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NAME - Extends bed entries strand specific one- or two-sided.

SYNOPSIS [-g FILE] [-b FILE] [-o FILE] [-e Interger] [-l Interger] [-r Interger] [-u Interger] [-d Interger] [options]


This program extends Bed files to a total length of at least -e, -r or -l nucleotides, or at least to begin or end of the corresponding chromosome. Furthermore 3' or 5' end extension is possible, where only up- or downstream regions can be retrieved, or combinations of the latter with extension into the original coordinate span.



File containing chromosome sizes


BED file for extension


Output file name


Extension to total length from both sides


Extension to total length from 5' end


Extension to total length from 3' end


Upstream only extension to total length from 5' end. Can be combined with -d to get upstream extension, plus extension into original coordinate span


Downstream only extension to total length from 3' end. Can be combined with -l to get downstream extension, plus extension into original coordinate span

--help -h

Print short help


Prints the manual page and exits


Joerg Fallmann <>