Changes for version 0.20 - 2005-06-03

  • This release introduces another major change in the architecture. The client side no longer requires threads, which should enable clients to run on Windows machines. The server side workers each run their run() method in a separate thread, communicating with the master when needed through thread-safe queues. Clients can request that a method be run on the server, for instance to get parameters without having their own copy of a configuration file.


a framework for running a process simultaneously on several machines.
base class for all workers, both local and remote
a class to run a client in a Distributed::Process cluster.
a base class for handling a network connection and the commands received from it.
a base class for Distributed::Process::Worker when running on the client side.
a class to conduct the chorus of D::P::Workers, under a D::P::Server.
a class to control from the server side a worker object running on the client side.
a class to run the server of a Distributed::Process cluster.
a base class for a worker