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Amazon::S3::Thin::ResponseParser - A parser for S3 XML responses


    use Amazon::S3::Thin;
    use Amazon::S3::Thin::ResponseParser;

    my $s3client = Amazon::S3::Thin->new({
        aws_access_key_id     => $aws_access_key_id,
        aws_secret_access_key => $aws_secret_access_key,
        region                => $region, # e.g. 'ap-northeast-1'

    my $response_parser = Amazon::S3::Thin::ResponseParser->new();

    my $res = $s3_client->list_objects($bucket);
    die $res->status_line if $res->is_error;
    my ($list_objects, $error) = $response_parser->list_objects($res->content);
    die $error->{message} if $error;
    # Print a list of the object keys in the bucket:
    print join "\n", map { $_->{key} } @{$list_objects->{contents}};


Amazon::S3::Thin::ResponseParser parses an XML response from S3 API.

This module provides a helper for the list_objects API which provide by Amazon::S3::Thin.


$response_parser = Amazon::S3::Thin::ResponseParser->new();
$response_parser = Amazon::S3::Thin::ResponseParser->new(xml => $xml);

This will create a new instance of Amazon::S3::Thin::ResponseParser.

If you specify the xml => $xml argument, you can replace the XML parser. The $xml should be an instance of XML::LibXML.

$error = $response_parser->error($content);
    my $res = $s3_client->get_object($bucket, $key);
    if ($res->is_error) {
        my $error = $response_parser->error($res->content);
        if ($error->{code} eq 'NoSuchKey') {
            die 'no such key';
        } else {
            warn $error->{code}, $error->{message};

This takes an XML response as $content and it will return an error. The $content should be valid XML formed Error Responses.

$error is a hashref that looks like following form.

        code       => 'NoSuchKey',
        message    => 'The resource you requested does not exist',
        resource   => '/mybucket/myfoto.jpg',
        request_id => '4442587FB7D0A2F9',
($list_objects, $error) = $response_parser->list_objects($content);

This takes an XML response as $content and it will return a list of objects and an error if the $content has Error Responses. The $content should be valid XML formed GET Bucket (List Objects) Version 2 or GET Bucket (List Objects) Version 1.

$list_objects is a hashref that looks like following form. undef is returned if there is the $error.

        common_prefixes         => [],
        contents                => [
                etag          => 'fba9dede5f27731c9771645a39863328',
                key           => 'my-image.jpg',
                last_modified => '2009-10-12T17:50:30.000Z',
                owner         => {
                    display_name => '',
                    id           => ''
                size          => 434234,
                storage_class => 'STANDARD'
        delimiter               => '',
        encoding_type           => '',
        is_truncated            => 0,
        max_keys                => 1000,
        name                    => 'bucket',
        prefix                  => '',
        # v1
        marker                  => '',
        next_marker             => '',
        # v2
        continuation_token      => '',
        next_continuation_token => '',
        key_count               => 205,
        start_after             => '',

$error is a hashref that looks like following form. undef is returned if there is the $list_objects.

        code       => 'NoSuchKey',
        message    => 'The resource you requested does not exist',
        resource   => '/mybucket/myfoto.jpg',
        request_id => '4442587FB7D0A2F9',




Copyright (C) Takumi Akiyama.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Takumi Akiyama <>