Changes for version 0.40 - 2015-04-20

  • new option --outfile=FILE


Frontend for Benchmark::Perl::Formance
CPU scaling utility for Benchmark::Perl::Formance


Perl 5 performance benchmarking framework
benchmark plugin - DPath - stress lookup, traversing and copying data structures
benchmark plugin - Fib - Stress recursion and function calls
benchmark plugin - FibMXDeclare - Stress recursion and method calls (MooseX::Declare)
benchmark plugin - FibMoose - Stress recursion and method calls (Moose)
benchmark plugin - FibMouse - Stress recursion and method calls (Mouse)
benchmark plugin - FibOO - Stress recursion and method calls (plain OO)
benchmark plugin - FibOOSig - Stress recursion and method calls (plain OO with function signatures)
benchmark plugin - Incubator - everchanging benchmark experiments
benchmark plugin - MatrixReal - Pure Perl matrix operations
benchmark plugin - Mem - Stress memory operations
benchmark plugin - P6STD - Stress using Perl6/Perl5 tools around
benchmark plugin - PerlCritic - Run Perl::Critic on itself
benchmark plugin - Prime - Stress math libs (Math::GMPz)
benchmark plugin - RegexpCommonTS - RegexpCommon test suite as benchmark
benchmark plugin - Rx - Stress regular expressions
benchmark plugin - RxCmp - Compare different Regex engines
benchmark plugin - Shootout - Benchmark::Perl::Formance plugin covering Shootout code
benchmark plugin - Shootout::binarytrees - Language shootout plugin: binarytrees
benchmark plugin - Shootout::fannkuch - Language shootout plugin: fannkuch
benchmark plugin - Shootout::fasta - Language shootout plugin: fasta
benchmark plugin - Shootout::knucleotide - Language shootout plugin: knucleotide
benchmark plugin - Shootout::mandelbrot - Language shootout plugin: mandelbrot
benchmark plugin - Shootout::nbody - Language shootout plugin: nbody
benchmark plugin - Shootout::pidigits - Language shootout plugin: pidigits
benchmark plugin - Shootout::regexdna - Language shootout plugin: regexdna
benchmark plugin - Shootout::revcomp - Language shootout plugin: revcomp
benchmark plugin - Shootout::spectralnorm - Language shootout plugin: spectralnorm
benchmark plugin - Skeleton - An example plugin
benchmark plugin - SpamAssassin - SpamAssassin Benchmarks
benchmark plugin - Threads - Stress threading
benchmark plugin - ThreadsShared - Stress shared threading