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AFS::Command::BOS - OO API to the AFS bos command


    use AFS::Command::BOS;

    my $bos = AFS::Command::BOS->new();

    my $bos = AFS::Command::BOS->new
       command                  => $path_to_your_bos_binary,

    my $bos = AFS::Command::BOS->new
       localauth                => 1,


This module implements an OO API wrapper around the AFS 'bos' command. The supported methods depend on the version of the bos binary used, and are determined automagically.

METHODS -- Inherited

All of the following methods are inherited from the AFS::Command::Base class. See that documentation for details.


METHODS (with complex return values)



The bos help string is:

    bos getdate: get dates for programs
    Usage: bos getdate -server <machine name> -file <files to check>+ [-dir <destination dir>]
                       [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->getdate
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       file                     => $file, # OR [ $file1, $file2, ... ]
       # Optional arguments
       dir                      => $dir,
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,
Return Values

This method returns an AFS::Object::BosServer object, which contains one or more generic AFS::Object, one for each file specified in the arguments.

    my $result = $bos->getdate
       file                             => [ 'bosserver', 'vlserver', 'ptserver' ],
       cell                             => $cell,
      ) || die $bos->errors();

    foreach my $fileobj ( $result->getFiles() ) {
        my ($file,$date) = ($fileobj->file(),$fileobj->date());
        print "File $file has date $date\n";

Each of these objects has the following attributes and methods:


This object is nothing more than a container for the generic objects for each file. It has several methods for extracting the file objects:

    Methods                     Returns
    -------                     -------
    getFileNames()              a list of filenames
    getFiles()                  a list of AFS::Object objects
    getFile($filename)          the AFS::Object object for $filename


The following attributes should always be present:

    Attributes                  Values
    ----------                  ------
    file                        fully qualified pathname to the file
    date                        last modified timestamp on the file

The following attributes may be present, if there are .BAK or .OLD versions of the file.

    Attributes                  Values
    ----------                  ------
    bak                         last modified timestamp on the .BAK file
    old                         last modified timestamp on the .OLD file



The bos help string is:

    bos getlog: examine log file
    Usage: bos getlog -server <machine name> -file <log file to examine>
                      [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->getlog
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       file                     => $file,
       # Optional arguments
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,
       # Enhanced arguments
       redirect                 => $redirect,

The 'redirect' argument is the name of a file to "redirect" the log file to. By default, 'bos getlog' dumps the contents of the requested file to stdout, which is not what you normally want in an application. The value of this argument is passed directly to IO::File->open().

If this argument is not specified, then the contents of the logfile are stashed in an attribute of the returned object.

Return Values

This method returns an AFS::Object::BosServer object, which contains one attribute.

    my $result = $bos->getlog
       server                   => $server,
       file                     => "/usr/afs/logs/VolserLog",
       redirect                 => "/var/tmp/VolserLog.$$",
      ) || die $bos->errors();

    my $logfile = IO::File->new("</var/tmp/VolserLog.$$") ||
      die "Unable to open logfile: $ERRNO\n";

    while ( defined($_ = $logfile->getline()) ) {

    # Alternately, the memory pig way:

    my $result = $bos->getlog
       server                   => $server,
       file                     => "/usr/afs/logs/VolserLog",

    foreach ( split(/\n+/,$result->log()) ) {

The object has the following attribute:


    Attributes                  Values
    ----------                  ------
    log                         Contents of the logfile, or the redirect pathname

If redirect was given, then this attribute is simply same pathname. If redirect was not given, then the value of this attribute is the contents of the requested logfile, as a single (potentially huge) string.

NOTE: Since this method is usually invoked to retrieve one of the AFS logfiles, which can be enormous on heavily loaded servers that have not been restarted in a while, use of the redirect option is strongly encouraged. If not used, the memory allocated to store the logfile may be prohibitively large. Developer beware.



The bos help string is:

    bos getrestart: get restart times
    Usage: bos getrestart -server <machine name> [-cell <cell name>]
                          [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->getrestart
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       # Optional arguments
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,
Return Values

This method returns an AFS::Object::BosServer object, which contains two attributes.

    my $result = $bos->getrestart
       server                   => $server,
       cell                     => $cell,
      ) || die $bos->errors();
    print "Binary restart time is " . $result->binaries() . "\n";
    print "Server restart time is " . $result->restart() . "\n";

The object has the following attributes:


    Attributes                  Values
    ----------                  ------
    restart                     The server restart time
    binaries                    The restart time when there are new, updated binaries



The bos help string is:

    bos listhosts: get cell host list
    Usage: bos listhosts -server <machine name> [-cell <cell name>]
                         [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->listhosts
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       # Optional arguments
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,
Return Values

This method returns an AFS::Object::BosServer object, which contains one attribute.

    my $result = $bos->listhosts
       server                   => $server,
       cell                     => $cell,
      ) || die $bos->errors();
    my $hosts = $result->hosts();
    print "Server $server in cell $cell has hosts:\n"
    foreach my $host ( @$hosts ) {
        print "\t$host\n";

The object has the following attributes:


    Attributes                  Values
    ----------                  ------
    hosts                       ARRAY reference of hostnames
    cell                        Cell name



The bos help string is:

    bos listkeys: list keys
    Usage: bos listkeys -server <machine name> [-showkey]
                        [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]
    Where: -showkey    show the actual key rather than the checksum

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->listkeys
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       # Optional arguments
       showkey                  => 1,
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,
Return Values

This method returns an AFS::Object::BosServer object, which contains one or more AFS::Object objects, each of which represents a single authentication key on the server.

    my $result = $bos->listkeys
       server                   => $server,
       cell                     => $cell,
      ) || die $bos->errors();
    print "Server $server in cell $cell has the following keys:\n";
    foreach my $key ( $result->getKeys() ) {
        my ($index,$cksum) = ($key->index(),$key->cksum());
        print "\t$index => $cksum\n";

    my $result = $bos->listkeys
       server                   => $server,
       cell                     => $cell,
       showkey                  => 1,
      ) || die $bos->errors();
    print "Server $server in cell $cell has the following keys:\n";
    foreach my $key ( $result->getKeys() ) {
        my ($index,$value) = ($key->index(),$key->value());
        print "\t$index => $cksum\n";

The objects have the following attributes and methods:


    Attributes                  Values
    ----------                  ------
    keychanged                  Date the keys were last changed

    Methods                     Returns
    -------                     -------
    getKeyIndexes()             list of numeric key indexes
    getKeys()                   list of AFS::Object objects
    getKey($index)              the AFS::Object object for the key with index $index


The following attribute is always present:

    Attributes                  Values
    ----------                  ------
    index                       Numeric index of the key

The following attribute is present when the 'showkey' argument is given:

    Attributes                  Values
    ----------                  ------
    value                       Value of the key, in octal, as a string

The following attribute is present when the 'showkey' argument is NOT given:

    Attributes                  Values
    ----------                  ------
    cksum                       Numeric check sum of the key



The bos help string is:

    bos listusers: list super-users
    Usage: bos listusers -server <machine name> [-cell <cell name>]
                         [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->listusers
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       # Optional arguments
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,
Return Values

This method returns an AFS::Object::BosServer object, which contains one attribute.

    my $result = $bos->listusers
       server                   => $server,
       cell                     => $cell,
      ) || die $bos->errors();
    my $users = $result->susers();
    print "Server $server in cell $cell has users:\n"
    foreach my $user ( @$users ) {
        print "\t$user\n";

The object has the following attribute:


    Attributes                  Values
    ----------                  ------
    susers                      ARRAY reference of super user names



The bos help string is:

    bos status: show server instance status
    Usage: bos status -server <machine name> [-instance <server process name>+]
                      [-long] [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]
    Where: -long       long status

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->status
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       # Optional arguments
       instance                 => $instance, # OR [ $inst1, $inst2, ... ],
       cell                     => $cell,
       long                     => 1,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,
Return Values

This method returns an AFS::Object::BosServer object, which contains one optional attribute, and one or more AFS::Object::Instance objects, each of which represents a single instance of a bosserver managed process on the server.

    my $result = $bos->status
       server                   => $server,
       long                             => 1,
      ) || die $bos->errors();
    foreach my $instanceobj ( $result->getInstances() ) {
        my $instance            = $instanceobj->instance();
        my $status                      = $instanceobj->status();
        print "Instance $instance has status $status\n";
        foreach my $commandobj ( $instance->getCommands() ) {
            my $index           = $commandobj->index();
            my $command         = $commandobj->command();
            print "\tCmd $index is '$command'\n";

The objects have the following attributes and methods:


The following attribute is only present when "bos status" reports inappropriate access on directories:

    Attributes                  Values
    ----------                  ------
    access                      Boolean, true indicating a potential security problem

The following methods can be used to extract the instance objects:

    Methods                     Returns
    -------                     -------
    getInstanceNames()          list of instance names
    getInstances()              list of AFS::Object::Instance objects
    getInstance($name)          one AFS::Object::Instance object for the instance $name


The following attributes are always present:

    Attributes                  Values
    ----------                  ------
    instance                    Name of the instance
    status                      Status string (running normally, shutdown, etc.)

The following attribute is always present is the instance is of type 'cron':

    Attributes                  Values
    ----------                  ------
    auxiliary                   Auxiliary status (date the next execution)

The following attributes are always available when the 'long' argument is specified:

    Attributes                  Values
    ----------                  ------
    type                        "cron", "simple", or "fs"
    startdate                   Date when the process was last started
    startcount                  Number of times the process has started,
                                since the bosserver was started
    exitdate                    Date when the process last exited

The following attributes are optionally available, depending on the state of the instance, when the 'long' argument is specified:

    Attributes                  Values
    ----------                  ------
    notifier                    Path to the notifier application for this instance
    state                       "temporarily disabled", or "disabled", or "temporarily enabled"
    errorstop                   Boolean, indicating the process was
                                "stopped for too many errors"
    core                        Boolean, indicating the instance has a core file
    errorexitdate               Date when the process last exited with an error
    errorexitdue                "shutdown", or "signal", or "code" (present only when
                                "errorexitdate" attribute is present)
    errorexitsignal             Signal that cause the error exit (present only when
                                "errorexitdue" eq "signal")
    errorexitcode               Exit code from last error exit (present only when
                                "errorexitdue" eq "code")

The following methods can be used to extract the command objects, which are also only present when the 'long' argument is specified.

    Methods                     Returns
    -------                     -------
    getCommandIndexes()         list of numeric indexes for the commands
    getCommands()               list of AFS::Object objects for all commands
    getCommand($index)          the AFS::Object object for the command with index $index

AFS::Object (Commands)

The following pair of attributes are always present:

    Attributes                  Values
    ----------                  ------
    index                       Numerical index of the command
    command                     Command string

METHODS (with simple return values)

All of the following commands return a simple Boolean (true/false) value, if they succeed or fail.


The bos help string is:

    bos addhost: add host to cell dbase
    Usage: bos addhost -server <machine name> -host <host name>+
                       [-clone] [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]
    Where: -clone      vote doesn't count

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->addhost
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       host                     => $host, # OR [ $host1, $host2, ... ]
       # Optional arguments
       clone                    => 1,
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos addkey: add keys to key dbase (kvno 999 is bcrypt)
    Usage: bos addkey -server <machine name> [-key <key>] -kvno <key version number>
                      [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->addkey
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       kvno                     => $kvno,
       # Optional arguments
       key                      => $key,
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos adduser: add users to super-user list
    Usage: bos adduser -server <machine name> -user <user names>+
                       [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->adduser
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       user                     => $user, # OR [ $user1, $user2, ... ]
       # Optional arguments
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos blockscanner: block scanner daemon from making migration requests
    Usage: bos blockscanner -server <machine name> [-cell <cell name>]
                            [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->blockscanner
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       # Optional arguments
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos create: create a new server instance
    Usage: bos create -server <machine name> -instance <server process name>
                      -type <server type> -cmd <command lines>+ [-notifier <Notifier program>]
                      [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->create
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       instance                 => $instance,
       type                     => $type,
       cmd                      => $cmd, # OR [ $cmd1, $cmd2, ... ]
       # Optional arguments
       notifier                 => $notifier,
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos delete: delete a server instance
    Usage: bos delete -server <machine name> -instance <server process name>+
                      [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->delete
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       instance                 => $instance, # OR [ $inst1, $inst2, ... ]
       # Optional arguments
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos exec: execute shell command on server
    Usage: bos exec -server <machine name> -cmd <command to execute>
                    [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->exec
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       cmd                      => $cmd,
       # Optional arguments
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos install: install program
    Usage: bos install -server <machine name> -file <files to install>+
                       [-dir <destination dir>] [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->install
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       file                     => $file, # OR [ $file1, $file2, ... ]
       # Optional arguments
       dir                      => $dir,
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos prune: prune server files
    Usage: bos prune -server <machine name> [-bak] [-old] [-core] [-all]
                     [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]
    Where: -bak        delete .BAK files
           -old        delete .OLD files
           -core       delete core files
           -all        delete all junk files

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->prune
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       # Optional arguments
       bak                      => 1,
       old                      => 1,
       core                     => 1,
       all                      => 1,
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos removehost: remove host from cell dbase
    Usage: bos removehost -server <machine name> -host <host name>+
                          [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->removehost
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       host                     => $host, # OR [ $host1, $host2, ... ]
       # Optional arguments
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos removekey: remove keys from key dbase
    Usage: bos removekey -server <machine name> -kvno <key version number>+
                         [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->removekey
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       kvno                     => $kvno, # OR [ $kvno1, $kvno2, ... ]
       # Optional arguments
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos removeuser: remove users from super-user list
    Usage: bos removeuser -server <machine name> -user <user names>+
                          [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->removeuser
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       user                     => $user, # OR [ $user1, $user2, ... ]
       # Optional arguments
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos restart: restart processes
    Usage: bos restart -server <machine name> [-instance <instances>+] [-bosserver]
                       [-all] [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]
    Where: -bosserver  restart bosserver
           -all        restart all processes

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->restart
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       # Optional arguments
       instance                 => $instance, # OR [ $inst1, $inst2, ... ]
       bosserver                => 1,
       all                      => 1,
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos salvage: salvage partition or volumes
    Usage: bos salvage -server <machine name> [-partition <salvage partition>]
                       [-volume <salvage volume number or volume name>]
                       [-file <salvage log output file>] [-all] [-showlog]
                       [-parallel <# of max parallel partition salvaging>]
                       [-tmpdir <directory to place tmp files>]
                       [-orphans <ignore | remove | attach>] [-debug] [-nowrite]
                       [-force] [-oktozap] [-rootfiles] [-salvagedirs] [-blockreads]
                       [-ListResidencies] [-SalvageRemote] [-SalvageArchival]
                       [-IgnoreCheck] [-ForceOnLine] [-UseRootDirACL]
                       [-TraceBadLinkCounts] [-DontAskFS] [-LogLevel <(MR-AFS) log level>]
                       [-rxdebug] [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]
    Where: -all                 salvage whole server
           -showlog             display salvage log
           -debug               (MR-AFS) Run in Debugging mode
           -nowrite             (MR-AFS) Run readonly/test mode
           -force               (MR-AFS) Force full salvaging
           -oktozap             (MR-AFS) Give permission to destroy bogus file residencies/volumes - debugging flag
           -rootfiles           (MR-AFS) Show files owned by root - debugging flag
           -salvagedirs         (MR-AFS) Force rebuild/salvage of all directories
           -blockreads          (MR-AFS) Read smaller blocks to handle IO/bad blocks
           -ListResidencies     (MR-AFS) Just list affected file residencies - debugging flag
           -SalvageRemote       (MR-AFS) Salvage storage systems that are not directly attached
           -SalvageArchival     (MR-AFS) Salvage HSM storage systems
           -IgnoreCheck         (MR-AFS) Don't perform VLDB safety check when deleting unreferenced files.
                                         Only a good idea in single server cell.
           -ForceOnLine         (MR-AFS) Force the volume to come online, even if it hasn't salvaged cleanly.
           -UseRootDirACL       (MR-AFS) Use the root directory ACL for lost+found directory if it is created.
           -TraceBadLinkCounts  (MR-AFS) Print out lines about volume reference count changes.
           -DontAskFS           (MR-AFS) Don't ask fileserver to take volume offline.  THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS.
           -rxdebug             (MR-AFS) Write out rx debug information.

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->salvage
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       # Optional arguments
       partition                => $partition,
       volume                   => $volume,
       file                     => $file,
       all                      => 1,
       showlog                  => 1,
       parallel                 => $parallel,
       tmpdir                   => $tmpdir,
       orphans                  => $orphans,
       debug                    => 1,
       nowrite                  => 1,
       force                    => 1,
       oktozap                  => 1,
       rootfiles                => 1,
       salvagedirs              => 1,
       blockreads               => 1,
       ListResidencies          => 1,
       SalvageRemote            => 1,
       SalvageArchival          => 1,
       IgnoreCheck              => 1,
       ForceOnLine              => 1,
       UseRootDirACL            => 1,
       TraceBadLinkCounts       => 1,
       DontAskFS                => 1,
       LogLevel                 => $loglevel,
       rxdebug                  => 1,
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos setauth: set authentication required flag
    Usage: bos setauth -server <machine name>
                       -authrequired <on or off: authentication required for admin requests>
                       [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->setauth
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       authrequired             => $authrequired,
       # Optional arguments
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos setcellname: set cell name
    Usage: bos setcellname -server <machine name> -name <cell name>
                           [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->setcellname
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       name                     => $name,
       # Optional arguments
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos setrestart: set restart times
    Usage: bos setrestart -server <machine name> -time <time to restart server>
                          [-general] [-newbinary] [-cell <cell name>]
                          [-noauth] [-localauth]
    Where: -general    set general restart time
           -newbinary  set new binary restart time

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->setrestart
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       time                     => $time,
       # Optional arguments
       general                  => 1,
       newbinary                => 1,
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos shutdown: shutdown all processes
    Usage: bos shutdown -server <machine name> [-instance <instances>+]
                        [-wait] [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]
    Where: -wait       wait for process to stop

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->shutdown
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       # Optional arguments
       instance                 => $instance, # OR [ $inst1, $inst2, ... ]
       wait                     => 1,
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos start: start running a server
    Usage: bos start -server <machine name> -instance <server process name>+
                     [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->start
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       # Optional arguments
       instance                 => $instance, # OR [ $inst1, $inst2, ... ]
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos startup: start all processes
    Usage: bos startup -server <machine name> [-instance <instances>+]
                       [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->startup
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       # Optional arguments
       instance                 => $instance, # OR [ $inst1, $inst2, ... ]
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos stop: halt a server instance
    Usage: bos stop -server <machine name> -instance <server process name>+
                    [-wait] [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]
    Where: -wait       wait for process to stop

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->stop
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       instance                 => $instance, # OR [ $inst1, $inst2, ... ]
       # Optional arguments
       wait                     => 1,
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

    bos unblockscanner: allow scanner daemon to make migration requests again
    Usage: bos unblockscanner -server <machine name>
                              [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->unblockscanner
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       # Optional arguments
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


The bos help string is:

bos uninstall: uninstall program Usage: bos uninstall -server <machine name> -file <files to uninstall>+ [-dir <destination dir>] [-cell <cell name>] [-noauth] [-localauth]

The corresponding method invocation looks like:

    my $result = $bos->uninstall
       # Required arguments
       server                   => $server,
       file                     => $file, # OR [ $file1, $file2, ... ]
       # Optional arguments
       dir                      => $dir,
       cell                     => $cell,
       noauth                   => 1,
       localauth                => 1,


AFS::Command(1), AFS::Object(1)