
recs-fromps --help-all

 Usage: recs-fromps <args>
    Prints out JSON records converted from the process table.
    --keys <fields>              Fields to output. May be specified multiple
                                 times, may be comma separated. Default to all
                                 fields These are Proc::ProcessTable keys, and
                                 thus may not be keyspecs or groups
    --filename-key|fk <keyspec>  Add a key with the source filename (if no
                                 filename is applicable will put NONE)
   Help Options:
       --help  This help screen
 Default fields for Linux:
    uid, gid, pid, fname, ppid, pgrp, sess, ttynum, flags, minflt, cminflt,
    majflt, cmajflt, utime, stime, cutime, cstime, priority, start, size, rss,
    wchan, time, ctime, state, euid, suid, fuid, egid, sgid, fgid, pctcpu,
    pctmem, cmndline, exec, cwd
 Default fields for OS X:
    pid, ppid, pgrp, uid, gid, euid, egid, suid, sgid, priority, size, rss,
    flags, nice, sess, time, stime, utime, start, wchan, ttydev, ttynum, pctcpu,
    pctmem, state, cmndline, fname
    Get records for the process table
    Only get uid and pid
       recs-fromps --keys uid,pid