Apache::DBI::Cache::ImaDBI - make Apache::DBI::Cache work with Class::DBI
In your httpd.conf:
In your httpd.conf:
In your httpd.conf:
This module provides one method that is designed to override the way Ima::DBI caches its DBI handle. Normally the handle is connected once and saved in a closure. With Apache::DBI::Cache::ImaDBI the handle is cached by means of Apache::DBI::Cache. Once per Apache request cycle if a class is used for this request a handle is obtained from the cache.
This means:
A classes DBI handle stays the same over an Apache request cycle but may change between cycles.
Multiple classes can use the same handle if used in different request cylces.
If multiple classes use the same database and these classes are used in one request cycle then each class gets its own handle.
Normally your classes are designed to work not only with Apache::DBI::Cache. Hence, your classes don't know also about Apache::DBI::Cache::ImaDBI. But your classes inherit from Class::DBI and Class::DBI inherits from Ima::DBI.
To get our special method called Apache::DBI::Cache::ImaDBI is used in one of these ways:
The first 2 usages are exactly the same. Our special method is inserted directly into Ima::DBI. Thus, all classes based on Ima::DBI inherit it.
The 3rd usage inserts our method into Class::DBI. Thus, all classes based on it inherit our method but classes that are base directly on Ima::DBI do not.
In the 4th case our method is inserted into individual classes only.
Another way to use Apache::DBI::Cache::ImaDBI is by inheriting from it:
Here it is necessary that Apache::DBI::Cache::ImaDBI cames before Class::DBI or Ima::DBI.
I think that is not the preferred way because it requires source code modification of your classes.
Torsten Foertsch, <>
Copyright (C) 2006 by Torsten Foertsch
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.