The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

package Dist::Build;
$Dist::Build::VERSION = '0.017';
use strict;
use Exporter 5.57 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw/Build Build_PL/;
use Carp qw/croak/;
use ExtUtils::Helpers 0.007 qw/split_like_shell detildefy make_executable/;
use File::Find ();
use File::Spec::Functions qw/catfile catdir abs2rel /;
use Getopt::Long 2.36 qw/GetOptionsFromArray/;
use ExtUtils::Builder::Util 'get_perl';
my $json_backend = Parse::CPAN::Meta->json_backend;
my $json = $json_backend->new->canonical->pretty->utf8;
my $serializer = 'Dist::Build::Serializer';
sub load_json {
my $filename = shift;
open my $fh, '<:raw', $filename;
my $content = do { local $/; <$fh> };
return $json->decode($content);
sub save_json {
my ($filename, $content) = @_;
open my $fh, '>:raw', $filename;
print $fh $json->encode($content);
my @options = qw/install_base=s install_path=s% installdirs=s destdir=s prefix=s config=s% uninst:1 verbose:1 dry_run:1 pureperl_only|pureperl-only:1 create_packlist=i jobs=i allow_mb_mismatch:1/;
sub get_config {
my ($meta_name, @arguments) = @_;
my %options;
GetOptionsFromArray($_, \%options, @options) or die "Could not parse arguments" for @arguments;
$options{$_} = detildefy($options{$_}) for grep { exists $options{$_} } qw/install_base destdir prefix/;
if ($options{install_path}) {
$_ = detildefy($_) for values %{ $options{install_path} };
$options{config} = ExtUtils::Config->new($options{config});
$options{install_paths} = ExtUtils::InstallPaths->new(%options, dist_name => $meta_name);
return %options;
sub Build_PL {
my ($args, $env) = @_;
my $meta = CPAN::Meta->load_file('META.json', { lazy_validation => 0 });
my @env = defined $env->{PERL_MB_OPT} ? split_like_shell($env->{PERL_MB_OPT}) : ();
my %options = get_config($meta->name, [ @{$args} ], [ @env ]);
my $planner = ExtUtils::Builder::Planner->new;
$planner->create_phony('code', 'config');
$planner->create_phony('manify', 'config');
$planner->create_phony('pure_all', 'code', 'manify', 'dynamic');
$planner->create_phony('build', 'pure_all');
$planner->add_delegate('meta', sub { $meta });
$planner->add_delegate('distribution', sub { $meta->name });
$planner->add_delegate('distribution_version', sub { $meta->version });
(my $main_module = $meta->name) =~ s/-/::/g;
$planner->add_delegate('main_module', sub { $main_module });
$planner->add_delegate('release_status', sub { $meta->release_status });
$planner->add_delegate('perl_path', sub { get_perl(config => $options{config}, %options) });
for my $variable (qw/config install_paths verbose uninst jobs pureperl_only/) {
$planner->add_delegate($variable, sub { $options{$variable} });
$planner->add_delegate('new_planner', sub {
my $inner = ExtUtils::Builder::Planner->new;
$inner->add_delegate('config', sub { $options{config} });
return $inner;
my @meta_fragments;
$planner->add_delegate('add_meta', sub {
my (undef, @fragments) = @_;
push @meta_fragments, @fragments;
my $core = $planner->new_scope;
my @blibs = map { catfile('blib', $_) } qw/lib arch bindoc libdoc script bin/;
$core->mkdir($_) for @blibs;
$core->create_phony('config', @blibs);
$core->tap_harness('test', dependencies => [ 'pure_all' ], test_dir => 't');
$core->install('install', dependencies => [ 'pure_all' ], install_map => $options{install_paths}->install_map);
for my $file (glob 'planner/*.pl') {
my $inner = $planner->new_scope;
$inner->add_delegate('self', sub { $inner });
$inner->add_delegate('outer', sub { $planner });
my $plan = $planner->materialize;
mkdir '_build' if not -d '_build';
save_json(catfile(qw/_build graph/), $serializer->serialize_plan($plan));
save_json(catfile(qw/_build params/), [ $args, \@env ]);
if (@meta_fragments) {
my $merger = CPAN::Meta::Merge->new(default_version => '2');
my $metahash = $merger->merge($meta, @meta_fragments);
$metahash->{dynamic_config} = 0;
$meta = CPAN::Meta->create($metahash, { lazy_validation => 0 });
printf "Creating new 'Build' script for '%s' version '%s'\n", $meta->name, $meta->version;
my $dir = $meta->name eq 'Dist-Build' ? 'lib' : 'inc';
open my $fh, '>:utf8', 'Build';
print $fh "#!perl\nuse lib '$dir';\nuse Dist::Build;\nBuild(\\\@ARGV, \\\%ENV);\n";
close $fh;
sub Build {
my ($args, $env) = @_;
my $meta = CPAN::Meta->load_file('MYMETA.json', { lazy_validation => 0 });
my ($bpl, $mbopts) = @{ load_json(catfile(qw/_build params/)) };
my %options = get_config($meta->name, $bpl, $mbopts, $args);
my $action = @{$args} ? shift @{$args} : 'build';
my $preplan = load_json(catfile(qw/_build graph/));
my $plan = $serializer->deserialize_plan($preplan, %options);
return $plan->run($action);
# ABSTRACT: A modern module builder, author tools not included!
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Dist::Build - A modern module builder, author tools not included!
=head1 VERSION
version 0.017
C<Dist::Build> is a Build.PL implementation. Unlike L<Module::Build::Tiny> it is extensible, unlike L<Module::Build> it uses a build graph internally which makes it easy to combine different customizations. It's typically extended by adding a C<.pl> script in C<planner/>. E.g.
dist_sharedir('share', 'Foo-Bar');
alien => 'foo',
extra_sources => [ glob 'src/*.c' ],
=head1 PLUGINS
=over 4
=item * L<Dist::Build::XS>
This plugin enables one to compile XS modules. It has a range of options, and a series of extensions that add to its capabilities.
=over 4
=item * L<Dist::Build::XS::Alien>
This is used to link to an L<Alien|Alien::Base> library.
=item * L<Dist::Build::XS::Conf>
This wraps L<ExtUtils::Builder::Conf|ExtUtils::Builder::Conf> to detect headers, libraries and features.
=item * L<Dist::Build::XS::Import>
This can be used to import headers and flags as exported by L<Dist::Build::XS::Export|Dist::Build::XS::Export>.
=item * L<Dist::Build::XS::PkgConfig>
This adds flags for a given library as configured in its pkgconfig file.
=item * L<Dist::Build::XS::WriteConstants>
This integrates L<ExtUtils::Constant|ExtUtils::Constant> into the C<add_xs> command.
=item * L<Dist::Build::ShareDir>
This allows one to install sharedirs
=item * L<Dist::Build::XS::Export>
This allows one to export headers and flags, to be imported by L<Dist::Build::XS::Import|Dist::Build::XS::Import>
=item * L<Dist::Build::DynamicPrereqs>
This allows one to dynamically evaluate dependencies.
=item * L<Dist::Build::Core>
This module contains all commands used for the base actions of the module.
By default, the following delegates are defined on your L<planner|ExtUtils::Builder::Planner>:
=over 4
=item * meta
A L<CPAN::Meta|CPAN::Meta> object representing the C<META.json> file.
=item * distribution
The name of the distribution
=item * distribution_version
The version of the distribution
=item * main_module
The main module of the distribution.
=item * release_status
The release status of the distribution (e.g. C<'stable'>).
=item * perl_path
The path to the perl executable.
=item * config
The L<ExtUtils::Config|ExtUtils::Config> object for this build
=item * install_paths
The L<ExtUtils::InstallPaths|ExtUtils::InstallPaths> object for this build.
=item * verbose
The value of the C<verbose> command line argument.
=item * uninst
The value of the C<uninst> command line argument.
=item * jobs
The value of the C<jobs> command line argument.
=item * pureperl_only
The value of the C<pureperl_only> command line argument.
=head1 AUTHOR
Leon Timmermans <>
This software is copyright (c) 2024 by Leon Timmermans.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.