Acme::Cow::Example - How to write a "derived cow"


package Acme::Cow::MyCow;
use Acme::Cow;
@Acme::Cow::MyCow::ISA = qw(Acme::Cow);

my $my_cow = <<'EOC';
... template goes here ...

sub new { ... }

sub as_string { ... }


First, put together your template as described in Acme::Cow, using Text::Template as a reference. It is recommended that you store this template in a variable in your package's namespace. Your template should not have tab characters in it. This will cause ugly things to happen.

Your new method will likely want to look a lot like this:

    sub new 
	my $proto = shift;
	my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
	my $self = $class->SUPER::new();
	return $self;

Assuming you stored the template as $my_cow then your as_string method will likely want to be like this:

    sub as_string
	my $self = shift;
	return $self->SUPER::as_string($my_cow);

Below, we present the actual code in this module, so you can see it in action. Yes, you can use this module to produce ASCII art. No, it won't be very exciting.

Acme::Cow::Example code

    package Acme::Cow::Example;

    use strict;

    use Acme::Cow;

    @Acme::Cow::Example::ISA = qw(Acme::Cow);

    my $generic_ascii_art = <<'EOC'; 
	 {$el}{$er}               {$tr}
    / Insert cute ASCII \
    \ artwork here.     /

    sub new 
	my $proto = shift;
	my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
	my $self = $class->SUPER::new();
	return $self;

    sub as_string
	my $self = shift;
	return $self->SUPER::as_string($generic_ascii_art);


The {$balloon} directive is flush left, but due to the call to over() in the new() method, it will be shoved over 24 spaces to the right, to line up with the thought/speech lines (represented by {$tr}).


Included with the Acme::Cow distribution is a short program called cowpm which takes care of most of the boilerplate stuff for you. It's almost as simple as just add ASCII art but there's still a bit that you have to fill in. It has its own documentation; you should peruse cowpm.


Acme::Cow, cowpm


Tony Monroe <tmonroe plus perl at nog dot net>


Very few.