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pocket - interact with the Pocket API from the command line


version 0.03


pocket [command] [options ...]


 help               Displays this synopsis.
 man                Displays full documentation.
 list               Print all unread URLs in your account.
 search <string>    Print all URLs whose title or URL contains C<string>.
 favorites          Print all unread, favorite URLs.
 add <url [title]>  Add URL, optionally with title.
 archive <url>      Archive URL.
 readd <url>        Unread/unarchive URL.
 favorite <url>     Favorite URL.
 delete <url>       Delete URL.
 words              Print the number of words in all unread articles.
 authenticate       Authenticate and store credentials in C<~/.pocket>.
                    (all commands will do this automatically)

Example usage:

  $ pocket list
  Enter your consumer key: ...
  Visit and log in. When you're done, press enter to continue.

  $ pocket words --archive


This program provides several subcommands to allow you to interact with your Pocket list from the command line. It will automatically authenticate as needed, prompting you for your consumer key, and will store the returned credentials in ~/.pocket.


pocket - A command-line tool for Pocket (



Authenticates you with the Pocket API and does nothing else. Not usually necessary, since all of the following commands will automatically authenticate as necessary.


Prints the URLs in your list. By default, prints unread URLs, but also takes options to adjust the list that is returned:


Return only unread links. This is the default, but can be provided for explicitness.


Return only archived links.


Return both unread and archived links.


Return links with the given tag. This option can be passed multiple times, and may be combined with the above options.


Takes the same options as list, but instead of printing the URLs of the articles, prints the number of words in all of those articles combined.

search <string>

Returns a list of URLs whose title or URL contains string. Takes the same options as list to limit the search.


Returns a list of favorited URLs. Takes the same options as list.

add <url> [title]

Adds url to your list, optionally with the given title.

archive <url>

Moves url from your list to your archive.

readd <url>

Moves url from your archive to your list.

favorite <url>

Marks url as a favorite.

unfavorite <url>

Unmarks url as a favorite.

delete <url>

Deletes url from your list and/or archive entirely.


Jesse Luehrs <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2016 by Jesse Luehrs.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The MIT (X11) License