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Changes for version 0.100

  • Change: ab82e0b0eb8beafc5121ade4fba17a31c11a51d2 Author: Rocco Caputo <rcaputo@cpan.org> Date : 2017-04-02 17:50:52 +0000
    • Remove redundant repository line.
  • Change: 69071c4171b2250e41e6b0f1cc024c0a25cf601b Author: Rocco Caputo <rcaputo@cpan.org> Date : 2017-04-02 17:42:30 +0000
    • Merge pull request #6 from sergeyromanov/patch-1
    • Change PWP::Encoding to PWP::SingleEncoding
  • Change: 20717e80fcc35b2a01b6142b70fb1160380c910f Author: Rocco Caputo <rcaputo@cpan.org> Date : 2017-04-02 17:25:58 +0000
    • Resolve "no blank line for $VERSION after package" warnings.
  • Change: 7fd44cd6e36b6bbaa74932189f68f7417a80336b Author: Baldur Kristinsson <baldur.kristinsson@gmail.com> Date : 2015-12-22 12:38:06 +0000
    • Minimal fixes to quiet Pod::Coverage and Pod::Syntax test errors
  • Change: a3fee8a7d240c536d399222cabbb612c8583f9fb Author: Baldur Kristinsson <baldur.kristinsson@gmail.com> Date : 2015-12-22 12:36:53 +0000
    • Ignore .build directory
  • Change: cdb152738b39a245411e93ea83fa8ec01b7dddfd Author: Baldur Kristinsson <baldur.kristinsson@gmail.com> Date : 2015-12-22 12:36:34 +0000
    • Workaround for 'Expected to find web repository link but it is missing in the metadata' error (from [PodWeaver] [Support])
  • Change: 2bdc920dc12acf27ff225fafa0bd6bb7dc193569 Author: Baldur Kristinsson <baldur.kristinsson@gmail.com> Date : 2015-12-22 12:30:45 +0000
    • Fix typo: pacakage -> package
  • Change: e4775165376c6474604b9fe782e70824dc257c82 Author: Сергей Романов <sromanov-dev@yandex.ru> Date : 2014-10-24 11:53:57 +0000
    • Change PWP::Encoding to PWP::SingleEncoding
  • Change: e58f283c8f2484e458fd5f2e47aa44e6dfed558c Author: Rocco Caputo <rcaputo@cpan.org> Date : 2013-07-05 00:11:58 +0000
    • I'm told that "=for comment" is better than "=for author".
  • Change: e696d6c1c07f2d3ed569f1041d42fe088785f66e Author: Kartik Thakore <thakore.kartik@gmail.com> Date : 2013-04-23 19:42:14 +0000
    • Cleaned spacing for the code sections
    • Cleaned up spacing for code sections and added for author tag in front of TODO. Not sure if the TODO is needed.
  • Change: cffa0174cefcaf09c676a55923b03371ad92a76b Author: Kartik Thakore <thakore.kartik@gmail.com> Date : 2013-04-23 19:39:36 +0000
    • Update intro.pod
    • Trying space so the first lines of this code is not missing when rendered on cpan/metacpan/github.
  • Plus 22 releases after 2016-04-02 00:00:00 +0000.


What is Reflex, and how do I use it?


Class library for flexible, reactive programs.
a non-blocking server (client socket acceptor)
Base class for reactive (aka, event driven) objects.
Generic callback adapters to simplify calling back
Callback adapter for plain code references
Callback adapter for class and object methods
Non-callback, inline Promise adapter
Convenience functions for creating and using callbacks
A non-blocking socket client.
Autmatically manage a collection of collectible objects
non-blocking client socket connector
Reflex examples namespace
Inheriting a Reflex timer using Moose.
Inheriting a Reflex timer with plain Perl.
A stand-alone multi-shot periodic callback
Watch the exit of a subprocess by its SIGCHLD signal.
Communicate with POE components expecting events.
Communicate with POE components expecting postbacks.
Watch events from a POE::Session object.
Base class for POE::Wheel wrappers.
Represent POE::Wheel::Run as a Reflex class.
define a Reflex paramaterized role
add connection accepting to a class
add manageability by Reflex::Collection
add non-blocking client connecting to a class
add streaming input behavior to a class
set a periodic, recurring timer
add streaming input behavior to a class
add async process reaping behavior to a class
Make an object reactive (aka, event driven).
add readable-watching behavior to a class
add standard sysread() behavior to a class
Mix standard send/recv code into a class.
add signal catching behavior to a class
add streaming I/O behavior to a class
set a wakeup callback for a relative delay
set a wakeup callback for a particular UNIX time
add writable-watching behavior to a class
add buffered non-blocking syswrite() to a class
receive callbacks when signals arrive
Buffered, translated I/O on non-blocking handles.
A stand-alone single-shot delayed callback
Emit an event when an attribute's value changes.
Automaticall watch Reflex objects.
Automatically watch Reflex objects.
Base class for non-blocking UDP networking peers.
A stand-alone single-shot callback at an absolute time


in docs/intro/AfterAwhileClass.pm
in docs/intro/AfterAwhileRole.pm
in docs/intro/AfterAwhileSubclass.pm
in docs/intro/AsyncAwhileClass.pm
in docs/intro/AsyncAwhileRole.pm
in bench/objectmethod-array.pm
in bench/objectmethod-cbmanager.pm
in bench/objectmethod-hash.pm
in bench/lib/EventBench/Reflex/Event.pm
in lib/MooseX/Role/Reactive.pm
in lib/Reflex/Codec/Message.pm
in lib/Reflex/Codec/Message/Datagram.pm
in lib/Reflex/Codec/Message/Eof.pm
in lib/Reflex/Codec/Message/Stream.pm
in lib/Reflex/Decoder/Line.pm
in lib/Reflex/Encoder/Line.pm
in lib/Reflex/Event.pm
in lib/Reflex/Event/Datagram.pm
in lib/Reflex/Event/EOF.pm
in lib/Reflex/Event/Error.pm
in lib/Reflex/Event/FileHandle.pm
in lib/Reflex/Event/Flushed.pm
in lib/Reflex/Event/Interval.pm
in lib/Reflex/Event/Octets.pm
in lib/Reflex/Event/POE.pm
in lib/Reflex/Event/Postback.pm
in lib/Reflex/Event/SigChild.pm
in lib/Reflex/Event/Signal.pm
in lib/Reflex/Event/Socket.pm
in lib/Reflex/Event/Time.pm
in lib/Reflex/Event/Timeout.pm
in lib/Reflex/Event/ValueChange.pm
in lib/Reflex/Event/Wakeup.pm
in lib/Reflex/Filehandle.pm
in lib/Reflex/Role/Decoding.pm
in lib/Reflex/Role/Decoding/Datagram.pm
in lib/Reflex/Role/Decoding/Stream.pm
in lib/Reflex/Role/Encoding.pm
