() or MCE->exit() instead of the native exit() function for better handling, especially under the Windows environment.

The $e->{wid} argument is no longer necessary starting with the 1.5 release.

   my $mce = MCE->new(

      on_post_exit => sub {
         my ($mce, $e) = @_;
         print "$e->{wid}: $e->{pid}: status $e->{status}: $e->{msg}";
       # MCE->restart_worker($e->{wid});  ## MCE-1.415 and below
         MCE->restart_worker();           ## MCE-1.5 and above

      user_begin => sub {
         my ($mce, $task_id, $task_name) = @_;
         ## Not interested in die messages going to STDERR.
         ## The die handler calls MCE->exit(255, $_[0]).
         close STDERR;

      user_tasks => [{
         max_workers => 5,
         user_func => sub {
            my $mce = $_[0]; sleep MCE->wid();
            MCE->exit(3, "exited from " . MCE->wid() . "\n");
         max_workers => 4,
         user_func => sub {
            my $mce = $_[0]; sleep MCE->wid();
            die("died from " . MCE->wid() . "\n");


   -- Output

   1: PID_85388: status 3: exited from 1
   2: PID_85389: status 3: exited from 2
   1: PID_85397: status 3: exited from 1
   3: PID_85390: status 3: exited from 3
   1: PID_85399: status 3: exited from 1
   4: PID_85391: status 3: exited from 4
   2: PID_85398: status 3: exited from 2
   1: PID_85401: status 3: exited from 1
   5: PID_85392: status 3: exited from 5
   1: PID_85404: status 3: exited from 1
   6: PID_85393: status 255: died from 6
   3: PID_85400: status 3: exited from 3
   2: PID_85403: status 3: exited from 2
   1: PID_85406: status 3: exited from 1
   7: PID_85394: status 255: died from 7
   1: PID_85410: status 3: exited from 1
   8: PID_85395: status 255: died from 8
   4: PID_85402: status 3: exited from 4
   2: PID_85409: status 3: exited from 2
   1: PID_85412: status 3: exited from 1
   9: PID_85396: status 255: died from 9
   3: PID_85408: status 3: exited from 3
   1: PID_85416: status 3: exited from 1

->run ( [ $auto_shutdown [, { options } ] ] )

The run method, by default, spawns workers, processes once, and shuts down workers. Set $auto_shutdown to 0 when wanting workers to persist after running (default is 1).

Specifying options is optional. Valid options are the same as for the process method.

   my $mce = MCE->new( ... );

   MCE->run(0);                          ## Disables auto-shutdown
->send ( $data_ref )

The send method is useful when wanting to spawn workers early to minimize memory consumption and afterwards send data individually to each worker. One cannot send more than the total workers spawned. Workers store the received data as $mce->{user_data}.

The data which can be sent is restricted to an ARRAY, HASH, or PDL reference. Workers begin processing immediately after receiving data. Workers set $mce->{user_data} to undef after processing. One cannot specify input_data, sequence, or user_tasks for the MCE instance to receive user data via the "send" method.

Passing any options e.g. run(0, { options }) is ignored due to workers running immediately after receiving user data.

   my $mce = MCE->new(
      max_workers => 5,

      user_func => sub {
         my ($mce) = @_;
         my $data = $mce->{user_data};
         my $first_name = $data->{first_name};
         print MCE->wid, ": Hello from $first_name\n";

   MCE->spawn();    ## Optional, send will spawn if necessary.

   MCE->send( { first_name => "Theresa" } );
   MCE->send( { first_name => "Francis" } );
   MCE->send( { first_name => "Padre"   } );
   MCE->send( { first_name => "Anthony" } );

   MCE->run(0);     ## Wait for workers to complete processing.

   -- Output

   2: Hello from Theresa
   5: Hello from Anthony
   3: Hello from Francis
   4: Hello from Padre
->shutdown ( void )

The run method will automatically spawn workers, run once, and shutdown workers automatically. The process method leaves workers waiting for the next job after processing. Call shutdown after processing all jobs.

   my $mce = MCE->new( ... );


   MCE->process(\@input_data_1);         ## Processing multiple arrays

   MCE->process('input_file_1');         ## Processing multiple files

->spawn ( void )

Workers are normally spawned automatically. The spawn method is beneficial when wanting to spawn workers early.

   my $mce = MCE->new( ... );

->status ( void )

The greatest exit status is saved among workers exiting during a run. Call this after running or processing to check if a worker exited with a non-zero value. For more granularity, look at the on_post_exit or on_post_run options for callback support.

   my $mce = MCE->new( ... );


   my $greatest_exit_status = MCE->status();


Methods listed below are callable by workers only.

->do ( 'callback_func' [, $arg1, ... ] )

MCE can serialized data transfers from worker processes via helper functions do & sendto. The main MCE thread will process these in a serial fashion. This utilizes the Storable Perl module for passing data from a worker process to the main MCE thread. The callback function can optionally return a reply.

   [ $reply = ] MCE->do('callback' [, $arg1, ... ]);

Passing args to a callback function using references & scalar.

   sub callback {
      my ($array_ref, $hash_ref, $scalar_ref, $scalar) = @_;

   MCE->do('main::callback', \@a, \%h, \$s, 'hello');
   MCE->do('callback', \@a, \%h, \$s, 'hello');

MCE knows if wanting a void, list, hash, or a scalar return value.

   MCE->do('callback' [, $arg1, ... ]);

   my @array  = MCE->do('callback' [, $arg1, ... ]);
   my %hash   = MCE->do('callback' [, $arg1, ... ]);
   my $scalar = MCE->do('callback' [, $arg1, ... ]);
->exit ( [ $status [, $message [, $id ] ] ] )

Worker exits entirely from MCE. $id (optional) can be used to pass the primary key or a string along with the message. Please look at the on_post_exit and on_post_run options for callback support.

   MCE->exit();             ## default is 0
   MCE->exit(2, 'error: entire chunk failed', $chunk_id);
   MCE->exit(0, 'ok', 'pebbles');
->gather ( $arg1, [, $arg2, ... ] )

A worker can submit data to the location specified via the gather option by calling this method. See MCE::Flow and MCE::Loop for additional use-case.

   my @hosts = qw(
      hosta hostb hostc hostd hoste

   my $mce = MCE->new(
      chunk_size => 1, max_workers => 3,

      user_func => sub {
       # my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
         my ($output, $error, $status); my $host = $_;

         ## Do something with $host;
         $output = "Worker ". MCE->wid .": Hello from $host";

         if (MCE->chunk_id % 3 == 0) {
            ## Simulating an error condition
            local $? = 1; $status = $?;
            $error = "Error from $host"
         else {
            $status = 0;

         ## Ensure unique keys (key, value) when gathering to a
         ## hash.
         MCE->gather("$host.out", $output, "$host.sta", $status);
         MCE->gather("$host.err", $error) if (defined $error);

   my %h; MCE->process(\@hosts, { gather => \%h });

   foreach my $host (@hosts) {
      print $h{"$host.out"}, "\n";
      print $h{"$host.err"}, "\n" if (exists $h{"$host.err"});
      print "Exit status: ", $h{"$host.sta"}, "\n\n";

   -- Output

   Worker 2: Hello from hosta
   Exit status: 0

   Worker 1: Hello from hostb
   Exit status: 0

   Worker 3: Hello from hostc
   Error from hostc
   Exit status: 1

   Worker 2: Hello from hostd
   Exit status: 0

   Worker 1: Hello from hoste
   Exit status: 0
->last ( void )

Worker immediately leaves the chunking loop or user func. Called from inside foreach, forchunk, forseq, and user_func.

   my @list = (1 .. 80);

   MCE->forchunk(\@list, { chunk_size => 2 }, sub {

      my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
      MCE->last if ($chunk_id > 4);

      my @output = ();

      foreach my $rec ( @{ $chunk_ref } ) {
         push @output, $rec, "\n";

      MCE->sendto('stdout', @output);

   -- Output (each chunk above consists of 2 elements)

->next ( void )

Worker starts the next iteration of the chunking loop. Called from inside foreach, forchunk, forseq, and user_func.

   my @list = (1 .. 80);

   MCE->forchunk(\@list, { chunk_size => 4 }, sub {

      my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
      MCE->next if ($chunk_id < 20);

      my @output = ();

      foreach my $rec ( @{ $chunk_ref } ) {
         push @output, $rec, "\n";

      MCE->sendto('stdout', @output);

   -- Output (each chunk above consists of 4 elements)

->print ( $list [, ... ] )
->printf ( $format, $list [, ... ] )
->say ( $list [, ... ] )

Use the print, printf, and say methods when wanting to serialize output among workers. These are sugar syntax for the sendto method. These behave similar to the native subroutines in Perl with the exception that barewords must be surrounded with quotes and require the comma after it including glob handles. Say is like print, but implicitly appends a newline.

   MCE->print("STDERR", "$error_msg\n");
   MCE->print($fh, $log_msg);

   MCE->printf("%s: %d\n", $name, $age);
   MCE->printf("STDOUT", "%s: %d\n", $name, $age);
   MCE->printf($fh, "%s: %d\n", $name, $age);

   MCE->say("STDERR", $error_msg);
   MCE->say($fh, $log_msg);
->sendto ( 'to_string', $arg1, ... )

The sendto method is called by workers to serialize data to standard output, standard error, or to end of file. The action is done by the main process or thread.

Release 1.00x supported only 1 data argument. /path/to/file is the 3rd argument for 'file'.

   MCE->sendto('stdout', \@array);
   MCE->sendto('stdout', \$scalar);
   MCE->sendto('stdout', $scalar);

   MCE->sendto('stderr', \@array);
   MCE->sendto('stderr', \$scalar);
   MCE->sendto('stderr', $scalar);

   MCE->sendto('file', \@array, '/path/to/file');
   MCE->sendto('file', \$scalar, '/path/to/file');
   MCE->sendto('file', $scalar, '/path/to/file');

Release 1.100 added the ability to pass multiple arguments. Notice the syntax change for appending to a file.

   MCE->sendto('stdout', $arg1 [, $arg2, ... ]);
   MCE->sendto('stderr', $arg1 [, $arg2, ... ]);
   MCE->sendto('file:/path/to/file', $arg1 [, $arg2, ... ]);

Passing a reference is no longer necessary beginning with 1.100.

   MCE->sendto("stdout", @a, "\n", %h, "\n", $s, "\n");

To retain 1.00x compatibility, sendto outputs the content when a single data argument is specified and is a reference.

   MCE->sendto('stdout', \@array);
   MCE->sendto('stderr', \$scalar);
   MCE->sendto('file:/path/to/file', \@array);

Otherwise, the reference for \@array and \$scalar is shown, not the content. Basically, output matches the print statement.

   ## print STDOUT "hello\n", \@array, \$scalar, "\n";

   MCE->sendto('stdout', "hello\n", \@array, \$scalar, "\n");
->sync ( void )

A barrier sync operation in the example code means any worker must stop at this point until all workers reach this barrier. Barrier syncing is useful for many computer algorithms.

Barrier synchronization is supported for task 0 only. Note: Workers are assigned task_id 0 when omitting user_tasks. All workers assigned task_id 0 must call sync whenever barrier syncing.

Barrier synchronization (sync) was added to MCE 1.406.

   use MCE;

   sub user_func {

      my ($mce) = @_;
      my $wid = MCE->wid();

      MCE->sendto('stdout', "a: $wid\n");

      MCE->sendto('stdout', "b: $wid\n");

      MCE->sendto('stdout', "c: $wid\n");

   my $mce = MCE->new(
      max_workers => 4,
      user_func   => \&user_func


   -- Output (without barrier synchronization)

   a: 1
   a: 2
   b: 1
   b: 2
   c: 1
   c: 2
   a: 3
   b: 3
   c: 3
   a: 4
   b: 4
   c: 4

   -- Output (with barrier synchronization)

   a: 1
   a: 2
   a: 4
   a: 3
   b: 2
   b: 1
   b: 3
   b: 4
   c: 1
   c: 4
   c: 2
   c: 3

Consider the following example. The sync operation is done inside a for loop along with calling the do method. A stall can occur for workers calling sync the 2nd or 3rd time while other workers are sending results via the do or sendto methods. It requires yet another semaphore lock file in MCE to solve this which was not done in order to keep resources low.

Therefore, please keep this in mind when mixing MCE->sync with the MCE->do or MCE->sendto methods inside a loop.

   sub user_func {

      my ($mce) = @_;
      my @result;

      for (1 .. 3) {
         ... compute algorithm ...


         ... compute algorithm ...


         MCE->do('aggregate_result', \@result);  ## or MCE->sendto

         MCE->sync;      ## The sync operation is also needed here to
                         ## prevent MCE from stalling.
->yield ( void )

There may be times when the MCE driven app is too fast. The interval option combined with the yield method, both introduced with MCE 1.5, allows one to enable the "grace" factor for the app.

A use case is an app configured with 160 workers running on a 24 logical way box. Data is polled from the database containing over 2.5 million rows. Workers chunk away at 300 rows per chunk and perform SNMP gets (300 sockets per worker) to poll 25 metrics from each device. With this scenario, the load on the box, at some point, rises to 90+. In addition, IP_Tables reaches it's contention point causing the entire app to fail.

The above is solved by simply having workers yield among themselves in a synchronized fashion. A delay of 0.005 seconds between intervals is all that's needed -- even okay with 0.003. The load on the box hovers between 23 ~ 27 for the duration of the run. The actual poll completes in under 17 minutes time. It's quite fast considering the app polls 62,500,000 metrics combined. The math equates to 3,676,470 per minute or rather 61,275 per second from a single node.

   ## Both max_nodes and node_id are optional (default is 1).

   interval => {
      delay => 0.005, max_nodes => $max_nodes, node_id => $node_id

A 4 node setup can poll 10 million devices without the additional overhead of a distribution agent. The difference between the 4 nodes are simply node_id and the where clause used to query the data. The mac addresses are random such that the data divides equally to any power of 2. The distribution key lies in the mac address itself. In fact, the 2nd character from the right is all that's needed to maximize on the power of randomness for mac addresses.

   Query NodeID 1: ... AND substr(MAC, -2, 1) IN ('0', '1', '2', '3')
   Query NodeID 2: ... AND substr(MAC, -2, 1) IN ('4', '5', '6', '7')
   Query NodeID 3: ... AND substr(MAC, -2, 1) IN ('8', '9', 'A', 'B')
   Query NodeID 4: ... AND substr(MAC, -2, 1) IN ('C', 'D', 'E', 'F')

The user_tasks is configured to simulate 4 nodes below. The demonstration uses 2 workers to minimize the output size. Input is from the sequence option.

   use Time::HiRes qw(time);
   use MCE;

   my $d = shift || 0.10;

   sub create_task {

      my ($node_id) = @_;

      my $seq_size  = 6;
      my $seq_start = ($node_id - 1) * $seq_size + 1;
      my $seq_end   = $seq_start + $seq_size - 1;

      return {
         max_workers => 2, sequence => [ $seq_start, $seq_end ],
         interval => { delay => $d, max_nodes => 4, node_id => $node_id }

   sub user_begin {

      my ($mce, $task_id, $task_name) = @_;

      ## The yield method causes this worker to wait for its next
      ## time interval slot before running. Yield has no effect
      ## without the "interval" option.

      ## Yielding is beneficial inside a user_begin block. A use case
      ## is wanting to stagger database connections among workers in
      ## order to not impact the DB server.


      MCE->sendto( "STDOUT",
         sprintf("Node %2d: %0.5f -- Worker %2d: %12s -- Started\n",
            MCE->task_id + 1, time(), MCE->task_wid, '')


      my $prev_time = time();

      sub user_func {

         my ($mce, $seq_n, $chunk_id) = @_;

         ## Yield simply waits for the next time interval.

         ## Calculate how long this worker has waited.
         my $curr_time = time();
         my $time_waited = $curr_time - $prev_time;

         $prev_time = $curr_time;

         MCE->sendto( "STDOUT",
            sprintf("Node %2d: %0.5f -- Worker %2d: %12.5f -- Seq_N %3d\n",
               MCE->task_id + 1, time(), MCE->task_wid, $time_waited, $seq_n)


   ## Simulate a 4 node environment passing node_id to create_task.

   print "Node_ID  Current_Time        Worker_ID  Time_Waited     Comment\n";

      user_begin => \&user_begin,
      user_func  => \&user_func,

      user_tasks => [


   -- Output (notice Current_Time below, stays 0.10 apart)

   Node_ID  Current_Time        Worker_ID  Time_Waited     Comment
   Node  1: 1374807976.74634 -- Worker  1:              -- Started
   Node  2: 1374807976.84634 -- Worker  1:              -- Started
   Node  3: 1374807976.94638 -- Worker  1:              -- Started
   Node  4: 1374807977.04639 -- Worker  1:              -- Started
   Node  1: 1374807977.14634 -- Worker  2:              -- Started
   Node  2: 1374807977.24640 -- Worker  2:              -- Started
   Node  3: 1374807977.34649 -- Worker  2:              -- Started
   Node  4: 1374807977.44657 -- Worker  2:              -- Started
   Node  1: 1374807977.54636 -- Worker  1:      0.90037 -- Seq_N   1
   Node  2: 1374807977.64638 -- Worker  1:      1.00040 -- Seq_N   7
   Node  3: 1374807977.74642 -- Worker  1:      1.10043 -- Seq_N  13
   Node  4: 1374807977.84643 -- Worker  1:      1.20045 -- Seq_N  19
   Node  1: 1374807977.94636 -- Worker  2:      1.30037 -- Seq_N   2
   Node  2: 1374807978.04638 -- Worker  2:      1.40040 -- Seq_N   8
   Node  3: 1374807978.14641 -- Worker  2:      1.50042 -- Seq_N  14
   Node  4: 1374807978.24644 -- Worker  2:      1.60045 -- Seq_N  20
   Node  1: 1374807978.34628 -- Worker  1:      0.79996 -- Seq_N   3
   Node  2: 1374807978.44631 -- Worker  1:      0.79996 -- Seq_N   9
   Node  3: 1374807978.54634 -- Worker  1:      0.79996 -- Seq_N  15
   Node  4: 1374807978.64636 -- Worker  1:      0.79997 -- Seq_N  21
   Node  1: 1374807978.74628 -- Worker  2:      0.79996 -- Seq_N   4
   Node  2: 1374807978.84632 -- Worker  2:      0.79997 -- Seq_N  10
   Node  3: 1374807978.94634 -- Worker  2:      0.79996 -- Seq_N  16
   Node  4: 1374807979.04636 -- Worker  2:      0.79996 -- Seq_N  22
   Node  1: 1374807979.14628 -- Worker  1:      0.80001 -- Seq_N   5
   Node  2: 1374807979.24631 -- Worker  1:      0.80000 -- Seq_N  11
   Node  3: 1374807979.34634 -- Worker  1:      0.80001 -- Seq_N  17
   Node  4: 1374807979.44636 -- Worker  1:      0.80000 -- Seq_N  23
   Node  1: 1374807979.54628 -- Worker  2:      0.80000 -- Seq_N   6
   Node  2: 1374807979.64631 -- Worker  2:      0.80000 -- Seq_N  12
   Node  3: 1374807979.74633 -- Worker  2:      0.80000 -- Seq_N  18
   Node  4: 1374807979.84636 -- Worker  2:      0.80000 -- Seq_N  24

The example is included with MCE.




Mario E. Roy, <marioeroy AT gmail DOT com>


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.