The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.


Examples - A file that describes the files in the Examples directory.


The file AddEntry shows how to add an entry into a LDAP directory using DSML.


The file Compare shows how to compare attributes in an entry in a LDAP directory using DSML.


The file DeleteEntry shows how to delete an entry from a LDAP directory using DSML.


The file ModRDN shows how to do a modrdn on an entry in a LDAP directory using DSML.


The file ModifyEntry shows how to modify attributes on an entry in a LDAP directory using DSML.


The file Ping shows how to Ping a LDAP directory using DSML. This will all the user to detect if a LDAP directory server has DSML enabled.


The file RootDSE shows how to query the rootDSE of a LDAP directory using DSML.


The file SearchEntry shows how to search for an entry in a LDAP directory using DSML.


The file StackOperations shows how to stack different operations, like adds, deletes, compares, into one batch request that will be sent to a LDAP directory using DSML.


The file UsingXslt shows how to search for an entry in a LDAP directory using DSML and then how to use XSLT to parse the XML date into a html page.


The file html_1.xsl is a XSLT control file that is used by the UsingXslt file.