Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

use Dancer qw/:syntax :script/;
use Dancer::Plugin::DBIC 'schema';
use Time::Piece; # for OO localtime
use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT = ();
our @EXPORT_OK = qw/pretty_version update_stats/;
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => \@EXPORT_OK);
=head1 NAME
Update the Netdisco statistics.
There are no default exports, however the C<:all> tag will export all
=head1 EXPORT_OK
=head2 update_stats()
Update the Netdisco statistics, either new for today or updating today's
sub update_stats {
my $schema = schema(vars->{'tenant'});
eval { require SNMP::Info };
my $snmpinfo_ver = ($@ ? 'n/a' : $SNMP::Info::VERSION);
my $postgres_ver = pretty_version($schema->storage->dbh->{pg_server_version}, 2);
# roll everything back if we're testing
my $txn_guard = $ENV{ND2_DB_ROLLBACK}
? $schema->storage->txn_scope_guard : undef;
# TODO: (when we have the capabilities table?)
# $stats{waps} = sql_scalar('device',['COUNT(*)'], {"model"=>"AIR%"});
$schema->txn_do(sub {
day => localtime->ymd,
device_count =>
device_ip_count =>
device_link_count =>
( $postgres_ver =~ m/^8\./ ? 0 :
$schema->resultset('Virtual::DeviceLinks')->search(undef, {
select => [ { coalesce => [ { sum => 'aggports' }, 0 ] } ],
as => ['totlinks'],
})->get_column('totlinks')->as_query ),
device_port_count =>
device_port_up_count =>
$schema->resultset('DevicePort')->count_rs({up => 'up'})->as_query,
ip_table_count =>
ip_active_count =>
$schema->resultset('NodeIp')->search({-bool => 'active'},
{columns => 'ip', distinct => 1})->count_rs->as_query,
node_table_count =>
node_active_count =>
$schema->resultset('Node')->search({-bool => 'active'},
{columns => 'mac', distinct => 1})->count_rs->as_query,
phone_count =>
search({-bool => 'remote_is_phone'})->count_rs->as_query,
wap_count =>
search({-bool => 'remote_is_wap'})->count_rs->as_query,
netdisco_ver => pretty_version($App::Netdisco::VERSION, 3),
snmpinfo_ver => pretty_version($snmpinfo_ver, 3),
schema_ver => $schema->schema_version,
perl_ver => pretty_version($], 3),
python_ver => vars->{'python_ver'},
pg_ver => $postgres_ver,
}, { key => 'primary' });
=head2 pretty_version ( $versionstring , $seglen )
Splits a string (only numbers and dots allowed) into a number of parts which
are seglen long, then removes all leading zeros from each part and returns
the parts joined by dots as one string.
Returns the original versionstring if unallowed characters are found or seglen
is negative.
Returns C<undef> if seglen is zero.
sub pretty_version {
my ($version, $seglen) = @_;
return unless $version and $seglen;
return $version unless $seglen > 0;
return $version if $version !~ m/^[0-9.]+$/;
$version =~ s/\.//g;
$version = (join '.', reverse map {scalar reverse}
unpack("(A${seglen})*", reverse $version));
$version =~ s/\.000/.0/g;
$version =~ s/\.0+([1-9]+)/.$1/g;
return $version;