v0.06 2023.06.01
  Link to issues from META files
  Add GitHub Actions
  Add list of build dependencies

v0.05 2012.05.18
  Move author tests to xt
  Avoid sort in scalar context
  Add perl 5.006 as prerequisite

v0.04 2012.05.16
  Moved to github
  ExtUtils::MakeMaker instead of Module::Build
  Clean up the tests
  Add version number to all the modules

v0.03 2006.09.22
  New tubes:
  - grep

  Change the run mode,
  my $p = Pipe->cat("file");        # returns a Pipe object
  $p->run;   # executes the pipe.

  my $p = Pipe->cat("file")->run;   # also works

v0.02 2006.04.14
  New tubes:
  - find
  - print (was not working in previous release)
  - say
  - tuple

  Added few examples to the documentation.

v0.01 2006.04.12

  Initial release