The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
   transpose -- Transforms the input in the matrix transpose way.

   Program Name : transpose    ('=Bin=')
     The whole input is assumed to be seperated by line ending charcter vertically
     and each line of the input is assumed to be separated by tab characters.
     You can specify other characters instead of tab by the specification "-s char".

   Usage Example : 
     printf -v "1\t2\n3\t4" | $0   # A matrix (1,2;3,4) will be transposed into (1,3;2,4)
     saikoro -g 3x5 | $0   # Random Matrix will be transposed.

   Options : 
      -/ str ; respecify the separator instead of a tab character.
      -c N ; 入力の各行について、全てのフィールドをN個ずつまとめた上で処理をする。      
      -s ; removing the redundant space characters. Useful when you copy the SQL output and pasting into this program.
      -v ; Verbose output such as telling the input and output dimensions.

      -.  ; 入力において空文字列を . に変換し、出力に凹みを埋めたセルには = で埋める。
      -S 'cmd' ; cmd に Perlのコマンドを書くことで、各セルに対する変換ができる。'$_*2' や 's/ab/AB/g; $_ ' などが可能。

 # This program has been made since 2016-02-03(Wed) by Toshiyuki Shimono, as a part of TSV hacking toolset for table data.