The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
Author image Yusaku NAKAJIMA

All Releases by Yusaku NAKAJIMA

River gauge Release Uploaded
River stage zero No dependents App-Gimei-v0.2.8 a CLI for Data::Gimei 12 Jul 2024 05:04:47 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Data-Gimei-v0.4.3 a Perl port of Ruby's gimei generates fake data in Japanese. 12 Jul 2024 07:11:27 UTC
Favorites Author Date
App-ModuleBuildTiny LEONT 08 May 2022 17:38:35 UTC
App-cpanminus MIYAGAWA 07 May 2022 13:04:36 UTC
CPAN-Meta DAGOLDEN 09 May 2022 19:02:34 UTC
Carton MIYAGAWA 07 May 2022 13:00:30 UTC
Class-Tiny DAGOLDEN 07 May 2022 13:40:31 UTC
Convert-ASN1 TIMLEGGE 01 Apr 2022 17:28:36 UTC
Data-Localize DMAKI 11 Apr 2022 16:22:41 UTC
Devel-NYTProf JKEENAN 16 May 2022 09:05:13 UTC
Devel-Profile JAW 15 May 2022 12:10:02 UTC
Dist-Milla MIYAGAWA 01 Apr 2022 16:00:55 UTC
ExtUtils-MakeMaker BINGOS 16 Apr 2022 15:18:58 UTC
File-Share INGY 06 Apr 2022 13:30:46 UTC
Getopt-Long JV 20 May 2022 18:04:51 UTC
IO TODDR 14 Apr 2022 16:07:08 UTC
IO-Socket-IP PEVANS 14 Apr 2022 16:44:17 UTC
Minilla SKAJI 04 Feb 2022 08:30:15 UTC
Module-Build-Tiny LEONT 07 May 2022 07:47:01 UTC
Module-CPANfile MIYAGAWA 07 May 2022 13:10:04 UTC
Moo HAARG 06 Apr 2022 13:31:01 UTC
Net-SNMP DTOWN 01 Apr 2022 05:00:08 UTC
Net-SNMP-Util TONODERA 14 Apr 2022 18:55:49 UTC
OO-DateTime TOBIX 13 May 2022 06:30:38 UTC
Pod-Checker MAREKR 01 Apr 2022 17:55:48 UTC
Pod-Parser MAREKR 02 Apr 2022 12:04:34 UTC
Pod-Usage ATOOMIC 02 Apr 2022 12:10:16 UTC
SPVM KIMOTO 22 Jun 2022 04:35:36 UTC
Socket PEVANS 14 Apr 2022 12:41:08 UTC
Socket6 UMEMOTO 11 Apr 2022 14:12:57 UTC
Time-Date JACOBG 13 May 2022 06:31:06 UTC
YAML-LibYAML TINITA 06 Apr 2022 13:31:21 UTC
YAML-PP TINITA 11 Jan 2022 11:17:24 UTC
boolean INGY 01 Jun 2022 13:25:53 UTC
namespace-clean RIBASUSHI 06 Apr 2022 13:31:54 UTC
version LEONT 06 Apr 2022 13:32:07 UTC