

#Make sure Apache has mod_perl compiled in #Your httpd.conf should look like this:

<Location "/my_app">
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlSetVar AppCLibs "/usr/local/my_libs; \
   PerlSetVar AppCModules "Some::Module; \
   		AnotherModule; Test::Module;"
   PerlHandler Apache::AppCluster::Server


Apache::AppCluster::Server sets up your apache httpd to act as a mod_perl application server for Apache::AppCluster::Client. Most of the work happens on the client side (see related docs). All you need to do on the server side is install the module and set up your httpd.conf correctly as above.

Apache spawns several child processes (up to 255) which handle multiple requests as they come in. This module allows your server to process multiple concurrent remote method calls from a client while taking advantage of the persistence and other performance benifits mod_perl has to offer.


You configure the server using PerlSetVar statements followed by the variable followed by the value. Your value can span multiple lines provided you end each line with a \ character. Each value must be enclosed in double quotes.


AppCLibs is used to specify any directories that contain modules you will be calling from Apache::AppCluster::Client. Directories must be seperated by semi-colons. Each directory specified is added to @INC when the server is started in preparation for the 'use' statement called for each module in AppCModules.


AppCModules is used to specify all modules you will be calling from Apache::AppCluster::Client. Modules are seperated by semi-colons and their full names must be specified as if you were including the name in a 'use' statement. Check the apache error_log for warnings about not being able to 'use' modules you've specified in AppCModules. Modules are parsed by the server when it is started up to take advantage of mod_perl's persistence.


Your Apache::AppCluster::Server needs to be configured to handle a specific uri. You can use any location you like:

<Location "/blah">
  #config info - see SYNOPSIS for an example

Your Apache::AppCluster::Client must then set the url for each request registered to point to that uri. See the Client documentation for details.


None known. Please send any to the author.




Mark Maunder <> - Any problems, suggestions, bugs etc.. are welcome.