Changes for version 0.037 - 2022-09-26

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix test case broken by Type::Tiny v2. Peter Mottram++
    • Hash:set shouldn't hardcode use of Carp::croak. Instead a CodeGenerator should decide how to deal with error messages.


alternative handles_via implementation
looks at a Handler and generates a string of Perl code for it
template for a method that can be delegated to
library of array-related methods
library of bool-related methods
library of code-related methods
library of counter-related methods
library of hash-related methods
library of number-related methods
library of scalar-related methods
library of string-related methods
integration with OO frameworks for Sub::HandlesVia


in lib/Sub/HandlesVia/
in lib/Sub/HandlesVia/
in lib/Sub/HandlesVia/
in lib/Sub/HandlesVia/
in lib/Sub/HandlesVia/Toolkit/
in lib/Sub/HandlesVia/Toolkit/
in lib/Sub/HandlesVia/Toolkit/
in lib/Sub/HandlesVia/Toolkit/
in lib/Sub/HandlesVia/Toolkit/
in lib/Sub/HandlesVia/Toolkit/
in lib/Sub/HandlesVia/Toolkit/
in lib/Sub/HandlesVia/Toolkit/
in lib/Sub/HandlesVia/Toolkit/