Changes for version 0.03 - 2007-07-25
- name chaned to Test::AskAnExpert, the old one sucked
- Timeouts are here
- get_yes/get_no are now is_yes/is_no, names are more natural
- The mock interface can now never have an answer for testing timeout functionality
- File interface now has more docs than a stub
- changed to Artistic 2.0 license
- added a signature file
Changes for version 0.02_02 - 2007-07-26
- Fixed failing tests
Changes for version 0.02_01 - 2007-07-26
- 0.03 pre-release sent for comments
Automatically test things that require Human Intelligence (by asking someone).
the superclass of all Test::AskAnExpert Interfaces
File based human interface layer for Test::AskAnExpert
Mock interface for testing Test::AskAnExpert
Data wrapper for Test::AskAnExpert questions