All Releases by Ervin Ruci
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Geo-Code-1.2 | The GeoCode of a latitude,longitude point is a ten byte string, three geonames, or a hybrid code. This Perl module converts between them. | Aug 31, 2018 | |
Geo-Code-XYZ-1.6 | Encode latitude,longitude,elevation into three names and vice versa. | Aug 08, 2019 | |
Geo-Code-XYZEN-1.0 | Encode latitude,longitude,elevation into three random names and vice versa. | Aug 08, 2019 | |
Geo-Parser-Text-0.051 | Perl extension for geoparsing, geocoding and standardizing locations from free form text. Worldwide Coverage. Geocode places to latitude, longitude, elevation. And vice-versa. | Feb 22, 2018 |
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Emoji-NationalFlag | PUNYTAN | Jul 31, 2019 |