CatalystX::SimpleLogin::Manual - How to use and customise CatalystX::SimpleLogin.
We're using a sample application here, to make the instructions a little easier. This assumes that you have Catalyst, Catalyst::Devel, Template Toolkit, and the Catalyst authentication and session plugins installed. MyApp
cd MyApp
script/ view HTML TT
Edit lib/ and add CatalystX::SimpleLogin, Authenticate, and the Session plugins to the use Catalyst plugin list:
use Catalyst qw/-Debug
Add the following config for authentication, including two sample users:
'Plugin::Authentication' => {
default => {
credential => {
class => 'Password',
password_field => 'password',
password_type => 'clear'
store => {
class => 'Minimal',
users => {
bob => {
password => "bobpw",
william => {
password => "billpw",
Execute script/
and, as part of the debug output, you should see:
[debug] Loaded Chained actions:
| Path Spec | Private |
| /login | /login/login |
| /logout | /login/logout |
Go to localhost:3000
and you should see the Catalyst welcome screen. Go to localhost:3000/login
and you should get a login screen containing username and password text fields, a 'Remember' checkbox, and a 'Login' button. Enter 'bob' and 'bobpw'. You should be logged in and taken to the welcome screen. If you execute localhost:3000/logout
you will be logged out, and should see this in the debug output (the welcome screen will stay the same).
Now go to lib/MyApp/Controller/
and remove the lines saying:
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent 'Catalyst::Controller';
and add the following lines:
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;
BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller' }
Now add a new action to lib/MyApp/Controller/
and include Does('NeedsLogin')
to use the Catalyst ActionRole that is part of SimpleLogin:
sub hello_user : Local Does('NeedsLogin') {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
$c->res->body('<h2>Hello, user!</h2>');
Restart the server and you can see the new action. Go to htp://localhost:3000/hello_user
and you'll get the 'Hello, user!' page. Now execute http://localhost:3000/logout
and try http://localhost:3000/hello_user
again. You will be presented with a login screen.
CatalystX::SimpleLogin also provides /login/required and /login/not_required for easy chaining off of for actions which should only be available to authenticated users.
package MyApp::Controller::Secure;
sub setup : Chained('/login/required') PathPart('') CaptureArgs(1) {
my ( $self, $c, $id ) = @_;
# setup actions for authenticated-user-only access
$c->stash->{id} = $id;
sub something_secure : Chained('setup') PathPart Args(0) {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
# only authenticated users will have access to this action
sub open_to_all : Chained('/login/not_required') PathPart Args(0) {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
# this is available to everyone
For more fine-grained control, you can use ACL checks to refine access control policies. This functionality is provided via Catalyst::ActionRole::ACL. Please consult the ACL documentation for steps to setup your application. The ACL checks work by allowing you to add additional attributes on your actions which control the particular role(s) required or allowed.
package MyApp;
'Controller::Login' => {
actions => {
required => {
Does => ['ACL'],
AllowedRole => ['admin', 'poweruser'], # ANY of these
# RequiresRole => ['extranet'], # ALL of these
ACLDetachTo => 'login',
package MyApp::Controller::Foo;
BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller' }
sub do_something : Chained('/login/required')
: Does('ACL') RequiresRole('createinvoice') ACLDetachTo('/login') {}
You can also add a message, which will be put into the flash key 'error_msg'. Add the following to the hello_user action:
: LoginRedirectMessage('Please Login to view this Action')
Now we'll create a Template Toolkit template that can be customized. Create a root/login/
file with the following lines.
[% error_msg %]
[% render_login_form %]
Now edit lib/
and add the config shown below to remove the 'RenderAsTTTemplate' trait, and add 'flash_to_stash' for Catalyst::Plugin::Session (to allow the error message to be passed to the next request):
'Plugin::Session' => {
flash_to_stash => 1
'Controller::Login' => {
traits => ['-RenderAsTTTemplate'],
# Other config..
Restart the server and try to view the hello_user page without being logged in. You should be redireced to the login page with the error message displayed at the top.
You can replace [% render_login_form %]
with your own html, and customize it as you please.
<div class="error">[% error_msg %]</div>
<form id="login_form" method="post" >
<fieldset class="main_fieldset">
<div><label class="label" for="username">Username:
</label><input type="text" name="username" id="username" value="" />
<div><label class="label" for="password">Password: </label>
<input type="password" name="password" id="password" value="" />
<div><label class="label" for="remember">Remember: </label>
<input type="checkbox" name="remember" id="remember" value="1" />
<div><input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Login" />
Or you can customize it using HTML::FormHandler HTML rendering features, and the 'login_form_args' config key.
To alter the amount the remember me extends the session by alter the remember_me_expiry
configuration setting.
'Controller::Login' => {
remember_me_expiry => 999999999, # the default is about 32 years.
# Other config..