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gibbmers - create an evaluation poll over local network


version 0.004


This is an executable script, not a library. If you start the script, a small webdeamon will run on your local machine:


Depending on your network configuration, others and yourself should be able to connect to your local machine with a webbrowser on the url:



configuration file

On the commandline you can define your own configuration file during the start of the application. Search your system for a file named gibbmers.conf.yml to look at the default configuration. (The file is placed through File::ShareDir during installation, its location may vary on different systems.)

The behaviour is a follows:

no options

Use the default configuration gibbmers.conf.yml from your installation. If your local directory contains a file named gibbmers.conf.yml, load this instead.

-c path/to/config

Load config, given by parameter. Look for a file gibbmers.conf.yml in your installation for an example configuration.

English support: Currently, the default configuration is in German. There is an english version of the configuration file named gibbmers_EN.conf.yml. But this will not affect the html template, which you currently will have to translate manually.

html templates

HTML templates are currently in the __DATA__ section at the end of this script.


This is an early release. Currently the app is only in German.


Boris Däppen <>


This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Boris Däppen.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.